So ive accepted my fate that I will never get a boyfriend due to my looks and lack of social skills

So ive accepted my fate that I will never get a boyfriend due to my looks and lack of social skills.
How should I exactly cope with this?
Im thinking of buying a dozen lottery tickets, but I know my chances will be very low. Any ideas?

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I'll be your boyfriend right now.

the femanons on this board are so cute
are you reeeaally that ugly? I doubt it
you can teach yourself social skill pretty easy
I would probably fuck you if you threw yourself at me anyway

Lotto tickets are dumb, buy one at most
What are your interests? Are you just fucking boring?

I wish I was a girl so I would have inherent sexual value.

Only attractive women have inherent sexual value. Ugly women like me are ignored by every guy in our vicinity since there is no shortage of attractive women.

I'll be your boyfriend right now. [email protected] email me.

I'm gonna try to win the lotto too. I'll try to calculate the lotto patterns. There is a planned pattern. It's not random like the government makes you believe. I'll keep doing the math and will buy until I reach a big win.

Let me be your practice boyfriend.

I pity any woman lonely enough to take guys up on these offers

Idk, you're a breeder so your value kind of depends on getting a man. Get some pets I guess

Well, if she really is as lonely as she says then she will. If not then she is proving that she doesn't want one.

Not true. You have replies in this very thread proving you wrong.

If there was a on actual pattern don't you think some math PHD would have broken the bank by now
You're looking for an image in static

No, you bitch. There is still a sizable percentage of guys that you could make go crazy over your pussy. No one wants generic male #3959201923 when they can select whatever they want out of the pool of men attracted to them. Ugly men don't have a pool of people attracted to them. Fuck, not even other men pay attention to them

All girls that have ever been remotely attracted to me lived across the world from me. All girls close to me that I have tried to talk to ghost me. I am very depressed about it. Do you live in the Northeast US OP?

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Already offered. If you don't email me then you're being lonely by choice.

she must lower her standards, normal men fuck anything with a vagina

Find a black weeaboo.
They will date literally any woman.

I can only feel comfortable talking to a guy if he can look past my apperance without getting to know me first or ghosting me. Of course the only way this can ever happen is if we met in real life.

I really wish we knew how ugly we're talking here
could you realistically rate yourself out of 10?

are you fat?

Also, I don't doubt that your situation is tough and not a lot of guys are interested in you but you're comparing a puddle to the ocean. You just don't have any fucking perspective on the situation. Not surprised because I've noticed that women seriously do lack creativity and imagination. I don't blame them though because they don't need it.

I suffer from ugly man face syndrome.
3/10 generally, and 3.5-4 on a good day (which is never)

It's kept secret by the couple that know I imagine. The government doesn't want it to get out. I think anyone who revealed the whole conspiracy and exact pattern would end up dead.

Make as many excuses if you want. If you mean what you say then send a picture. If we continue to talk past that point (which we will) then you'll have a boyfriend. Or you can just prove that you're voluntarily lonely.

Can you describe your physical appearance briefly?

are you white?

what the fuck being white has to do with being ugly or beautiful, you fucking racist

Wow, OP. I really wish people gave a shit about me the way they care about you. Maybe I should larp as a woman

very bitter of you lol
incase you haven't noticed, white girls (and also white guys) are the most attractive
this is just a fact of life
for the record though, I unironically am a racist
heil hitler

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They literally had to shut down an entire app because it made it obvious people look better with white features

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op here, not me

Still waiting. [email protected]

ok then
so what are you?

lmao @ this guy

gook girl with body dysmorphia who always makes these threads detected

Choose to be lonely then. Just remember that it was your choice.

im racially mixed with black.

Girls don't want to date just anyone. You have to be the perfect Chad.

Are you going to send me an email or not?

Are you overweight? Do you have bad hygiene? Skin blemishes or acne?

how about you just fuck off whore, mmk

Women are fucking brain dead. They're actual vegetables. Unresponsive

>clean up
>learn to talk to people
if you're trying to unfuck your shit, the methods are the same as for guys

I already offered her to email me as she is. If she wishes to improve herself that's fine. But I'm ready to accept her as she is if she just emails me.

>Im thinking of buying a dozen lottery tickets

Don't Be An Elliot,
Just Get Out There And Be Yourself.

And by this of course he means larp as a normalfag and work on your appearance

This, I was talking to this ugly 30+ year old short whale and she was telling me what a guy has to be like for her to date and lol it is like women do not understand anything they think ugly guys have dissonance but ugly women are the worst they want them hot and rich

All unnecessary. I already offered her to email as she is to get a boyfriend.

well shit
dunno what to tell you
I'm sure you can find a boyfriend but he's probably gonna be ugly as shit
at least you're part white and since you're somewhat self aware, you're considerably more intelligent than average retard black

and you can teach yourself how to not be a social retard
at least you're not as socially retarded as this guy
poor guy probably doesn't even know what he's doing wrong

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How do I know your intentions are pure? What if youre only using me as a practice gf?
Or better yet, What if you ghost me because you wete expecting that im some Stacy with glasses behind the computer?
What if you dont even live in the same country as me?

Lottery is the stupid tax

>poor guy probably doesn't even know what he's doing wrong

He's demonstrating a point, you absolute brainlet. That point being that she's single by choice.

If she doesn't email me then she has no grounds for claiming to never be able to get a boyfriend. Which was the whole point of her thread. I am here to give her what she wants.

Well obviously I can't really prove any of that if we never talk, right?

>hurr durr not emailing creeps on the internet who are being pushy and rude SINGLE BY CHOICE !!!!1!!!!11!!

I'm also mixed. How old are you?

I'm trying to give her what she wants. You can call it whatever you want.

wtf I go up to the bathroom and the thread has more than 40 replies

fembots = satan

die satan die!

you are repulsing me as a man
imagine how much you repulse women with your attitude

Not quite. If that IS demonstrated then so be it. But I'm being genuine in this offer.

Everything repulses women though

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nah it's just you m8

Fuck off back to /sp/ you retard

yeah but I don't care about what you think. don't be stupid.

I don't e-date but I'll be your fren

Nice bait lul. Post contact information or gtfo

What magical enchantment did you get when you were born? Why aren't they repulsed be you but they are by me and that other user?

Killing yourself is a good Idea.

born a chad
high testosterone and high IQ (amongst other things but these are what sets me aside from you)

Jow Forums actually

I'll address your points while I wait for an email.

>How do I know your intentions are pure? What if youre only using me as a practice gf?
There's no way for you to be totally sure. But that's the case with any relationship.

>Or better yet, What if you ghost me because you wete expecting that im some Stacy with glasses behind the computer?
Then you would have closure and know that you were right. At least you can say you tried.

>What if you dont even live in the same country as me?
I'm willing to travel after we get to know each other.

Such a crock of shit. I've seen SOOOOO many 1-5/10 chicks with 7-9/10 dudes. I think I can count on one hand the amount of hot chick/ugly guy couples I've seen (where the guy wasn't just rich or something)

This is a place where women can come in order to feel validation.
>He didn't look at me
>I'm ugly and unloved

And in bounce all of you attention starved men in the hopes of garnering some form of female attention.

Go outside, improve yourself, read a book, talk to a stranger, make the effort to be more than you are right now. Jow Forums, robots, you're better than this.

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>Go outside, improve yourself, read a book, talk to a stranger, make the effort to be more than you are right now. Jow Forums, robots, you're better than this.

Not necessary. I'm willing to accept her as is.

calm down there bro Jow Forums DOES NOT like that kind of advice
this kind of advice is how you kill a thread every single time

>I have a high IQ.
>Doesn't even start sentences with a capital letter.

I'm talking about all these lonely boyos on Jow Forums that need someone to tell them that they can be a better person because it seems that no one really tells them that.

Go ahead and accept a woman as is, I personally don't think that looks are the end all be all, moreso behavior, familial upbringing, and virginity (this being a personal must) are much more important than appearance (in so far as, physical, dress should be conservative.

post pic of vagine and bob pls

it's Jow Forums like I give a fuck

This shit is genuinely worrisome.
I just want to see other men lifted up and not begging for attention from a *POTENTIAL* woman on the other side of a screen.

Jow Forums is full of demoralized men and I want to help them understand.

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>implying anyone cares about grammatical skills on Jow Forums

the worst part is they understand they're fucked up they are just manipulating us. guys are the dumb ones.

Every single fembot thread is the same. I don't get how r9k has been falling for the same format for years. Every time they complain about being lonely, robots offer themselves. Rarely the girl responds, but usually the girl just ignores the robots offering themselves. Why do fembot threads continue to thrive on r9k? Why does the same cycle repeat.

lottery tickets? skip that and buy a gun dafuq.
no seriously post picture and we rate

Are you fat or are you ugly

Hey OP, I know how you feel, don't even worry about it, relationships even for "normal" people fail all the time, and most people marry out of convenience, or out of habit since they have already been together for so long, and out of /real emotion/

I had a few short-term relationships, but they all failed, and that's how I found out I'm subhuman, I do have a habit of picking petty fights with people though, its not exactly abusive, but its still... a bad thing, so maybe its for the best.

I remember being in one relationship where I was actually excited about my potential in-laws, we parted ways though,

Not everything can go smoothly, sometimes.. things can be bad.
Also, you would have to meet new people, and they could potentially doxx you, sometimes... things can be risky.

[Disclaimer; I know my exes and any future partner of mine has their own self-agency and freedom, I know I'm not owed anything]

Sleep around. Just be open to fucking and you will get some dick. In the meantime pool your money into lottery. If Canadian to Lotto 649. Max seems rigged AF. Like they are extremely anal about number matching and how many have to match just for a prize worth the $6 you spent. Sleeping around should also net you a clingy boyfriend at some point.

you're basically the female version of me
fuck you

it's /r9kucks/ now