Best games only
>Great soundtrack
>Great story
>Actions actually mean something to the story
>Has good gunplay and weapons feel powerful
>Great locations and sounds, the Mojave is plain beautiful
Why are'nt you playing New vegas user?

Attached: 220px-Fallout_New_Vegas.jpg (220x252, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Crusader Kings 2 big favourite of mine.
I didn't enjoy New Vegas I don't like any of the Fallout games. Just not my thing I guess.

>Has good gunplay and weapons feel powerful

dis 1 is god gaem
change my mind
you can't

Attached: Witcher 3.jpg (2560x1600, 1.28M)

>Has good gunplay and weapons feel powerful
I don't think you've ever actually played New Vegas.

played it plenty on steam and xbox, whole heartldy believe this fren

actually, beat it 2 times on xbox and 1 time on steam now that i recall kek

I still havent played a game that held a candle to this in terms of immersion. Maybe the first Bioshock came close.

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Half life 2 fucking sucks

I'm only not playing New Vegas because I recently bought the Fallout classic collection on steam.

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>Great atmosphere, feels like the movies
>Solid story for a 2.5 D 90's fps
>Large weapon set
>Secrets to find
>Best Star Wars EU character

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work of art imo

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>Why are'nt you playing New vegas user?
because I'm playing Fallout 4 right now. I know it's inferior but I really like urban fallout locations and survival mode is pretty fun

This kills the /v/ poster. I agree tho, hope it gets a sequel one day.

>Mojave is plain beautiful

No. It really isnt OP. Great game, not great to look at in the slightest.

But yeah I think pic related is pretty fantastic to this day.

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But I am playing New Vegas, user.
Just not right now, 'cause NCR MPs and Rangers still attack me, even though I'm buddy-buddy with the NCR.

>"your favorite game sucks"
>doesnt post their own favorite

Its okay and Fallout 4 is okay too user

Because you're probably wearing faction armor

NCR Ranger Combat Armor. If I take it off, I'm getting attacked by all NCR guys. It's like I'm an enemy of the state, even though I've done nothing to piss off the NCR.

I also tried the Console, set my NCR fame to Max and Infamy to 0.

Maybe it's 'cause I'm Accepted by the Khans or something?

>Has good gunplay and weapons feel powerful
Turn off the mods and then tell us how the weapons feel

Okay, what am I missing? The gunplay in NV feels fine and fun to me.

>Why are'nt you playing New vegas user?
Cuz I stupidly jumped into Hoover Dam thinking I could beat it when I failed to realize Lannius is on horse steroids and even Gauss rifle shots bounce off of him like paintballs.

This. I must be approaching New Vegas level times on Fallout 4. I've been having a lot of fun settlement building like an idiot.

>mfw I watch the Legate hit Veronica with a stone cold stunner and she goes down like a fat kid on a seesaw

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>GOD TIER sound track
>GOD TIER world building
>clunky but fun combat

Attached: mass effect.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

It's absolutely abysmal compared to almost any other game especially for a 2010 game

ahh this takes me back
they dont make em like they used to

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I think I've just grown tired of modern openworld games. I started and the characters were boring, only remember the cowboy robot. Went to the buffalo hotel and just thought it all a drag. Dumb Cali rangers can't handle a little over a dozen raiders while I'm here literally cutting them all up with a knife. I'll just skip to Fallout 1 Best doom-clone

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Don't forget the good indie games now

I'm a sucker for atmosphere and this game makes me diamonds

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System shock 1+2, fallout NV, GTA;SA, RDR, LA Noire, Dragon Age Origins, SMT: Strange Journey
Off the top of my head

can't run it on my computer

What kind of a toaster can't run FNV

You're a dumb fuck. You wanna know why?


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I think I play Dragon Age: Origins & Awakenings at least once a year. It's my go-to comfy game. A shame what happened to BioWare.

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But I actually am playing new vegas right now. Actually in the middle of old world blues upgrading the toaster and cursing the lack of shotgun ammo

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I REALLY enjoyed Persona 5, I rarely ever enjoy any games these days

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mako wasn't a fun part of me1

I remember cursing the annoying spawn rate of enemies in the Big MT. Seriously, I don't remember not getting shot at when outdoors over there.

How can you not be in love with a tank that steers like a drunken, blind rhinocero... oh.

Yeah, okay, maybe it was only fun for me

New vegas gunplay is clunky, spastic, and all around terrible
But we have V.AT.S. so it's okay

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new vegas was GOAT outside of the map, the railroading was dumb

>exit the sink
>sneak mode activated
>whip out modded hunting revolver
>put on a hat
>per +1
>reading glasses
>per +2
>oh yeah. I got this now
>enemies on radar
>flank em
>line up my shot
>tap, tap, tap
>feel like a bad ass
>suddenly my ass is getting beat
>what the hell?!
>spin around
>swarm of cazadores from nowhere
>flying fucks literally just spawned on me without warning
>exit the sink
>well shit

Attached: dammit_cazadores_by_suffaric-d4w4cfo.png (800x350, 288K)

You didn't HAVE to go around, you could skip straight to Vegas, I've done it before, it's just that it was very dangerous to try to.

My first play I cut straight north after the tutorials.
Many reloads later I arived at the strip with no ammo, half my health, and only level 3.
>fuck the warning signs
>fuck cazadores
>fuck deathclaws

I've been playing MGS:V a lot lately.
>great stealth
>story's hard to follow but okay
>really enjoy knocking people on their ass with an anti-material rifle
>little sister watches me play and asks me to explain what's going on
All in all i really enjoy it

tfw no older sibling to watch play video games

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>storys hard to follow

its borderline nonsensical/nonexistent. And I love the MGS franchise.

>Has good gunplay

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The gunplay in Fallout 4 is still terrible

I have the game, but I had never played a metal gear game before, so the first mission was confusing as shit and just bizarre in general. That game can be like a bad acid trip.

Metro last light. Why is this thread on r9k?

Sorry, I just like better games

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I really liked Origins but I couldn't get into Awakening. No idea why. But I replay Origins every now and then.
I had fun with DA2.

>I actually didn't mind NV gunplay
am i retarded, or do i just not give a shit?

also RDR was fucking incredible, can't wait for RDR2

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Obvious bait is obvious. New Vegas has a multitude of problems but it's miles ahead of Fallout 3

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It isn't bad but I wouldn't say it is a positive point.
RDR is amazing I love it. I have no hope for RDR2.

Dark Souls is probably my favorite game of all time. I never get bored of it, I even love the second half.

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originally why? it looks good to me, user. My only worry is John's voice actor since Rob has stated he doesn't have interest in going back into the games industry. He seems overall positive about the experience, so it isn't impossible.

Best game of the year coming through

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I played GTAV

Earlier this year I got halfway through Xenoblade Chronicles before school stopped me from playing games. It was a really fun game, it just let me sink back into my inner kid.
Aside from that I've been getting into Ace Combat.
I beat 3 and am working my way through 4/5.
On the side I've been playing a few PSX Jrpgs.

FFVII is really great, call me a vanillafag, but it's a top tier game.

Attached: FFVII Battle screen (chocobo).gif (500x247, 133K)

Been playing a lot of monster hunter recently. Me and a friend have been doing all the hunts as a duo and it's been super fun. Deviljho is finally out as well.

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lol i was a kid when i played ff7 and i cried when Aeris died. Even though this was inadvertently spoiled for me by a friend during a walk along the beach, I disbelieved it and convinced myself they wouldn't let me level her up that much just to let her die...

bait indeed. but personally I actually do prefer over NV

>still playing fps games

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Played it for the plot

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>check this unoriginal guy out

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series esp. Shadow of chenobyl and call or pripyat are awesome games and metro 2033 + last light are also really fun to play, really well crafted atmosphere and general aesthetics

Diablo 2 reporting in

I love this game so much

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>little sister watches me play and asks me to explain what's going on
That brought back some wholesome memories. Now my sister's just another vapid normalfag, I couldn't save her.

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I still listen to the soundtrack. 10/10