"Gee Uncle user, how come I have a girlfriend and you don't?"

"Gee Uncle user, how come I have a girlfriend and you don't?"

Attached: a5e2d5e62ac50ee467a4fa10e6157f67.jpg (450x675, 48K)

nice pedobait FBI

Faggot why do I have a career and you don't? Hahahaha fucking 9 year old piece of shit fuck you you parasite. Your whole family is full of cucks

"Uhhh you're in my family Uncle user."

>not even fat but this 9yo has a better body than me
fucking kill me dawg

Because you wont the genetic lottery, Chad. Do me favour kid, and use your pretty face to lead a eugenics movement so no one has to end up like me ever again.

Attached: tfwtointelligent.jpg (190x190, 11K)

>he can tell she's 9

I had a girlfriend at your age, too, boy. The standards never get any lower than that, and it never gets any easier. Savor it.

the one on the right i mean
no homo

Joke's on you. Having a nephew is an impossibility for me because my only brother is gay. That is unless I meet my biological mother and find out I have half brothers or sisters, but no plans for that. Being sought out by my biological father was enough and not even my choice.

Tfw have a 12 year old Chad bro and he casually asks me about relationship advice

I'm a 26 khv

you can literally and unironically share him all the red/blackpilled knowledge that you can find on Jow Forums and have him apply it in his own life. all he will learn in the normiesphere is stupid memes like 'respect wamen' and 'b urself' so you can guide him to great success and live vicariously through him

Gee little faggot, too bad Adam Lanza didn't go to your school

I have this kid's body at 28

Because I hate women, nephew Fagface. Enjoy wasting your time for nothing, remember me when she sucks some other kid's peepee and makes you feel like murder

Cause I'm strong enough to fuck both of you.

*unzips dick*

shut up boy. I was fucking your mom when I was your age

Yeah, I had a girlfriend when I was your age too you little shit. Let me tell you something; life comes down hard. It hammers the shit out of you. Every day becomes more grueling than the last, everything you ever loved slipping away one by one as you slowly come to the realization than you're declining. You're falling apart. You find out that your best days are long gone and you've been too preoccupied with bullshit to have ever bothered thinking about where you were going to be. I hope you drown in it.

and how are you going to fuck her? with your erection in the middle and your little penis..... Poor little child you are.

I'll give you $20 if you can hook me up with her mom.

my little nepew's a chad? can he hook me up with one of those sexy 12yo stacies interested in older guys?
keep in mind that i've been a very decent uncle

Because I'm fucking more girls than the amount of times you kiss your girlfriend, faggot.

I'm tired of your shit faggot, prepare to get cucked.

What mods? This is Jow Forums, remember?