"Gee Uncle user, how come I have a girlfriend and you don't?"
"Gee Uncle user, how come I have a girlfriend and you don't?"
nice pedobait FBI
Faggot why do I have a career and you don't? Hahahaha fucking 9 year old piece of shit fuck you you parasite. Your whole family is full of cucks
"Uhhh you're in my family Uncle user."
>not even fat but this 9yo has a better body than me
fucking kill me dawg
Because you wont the genetic lottery, Chad. Do me favour kid, and use your pretty face to lead a eugenics movement so no one has to end up like me ever again.
>he can tell she's 9
I had a girlfriend at your age, too, boy. The standards never get any lower than that, and it never gets any easier. Savor it.
the one on the right i mean
no homo
Joke's on you. Having a nephew is an impossibility for me because my only brother is gay. That is unless I meet my biological mother and find out I have half brothers or sisters, but no plans for that. Being sought out by my biological father was enough and not even my choice.