Is being a virgin Chad the most redpilled?

Is being a virgin Chad the most redpilled?

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Arent all the girls on the show heartless entitled roasties? Really hope this dude does not fuck it up and go with one who is not a virgin too

Virgin? Female? Haha. You can almost guarantee that the birthing doctors fuck them as soon as they exit the womb. No woman is pure

It really is OP.

Tim Tebow is another great example.

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>tim tebow
>wants to adopt kids from every continent like a turbo cuck
The absolute state of Chr*stians

I don't mean this in a bad way, because there's nothing wrong with it, but that guy legit looks gay. Like, he's into dudes type of gay.


What are the producers thinking? This sounds like it's going to be a disaster. Don't women watch this show to lust over the guy?

based volcels

cringe every other "-cels"

Couldnt agree more, this man is very gay, source: I'm gay

gay men also suffer from peer pressure to lost their virginities, so I don't see why this would be relevant info

Since he's a virgin he is too naive to realize that. It takes a few bad heartbreaks to develop our cynicism about women. This guy is still pure (which is a good thing)

A lot of people dont consider having gay sex as losing your virginity, pretty stupid but still

also it's very weird for someone to be vocal about being a virgin and still be "on the closet",

If you think about it, any time he would brought up the fact he was a virgin people would say things along the lines of "hey man, I know this girl" or "why don't you try to meet girls at x", and then he would (obviously) reply by saying he was not interested in women at all...

>"on the closet"
I'll give you a pass since i and o are right next to each other on the keyboard.
Nah, that guy looks like a gay teddy bear. He wouldn't be into that.
Look at his downturned eyes (negative canthal tilt), that curly hair with a receding hairline, that tan, that pink shirt, those white teeth...etc.

>He wouldn't be into that.

he wouldn't be into what

this proves attractiveness is subjective because i think he's average if anything

>woman thinks a top 10% man is average
you can't make it up!

Pushing his stick into a chick.

No adult actually finds chads attractive, chads are boring and no fun to be around

Lmao fuck off normalshit
I've never had a "heartbreak" and I have Elliot level misogyny

You are like a little baby

Somewhere out there is his opposite, the Chad virgin, a virgin neckbeard who looks ugly as fuck but has Chad confidence and will school your ass in MTG

you caIIing, user?

l'm here

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>it's very weird for someone to be vocal about being a virgin and still be "on the closet",

I do. Some guys are in the closet simply because they don't want to have sex with men or have a preference for woman.

But really anytime a guy is an adult virgin people will think hes gay, the others guys saying hes gay wouldn't even think that if the headline was different.

they watch it for the dumb cunt drama mostly
t. lives with dumb cunts

>wanting to adopt kids from every continent
>raising kids of every race to be Chad
>securing an existence for Chads and a future for Chad children of all races

this and also once he's on the show the women on the show will compete for him so he'll automatically look "preselected" to all the female viewers. he's alright looking and he has women flirting with him. that's enough to make a man attractive no matter what other issues he might have.

it will be interesting to see what my siblings who watch the show have to say about a virgin that old

>the others guys saying hes gay wouldn't even think that if the headline was different.
Nah, I started it all and I would still think the same thing. I've already explained my reasoning here >downturned eyes (negative canthal tilt), that curly hair with a receding hairline, that tan, that pink shirt, those white teeth

actually believing he is a virgin. You know even reality tv shows are staged right?

no doubt a man of God. watch him cringe in horror as wave after wave of modern whores disappoint him with their vanity and shallow thinking.

Imagine unironically thinking you fit in and then saying something like this that immediately makes everyone here hate you.

>Ever staying a virgin after the age of 15
Unless he wants to risk jail time he's not gonna find a woman still a virgin anywhere near his age.

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LOL, he's obviously being paid to lie to make a more interesting story. Anyone who actually believes this guy doesn't pound a different pussy every week is a literal retard.

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if he is at all embarrassed about it and doesn't care about them being virgins then it's definitely a lie

Why would I need to have a filthy, unfulfilling and trifling experience with normalfag dating when my own mind and observations can tell me what evil is by myself? You are a low iq individual

it's a fucking disaster.

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Sorry mom and Dad, contrary to your suspicions and assertions from other friends and family, you can actually hate yourself enough to the percent that you never try and also push away all the easy opportunities that came your way.

>T. 33 year old wizard with body of a Greek god, competitive powrlifter, own place, bachelor of science, medfag sales job $$$. and own place, but haven't felt a boob or been on a date.

Once, during a family reunion, I was pressed for an answer at the family dinner table regarding my unwillingness to date, I told them the depression, crippling self esteem part, but didn't share the internet porn habit. My response wasn't good enough or didn't register and now my loved ones think I'm a butt cowboy.

People can't conceive that your mental health and self esteem dwindled to a low point from chronic depression, severe adhd and a 2 decade long porn addiction for sone reason.

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Levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

t. Chadbot who has "adult" women flirt with him on a daily basis at work

No one watches your amerimutt sports, who the fuck is this faggot?

Your family is fucks

>too naive

He's getting a bunch of fame and money by playing it up as a gimmick for TV. He's not naive.