/shg/: self harm general

lets discuss all forms of self harm and im also going to conduct some datamining

> when you started self harming
> why you started
> favourite self harm method
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
> favourite place to self harm
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
> are you virgin
> are you neet

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ill do my own to start off with
> when you started self harming
2015 at age 17
> why you started
did it as a meme at first but gradually went harder and harder with it
> favourite self harm method
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
would be on my thigh and id say an inch deep
> favourite place to self harm
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
depression, anxiety, borderline
> are you virgin
> are you neet

Did this few days ago while my friend was having sex with his beautiful girlfriend and I was all alone in the other room.
I think I only did it because I was heavily intoxicated. I'm not normally that edgy.

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the burn looks gnarly. what do you use to cut with user?

How do people learn of hanging? do people learn from reading about it, word of mouth, etc. I always thought it was just basically making it so wouldnt breathe and youd pass out after suffocating for a few minutes. I read about how blood to the brain is actually halted and never knew this beforehand.

did people hundreds of years ago probably know about how quickly unconsciousness sets in?

Big cats hunt by strangulation. Squeeze neck, make thing dead. We observed.

>the burn looks gnarly
Thanks user
I use this to cut. It's pretty dull so I can go at it hard as fuck and I won't have to go to the hospital.

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whats the deepest youve been able to cut yourself?

Not answering all that greentext because no one will read it anyway.

When I was 20 I cut myself for a period of maybe a month or two, every day. The cuts were often pretty deep and left big, gnarly scars. I had absolutely no regard for how it would look later, as I was certain I'd kill myself soon There was no rationale behind it, it was just an impulse. I was really out of my mind for that brief period of time, and it will stay with me for the rest of my life. Now I feel trapped in my body and constantly ashamed.

do you care to show the photos of your scars? you are among friends here user.

> when you started self harming
> why you started
Began as self punishment for thing I did wrong. Evolved into insane blood sacrifice after trying it and coincidentally getting what I wanted. Then became an outlet for depression
> favourite self harm method
razor window scraper for better control, punching hard objects
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
about a half inch deep after frantically trying to find a vein
> favorite (fuck you, uk scum) place to self harm
left forearm and thighs
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalized
yes, twice
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
BPD. The drugs do seem to kind of help, after an ill advised experiment with withdrawal.
> are you virgin
> are you neet

For all of you with scars that you feel ashamed of, other people don't really care. I've got a barcode of scars on my arm and in three years of working closely with customers and coworkers, none of them have ever said anything and I forget they are there most of the time.

It's impossible due to my lack of camera equipment. I made them with a boxcutter though, and cut in straight lines or made grid patterns. Every time I see them, there's almost a sense of disbelief, even thought it was 5 years ago. I would never do something like this, I don't know how I possibly did it before.

Nothing impressive. I once had a good amount of blood spill but never anything that's required stitches or anything.

When I cut it's mostly when I'm drunk and alone, I went on it pretty badly a few weeks ago and pretty sure the deepest cut got infected as well but thankfully it healed on it's own and it was ony my hip so it's probably never gonna be seen by anyone.
I also cut my forearm but not as deep and when people ask I just tell them that I was watching the neighbor's cat or something.
My mom asked me why there was blood on my door handle and in the sink and i just told her that i cut myself on the case of my computer while trying to repair it, but I don't think she believed it.

> when you started self harming
> why you started
I would get really depressed over a particular social situation I was dealing with.
> favourite self harm method
originally cutting, but moved to over temp showers once my family found out.
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
not very really. I used a sharp piece of metal that just tore up the top layer of skin
> favourite place to self harm
legs. any place else would have been too visable
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
never been to a doctor. My parents think all the diagnosages these days are bullshit and they're anti-medication
> are you virgin

forgot to add, how many people still hurt themselves after their edgy teen days? I stopped a while back, but every now and then I miss it and just call myself a faggot.

Lmao fuck that. That shit's permanent.

> when you started self harming
10 years old
> why you started
Stabbed myself with thumbtacks and cut myself with scissors in school when I got sad or bored.
> favourite self harm method
Cutting, burning is nice too
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
Made a half inch deep cut in my thigh
> favourite place to self harm
Upper thighs and crotch
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
Yes, unintentionally
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
> are you virgin
> are you neet

> when you started self harming
Like 3 years ago
> why you started
Cuz of lack of social internment
> favourite self harm method
Punching walls
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
> favourite place to self harm
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
Aspergers and adhd
> are you virgin
> are you neet

>About February or March in 2018
>It felt good
>Scratching (no one notices, but the pain isn't as much)
>Rephrase so I can understand please
>My forearms, thighs, and face (sorry I can't pick only one)
>Yes, but only because somebody caught me.
>Twice, but not via cutting as the likelihood of dying from that is very very low.

I don't cut anymore since people will notice and don't need that kind of attention when I've already tried to kill myself twice before, but I do scratch myself with just about anything I can (ie: keys, pens, etc.) because it feels good.

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> when you started self harming
This February
> why you started
was in a psych ward and felt shit
> favourite self harm method
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
none too deep
> favourite place to self harm
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
I've lost count
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
OCD and borderline
> are you virgin
as of today no

> when you started self harming
> why you started
I hate myself immensely and feel like i need to punish myself whenever my brain deems it necessary.
> favourite self harm method
Punching myself as hard as i can.
> favourite place to self harm
Top of my head.
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
Not yet but i've blacked out once or twice.
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
Not yet but i am seeing somebody soon for the first time in my life at 26.
> are you virgin
> are you neet

true, but life isnt



>> when you started self harming
16, 24 now
>> why you started
not sure. it is a relief
>> favourite self harm method
cutting with razor
>> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
on uper thigh took a long time to stop bleeding
>> favourite place to self harm
upper thigh (only place) not an attention whore
>> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
>> number of suicide attempts
>> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
>> are you virgin
>> are you neet

> insane blood sacrifice
sounds interesting, elaborate user

>Rephrase so I can understand please
whats the deepest you have gone when cutting?

still do it, wouldnt consider myself an edgy teen anymore. i just like the feeling of it and honestly cuts are pretty aesthetic

There was a family friend who I was crushing on hard because she was the only female to give me any attention. I tried everything my pathetic self could do. I eventually decided that I might as well try the supernatural.

I wrote a letter detailing my love of her and what I wanted to do to and with her.
>I give my blood so that my wish may come true.

I cut my arm, bled onto the paper, let it dry, then burned it. Two days later, she was at my house and we were all drinking wine and she was going a bit hard it. She leans over to me and shows me something she wrote on her phone

>have you ever kissed a girl?
I shake my head no.
>do you want to?
>do you want to kiss me?
>get me to your room

I make up some reason about showing her something, she backs up against my wall and we make out. We drink some more and nothing else happens.

She regrets it the next day and I stayed in bed for two days straight. I continued to write letters, bleed on them, and burn them. Nothing else happens.

am I going to hate myself If I start again?

congratulations on the intimacy, user. I hope you can find peace with yourself...

thank you but it was with a prostitute so I dont know if it counts

most likely. but it does feel good so

interesting. i may try this myself and report back with results

uuugh. I didn't need this thread to remind me about it.

Stay strong user we believe in you

thanks... it actually means something believe it or not.

It's alright, dont let the impulse get to you. I've spent a lot of time recently in psych wards, you remind me of a friend I had there

care to elaborate? I'm curious

Well I wont go into personal details but about a year back now I was in a psych ward and one girl I became friendly with came into my head when you posted this.

>Started last year
>Started as a release mechanism
>Fav knife is Leatherman Wave
>Idk my deepest scar, maybe 1/4 inch, largest is about 2-3 inches
>I like my right arm the best
>Nah senpai I don't let people see
>0, I just like cutting
>No mental issues
>Yeah I'm a virgin
>No neets here

sorry for making the thread desu. i intended it to be a friendly place to discuss it, not to make you feel like this

To follow up that girl was probably the least normie person on earth

nono. I get it. I'm just being dramatic lol. I'm just saying I miss the feeling is all.

I used to post my fresh cuts on r9k but i started getting banned repeatedly because normalniggers would report me, fucking KIKES, so now I dont get to. Fucking niggers. What's the point of these threads if you cant post your cuts? Niggers

> when you started self harming
Last month
> why you started
Makes me forget how I feel and brings my anxiety down
> favourite self harm method
A good ol fashioned knife
> favourite place to self harm
Top of the arms, always gives a nice clean cut
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
Nope, if I go that far I'll probably try to finish the job
> number of suicide attempts
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
Major recurring depression is the term I think
> are you virgin
> are you neet
I live with my parents but I'm in community college so not technically

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i was all alone when i needed her most and i was in love with her too. being separated from her hurt me inside so i did it to cope with that. still separate to this day
putting cigarettes out on myself
i have a scar that required 11 or 12 stitches but it wasn't that deep
upper thighs where no one will see but most of my scars are on my arms
once upon a time I broke a porcelain lamp over my head and slashed my arm with one of the pieces it broke into. spent 2 weeks inpatient for that one. the scar is readily visible to this day on my left forearm
2. once with the lamp and once I overdosed on clonazepam k-pins on purpose. i am not suicidal anymore but i was back then surely
schizoaffective diagnosis 3x
no i lost it at 12
6 years yes

> number of suicide attempts
that must be one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard

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>I live with my parents but I'm in community college so not technically
So not technically? So noy at all you fucking moron, NEET precludes being in college. Sorry you can't sit at the internet cool kid's table because you're """technically""" a normalnigger

It's all online my friend, I only leave my room for food and to help around the house every now and then. I guess I just feel like a burden since they're feeding me and letting me live here rent free, all I do is take out the trash and clean cat shit every now and then.

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> when you started self harming
when i was 11 or 12, can't remember exactly
> why you started
when i was 12 dissociation from past trauma really started to kick in, so i used cutting as a way to feel more "alive". my mental health got progressively worse for a few years, so i used it as my go-to coping mechanism before i started smoking and drinking
> favourite self harm method
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
underside of left forearm, about 1/4 inch deep
> favourite place to self harm
forearms & thighs since they're the most accessible
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
stopped counting at #8, i spent a lot of time in my teen and preteen years trying to die lmao
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
PTSD, depression, ADD diagnosed as a young child but it might actually be aspie or ADHD
> are you virgin
> are you neet
in retrospect it was pretty autistic

you browse Jow Forums and entered this thread with the sole intent to put down already down people. thus, you too are pathetic

damn, its cathartic seeing other peoples pain and knowing theres so many people going through this too

> when you started self harming
> why you started
insecurity, anger
> favourite self harm method
i like to cut myself and burn myself and punch hard surfaces until my hands bleed
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
right thigh about half an inch deep
> favourite place to self harm
legs cause nobody sees
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
no nobody knows and i can treat my own wounds
> number of suicide attempts
0 for now
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
> are you virgin
> are you neet

>Life sucks
>went pretty deep in my leg
>no don't really see the point in having someone else tell me im fucked in the head when i clearly am

> when you started self harming
When I was 15
> why you started
Abusive father
> favourite self harm method
Cutting then burning the cut
> (cutters only) deepest scar you have
Ugly cut on my upper arm
> favourite place to self harm
> has self harm caused you to be hospitalised
> number of suicide attempts
None yet
> do you have any diagnosed mental illnesses
Social anxiety
> are you virgin
> are you neet