Made $200 today. Just a few more guys and that ASUS GTX1080ti is mine.
Made $200 today. Just a few more guys and that ASUS GTX1080ti is mine
Suck a few dicks for it?
Reminder that there will always be newfags to fall for this pathetic shit
How many guys did you fuck for those $200?
yeah. sucked a stranger's dick today.
I hope you get nigger aids
Just 1 guy today. he gave me a generous tip even though I was out of practice.
>tfw 3 years old R9 290 still tears through anything I throw at it like it's nothing
God I love this card
I'm waiting to see if either the RTX 2070 or 2060 series are worth buying first. Want to jump to 1440p this time.
Where you at I could use a shag
that's interesting op, a real life whore and you get money for sexual favors
tfw still trying to get a 1050ti
Augusta, Maine
that's not even the same girl in both pics
Yes it is you brainlet
Man I could never suck another mans dick unless it was for a lot of money but I've been tempted to offer my services to old lonely desperate women who haven't had sex in at least 10 years. It's my weird fetish and I'm sure they would be a great sugar momma.
you're still fucking here you pathetic roastie?
Yeah. I don't really do much outside of work other than hang out with boyfriend and since I have no boyfriend I'm not really sure what to do my free time.
Wanna make $20?
you literally get free stuff for sex, being a female is pretty great huh?
That's too bad I live on the other side of the country
how originonionally old are you user
>pc gaymers
enjoy your shitty indies
I am Thirty-Five years old.
Didn't you say you have a bf and stopped having sex for money time ago. Try harder.
Are you a girl? Would you do more than suck dick for money?
35 or Thirty Five?
how does one get into sucking for money?
Boyfriend broke up with me so I'm free to be a prostitute again.
Yes. I've had sex with guys for money before so this isn't new to me. Some guys pay me just to cuddle and talk or hang out with them.
Why did he break up, and how long have you been a hooker
you should save that instead. nobody needs a fancy graphics card, a $100 bargain bin card from best buy lasts me 5-6 years just fine.
I've been a hooker for 7-10 years or so. I stop whenever I get a boyfriend. My boyfriend broke up with me because he wasn't comfortable with my past. My daughter doesn't know I'm an escort . She likes her father than me anyways so whatevs.
Was your daughter from work or from a boyfriend, and what are your rates
>My daughter
Hah this keeps getting better.
My daughter was from a highschool boyfriend. She lives with him most of the time. Things just didn't work out between me and my old boyfriend so he left me for a woman who cared more about careers than I did. My daughter doesn't hate me, but she doesn't make it a priority to visit me. She would absolutely hate me if she found out I was an escort. She works hard to not be like me.
Lucky bitch. I'm a guy and a fat low t loser at that. I wish I was even an UGLY FAT girl because i'd STILL have orbiters and i'd still be able to just suck a few dicks a day to make a living. I'd STILL have Chad wanting the occasional easy sportfuck. You bitches, even the ugly ones, have life on easy mode compared to probably even 6/10 normie guys.
nomatter how much you say things like this it changes noting you beta
And what does a 35 year old escort want with a 1080?
if a friend wanted to get into sex work, what would be the best way. asking for a friend.
Gotta upgrade her rig so she can get to 99 fishing in Runescape faster.
I want to future proof my computer.
no such thing. parts get used and worn out. bargain bin cards are the way
the only thing thats really future proof is a nice savings account
What games are you looking to future proof for. What are your rates?
it will last me a good decade or so before graphics get really demanding.
Cyberpunk 2077 or any triple AAA title that will get a PC release. I get jealous whenever I see screenshots from Anons on /v/ and the graphics look super pretty.
$150-$200 to hang out for a few hours.
bargain bin cards are top tier cards from 2 years ago anyways, theyre still extremely good.
in theory it should but thats assuming your computer doesnt go KAPUT before 10 years. i do understand wanting top specs for cyber punk though that game is going to be huge
>All day long
Damn, dude, you must not be much to look at.
few hours! dam dude it was $200 for one hour during the golden age of backpage.
I'm a skelly with small boobies. I don't sell for much.
How much do you weigh, and what's your face like?
Fucking stop, I've seen you before and you contribute nothing to any thread but your stupid Magic-the-Gathering-ass name.
I weight about 115 pounds or so. I'm pretty average. Baggy eyes. My face isn't riddled with acne or anything.
that's not how it works. to run a game truly well you need hardware from after its release.
>Cyberpunk 2077
case in point, that game runs badly even on the devs' own supercomputers. you cannot build a computer that will run that game well today. you need to wait until it's released, then assess based on benchmarks what it takes to run the game well.
the economically sound path is to buy a new midrange (sub 300 dollars/euros) card every 3+ years. except lately you shouldn't buy a GPU at all, the prices are a joke. I'm waiting until the 1070 or something equivalent drops below 300 bucks. if 1080 TI is your minimum requirement you'll have to wait slightly longer. whatever you settle for, do NOT pay more than 300 bucks for a GPU, that's just burning money. look at price/performance charts from before 2017. 300 is about the cutoff, anything pricier you're paying for diminishing returns.
what's your definition of bargain bin? right now there is no such category, really. every GPU is overpriced, even the cheap ones. the only actual bargain is the Ryzen APUs, but they are very low in performance, like "not good enough for 1080p" low, due to using slow system memory.
thats the best body type though. but i knew some other girls that escorted who didnt charge at lot either. they probably thought similar to this. they were both skinny smol boob nice butt white girls but thats honestly the best.
its been awhile, yeah gpu's are overpriced because of miners i bought my card before the last craze. bargain bin is around $120.
You should invest in like heavily dolling yourself up, and start charging $300 for an indefinite session, at least to begin with, then work your way up. Does anyone manage you?
pimp detected!
I already have a 1080ti and I wanted a second one. I'm already screwed?!
I don't really charge a lot since minimum wage is around $10/hr. I get scared of guys that may not agree to a price if I bargain too high. Plus guys are more likely to get me gifts or tip me more if I charge less. if figure as long as I make more than $100 within a few hours, it's better than working a few hours at my civilian job.
no one manages me. It would be nice to have a friend to help me dress more pretty though.
>Just checked my bank account and I have more that six hundred dollars
This is it Wagies, time to treat myself
i-i can help you if you want...
ya. well last girl i liked the best, her original rates were $200/hr. but she only mentioned them the first time, i always brought that much every time she was around and i never stayed the full hour. towards the end i started bringing gifts and more money cause i really liked her. she didnt say a thing about money after that one time, all she said was her hotel and rm number and "im avail".
i brought her my best weed. she told me she was former military too, im guessing you were since you said civillian.
Don't go slutty, way too obvious. Do some barfly shit and dress elegantly, you want to get those guys who want top dollar talent, and make them forget you're an escort, at least for a little while.
Then, won't be a problem because they'll like you regardless of what you're charging. Although, you seem really nice and I bet your clients really love you.
ASUS is fucking trash. Don't fuck yourself over like that, OP.
Paint on computer keys will wear off if you use WASD for gaming, the laptop's speakers are guaranteed trash, it will seem perfect at first but then your games start producing low ass frames, then your motherboard is fried out of fucking nowhere and your charging port is fried. Everything is fried like the 1000 dollars you spent on it and Faggot Geek squad ain't gonna fix it for you, cause all of these problems are guaranteed to happened only after your warranty expires!!!
t.Former ASUS user I had one of the so called "top of the line" computers as ASUS advertised it saying it'd run Fortnite and Battlefield. YEAH, BUT ONLY ON POTATO GRAPHICS. FUCK YOU ASUS. LYING SACKS OF SHIT.
Now I'm currently a shameless phone poster because my computer took a shit on me a few days ago actually.
and the other escort i liked started fucking me for almost free later on. but i was her driver for a short while.
shes just a small town gal.
That's nice of her . I don't know how to drive.
she didnt either lol
barfly shirt?
dont tell me your name is Misty, k
well, if you buy a GPU for 120 right now you're burning cash. it's shit you could have bought for the same price 2 years ago.
how much did you pay for the first one? if you bought it when it was new in 2016 you probably got a decent deal and you should just hold on to this card for another year at least because prices aren't looking good and bitcoin is still limping along at a decent level, keeping all the other cryptos (the ones you can still mine with regular GPUs) as inflated as ever. miners are still in the market for GPUs. as long as this doesn't change no GPU will be a good deal.
>I wanted a second one
generally speaking SLI is a bad idea. it was always flawed but nowadays game developers are also starting to abandon it. many games don't support a second GPU at all now. I strongly advise you to wait until another single card outperforms the 1080TI by a solid margin, like +50%. that way you get a performance increase in every game and not just in some. and you spare yourself the absurd power consumption and all the technical troubles that SLI brings.
what about for multimedia stuff?
Lmao you're a fucking joke OP, take a look at how pathetic your life is. 35 and sucking dick of tiny amounts of money.
i could double her income for her side job. but im not in maine, mayne
barely uses the GPU at all and any old GPU from 2010 is good enough.
i should just setup a sugar baby relationship somewhere
thats what im saying, old gpu's are fine.. most of the time you need more processing power and RAM memory
Come on, man... this isn't really a cringe thread, don't go making it one
its a semi escort thread. it would be much cringier if she were in my state.
when you live in a "diverse" area. skinny white escorts are actually rare. black/asian/latina/desi escorts all the time , and agencies with blonde/brunette poster girls for $450/hr. i had it pretty good when bp was up, i could at least look at the ads.
I always wondered: how does it feel to sell your dignity and honor? How does it feel, when males don't want relationship with you cause you are just a worthless whore? Do you really think that if you got a bf, you would stop and never return to it?
I think of it as a performance gig. I do stop being a prostitute when I do get a boyfriend.
i would have a business relationship with an escort. she will be way hotter than i can normally get, and its easy to save some cash to fun.
>performance gig
I do hope you understand, that for most men you are trash, not a performer? A thing for sexual relief in the same way as onahole is?
Nope. I bring happiness and comfort. They come to me to cry about their problems when they have no friends to reach out to.
wrong. shes probably saved dozens of lives of former incels. and they will always appreciate her. you can earn money by working, but getting laid isnt so simple.
yeah she knows.
I don't really know what did I except form your customers. I tend to forget to what extend people are trash.
How sucking a dick saves a life? If you would kill yourself cause you had no sex in your life - nothing of value would be lost.
i could say the same to you. youre extremely bitter and you will always be until you get laid.
it's more than just about oral. Sometimes people just need to a place to unload their emotional distress.
I'd rather stay bitter for my entire life, cause I have been this way since childhood. And I doubt that pre puberty kid needs to get laid to become less bitter.
Why not talk to someone worthwhile, for example? We have internet, lots of people there who are the same as you and with whom you can share, so why hookers? Do you at least look good? Cause I have doubts how can anyone be a 35 yo whore and still look fuckable.
nah u dont. if you could bang a stacey for a mere $200 you would i think. its just a matter of finding it.
They try. Online forums or talking to a therapist isn't enough. They want more than just physical contact. They want to feel the natural flow of a conversation instead of taking turns throwing texts and emojis at each other. They want to laugh with someone in real life. They want to communicate with their body as well.
Have you considered that the way you value and treat yourself as a sex object is why your boyfriend broke up with you? Would he be happy you're doing this again? Would the version of you who was happy with him have wanted this? In my experiance girls like you are deeply unhappy with themselves and desperate for love and affection becuase they find validation there for just a moment which soothes their insecurities. Do youbreally think you'll feel better this way ornthat a new GPU will change anything? You had someone who genuinely cared for you and threw it away for a few minutes of dick. Why? Just fucking why?
no dude. her bf dumped her because he found out about her escort past. THEN she started scorting again. which admittedly puts the nail in the coffin for that relationship. i dont think she really cares.
>Some guys pay me just to cuddle and talk or hang out with them.
how much does this cost and how did u find them?
i want this
i want to pay to sleep overnight in a girl's bed with her and cuddle but i think that's weird [maybe]
I am 27 and I have a job, you know. And our "red light district" (not rally, just a place where whores are) is not so far from me. I still don't use it, so don't think everyone is as degenerate as you.
overnights costs a thousand dollars to double triple that here. but i bet nutty op will ask like $300 tops cus ur a virgin.
I don't do overnights. Too scared of something happening to me during my sleep.