tell me a random detail about your body only you know
like for example I have a weird mark on my right index finger
tell me a random detail about your body only you know
like for example I have a weird mark on my right index finger
>only you know
my dick is almost 8 inches long
I have a birthmark on the bottom inside of my left buttcheek. It looks like I always have poop smeared up my butt.
Aye, me too.
But on a rare occasion I think it actually reaches 8 inches
I have lipoma ("A fatty lump most often situated between the skin and underlying muscle layer.") on my back, behind my liver and to the right of my spine.
Got a scar on my right hip that looks like self harm scars but I just fell over on a beach in shallow water
Parts of my pubes curl into springs when wet
I have a cut on my thigh that has been there for years, and my foreskin doesn't peel back all the way.
I have a scar on my dick from a wart that was removed as a result of hpv
Is that like ligma?
i have a huge birthmark on my right ass cheek
I have a giant mole someplace.
I have another one somewhere else :DDD
I have strong smelling discharge and I've seen my obgyn about it; no infections, bacterial or yeast. No other symptoms. It's normal for me
I guess my obgyn knows but I haven't told another person until today
I have a mole on my dick
You have anymore pics like that user
I've got this one.
Otherwise search for the artists with saucenao and go through the recs and their collections.
My left middle finger has a pattern on the knuckle that looks like a smiling face with its eyes closed. I'm convinced that it's a manifestation of my stillborn older brother, telling me that he's still here and watching over me.
I have 4 nipples.
Forgot pic
>My left middle finger has a pattern on the knuckle that looks like a smiling face with its eyes closed.
Post a pic user
I have a birth mark on the tip of my dick.
My nipples dont poke out, they kind of go in on themselves. Apparently it's because my milk ducts are small or something like that
I got increasing in number and size beauty marks ala moles around my big penis and on my sexy pelvic bone
when I was a baby I had surgery on my dick that the doctor fucked up along the bottom side, paired with my pasty skin its one of the ugliest penises on the planet. I'm super insecure about it and to cope I fetishized it. No i'm not going to post a picture.
My left nipple has a has an almost 2 mm sized trench going through it horizontally.
Holy shit I hate a buttmark too, but mine's on my right cheek, we were made for each other!
I have hyposmia. I think I spelled that right. I have little to no sense of smell.
My sternum curves out so I have a weird bump in between/below my pecs
I have a dime-sized mole directly 1.5 inches above my penis. Nobody's seen it because I'm a khv
Here you go, user. Original knuckle.
same here. and a birthmark ;__;
So you too are kept incel about your fucked up penis? Yey im not alone!
I have a mole on my outer left pussy lip
(thinking about getting it removed desu)
i have a hard cyst that keeps growing in the same spot on my dick in the shape of a sesame seed and every year or so i cut it out with an exatco knife
I have a tampon in my ass.
One of my big toes is bigger than the other.
see a derm? it could be infected or cancer.
There's a piece of pencil graphite stuck in my hand from when I tried to fight my sister for the remote with a pencil.
What is Iigma?
Acne marks/scars on my back, fucken hate them
Other then that stretch marks but i can live with them
Oh no
death by penis cancer sounds pretty okay
What do you mean? What's origi?
I had the same thing until recently. Had a doctor fully remove it. Turns out it was a wart caused by hpv
Ligma balls
Filter bypass by adding text
nice bait user you got him real good
Holy fuck why did I fall for this
Two holes on the tip of my dick because of genital muitlation aka circumcision. The hole is suppose to be big in a non mutilated dick so mine is just two small separate holes instead of a big one.
If someone or something pokes the protruding part of my left hip i get jolts of pain all through my leg
I basically have a built-in weak spot
I have 2 birthmarks on my dick a third nipple and a scar on my abs from a surgery I had during infancy
my body is lopsided. my entire right side didn't develop as well as my left
Cause you are a sucker for sugma
What the actual fuck I have one on my left cheek too
>Inverted nipples
You have my attention
I've developed a small amount of gyno in my left pectoral, I can feel a little quarter sized firm lump directly under my nipple. It happened suddenly at the end of last year for no apparent reason, I tested my estrogen and its actually borderline too low. Now whenever I wear something that might show through I have to put tape over my nipple or wear an undershirt if its cool enough. Getting it cut out would cost over $4000, I'm strongly considering doing it myself to save the money. Worst case scenario I botch it and have to pay a plastic surgeon anyway to make it look decent.
I don't get why this had to happen out of nowhere as if life wasn't hard enough on me.
I can unironically lick my elbow
will need proof
it's gonna be hard because I need my other hand to push my arm into place
I also fetishize innies, ever since I first saw them on some met art model.
iktf but mine went away on its own mostly
I have a scar on the front side of my left index finger in the shape of a V. It's really distinct on my fingerprints. I got it when my hand slipped cutting a peach with my deer knife. The thing went straight into the bone and I almost lost the fingertip in an instant. I'm pretty sure I saw white when I looked at the wound. My whole fingertip, the flesh part at least, was basically almost hanging off a little.
I superglued it back together really carefully, but quickly, and kept applying pressure to it for like a day. Boy, did it bleed. But eventually it got better. Superglue is tough to handle on its own when you have the use of both hands and you aren't bleeding out.
There was this triangle-shaped, hard part of my finger on the inside for like half a year or longer. I forget. I don't know if it was a little chunk of superglue in there or what, but it didn't have any sensation to it, so there weren't nerves in it, and that part of my finger was just numb for a while. Come to think of it, I probably had superglue embedded in an invagination in my bone for a while. I don't know if my body absorbed it all or expelled it somehow or what, but now the chunk is gone and the flesh is all back. I can even feel with that fingertip again, and normally.
I think it's fucking miraculous and beautiful that my finger still works and feels. There's a small indentation in my left index fingertip, and the last curve of my finger on that end curves twice instead of once, because I put it back together quickly and imperfectly and deliberately in order to save it. And I think that's beautiful in its own way, too.
Superglue is awesome.
Got a brain tumor that's benign and small enough to not warrant surgery or treatment. Hasn't grown or shrunk in 12 years
Creepy in an original way
Somebody drew a dick on my arm with a plastic knife in 9th grade and it stayed there for a year
My dick is bent to the right, that makes me kinda insecure
I have a scar on the inside of my right arm from contact with some concentrated toilet/sink stop dissolver. Everyone thinks I splashed it on myself, but i actually burned my skin slightly with a lighter and applied the caustic deliberately with an eyedropper. I was depressed and neurotic at the time
my dick has patches of ghost white skin around the foreskin due to vitiligo
I've scratched my balls so much that the skin around them is completely dead and I dont have the sense of feeling there anymore. Goddamn ingrown pubes.
Scar on my forehead from where I used to have nodular acne.
I have a lot of stretch marks on my back. A doctor told me they're from a growth spurt.
I have a surgery scar on my tummy from back when I was just a few months old and needed to have my stomach split open and sewn back together.
My parents chose to cheaper option instead of the better one and I was left with a nice big scar above my belly button, it always makes me feel kind of shitty about my body, especially when I see others not having it on theirs and looking really nice and soft.
I have a small hole in my arm and my skin is really soft.
I have a sunken chest and a scar on my tummy. Be happy that you don't have it worse.
I have two large scars on my thighs bc i am allergic to the shots i had when i was a baby.
I also have stretch marks on my legs cause i grew like half a foot in a year when i was young. Ive never even been fat. ;_;
I have a small, faint red blotch on the top of my right knee. It's been with me my whole life. Probably a birthmark.
I have a lot of scars on my hands from shoulder down. They dont look cool, they look like white cancer lmao. Dont even remember where I got most of them, and some I can trace back to when I was 6
I have a silver hair growing out of the side of my forehead.
I accidentely cut off the tip of my left index finger one time. It still was connected with a little bit of skin so I tried to let it grow back on but it didn't do it perfectly so now you still can see where it grew back on and it looks kinda off.
who here /clubbed thumb/?
people never notice it unless I show them