Letter Thread

Dear Jow Forums
I keeping having to write you this letter, sorry...
Did you forget that letter threads are important and nice?
It's where you can write a letter to someone that may never read it. It's nice to use initials, too.
Anyway, please have this thread and use it okay?

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okay thank you OP


every moment that i am away from you is a countdown until we meet again. i miss you. i miss the feel of your warm hands running through my hair, the way you always somehow smell amazing, how incredibly cute you are in the mornings with messy hair and no glasses. i am very happy with the person you are becoming. it always make me feel good when i see how strong you are and how you no longer let others take advantage and hurt you. i want to try my best to grow and become someone who makes you happy too.

cant wait to get married

- a (hopefully u see this before this thread dies)

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Please respond to my last message. I miss you like the deserts miss the rain.

Proceed reading only if you want to hear gory mutilation and torture details.

Dearest C or D (I couldn't quite hear your name)

I will murder you now that I know where you live. After what you put me through and what almost happened because of you I simply cannot let your existence slide anymore. You put my love through one of the worst days of his life so I will be taking yours. If A were here I bet he would condone my actions which I will begin to describe in great detail.

I will start by putting your feet in a lit fire pit. Next, I will move on to cutting your thighs and chest which I will proceed to pour a week old urine salt mixture. After I have done this I will take construction paper and shove it up the finger nails on your right hand until you weep. To all the finger nails belonging to your left hand, 2 I will tear off and the remaining 3 I will nail toothpicks under. After this is done, I will tear your jaw off (and I will use tools if I have to). I will strangle you to you will pass out 3 times once I have finished off with the jaw tearing. Next in line would be me shoving knives in the gaps between your shoulders and neck. Finally, I will shoot you in the face.

Best wishes, X

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I'm sorry to take up the time in your day, but I'm going to be leaving you and the others in the group. It never had to be this way, but by on my own will, I have concluded that these friendships must go.

It was nice when it lasted. Remember when were just two dudes in the band room? I miss what we once had.

It was never meant to be like this, and you're not the one to blame. I believe that it's time for all of us to go our own ways. C's getting into math, R's on his way to be something and you're also going your own way. I apologize for taking your time up. Goodbye, and farewell.

- J

I'm going to kill this cricket that's gotten into my roof. If you're listening you little shit, I'm going to destroy you. I hate summer.

Kill me now and I will rise again stronger than before.

We're developing new technologies this very second to deal with your kind. I have set up cricket concentration camps all up in the rafters. Gassing will occur at 0500 hours.

i'm going to crawl inside your dick while you sleep

Shouldn't have warned me. My dick is going to be taped up tonight.

Bad things are gonna happen to you because of your BPD tendencies
You're betraying and hurting peopIe who care about you and foIIowing peopIe who don't give a shit about you
And you'II deserve it

I had an eye exam today and they kept shining bright lights in my eyes times also poking some bullshit device into my eye to test for glaucoma that thankfully I don't have. They gave me drops in my eyes to dilate the pupils and on the way home I was nearly going blind with how bright it was out there. The nurse was pretty qt but she had 2 rings on her left hand ring finger. I wanted to bend her over right there and then pretty bad. I didn't dare try anything bc the rings. God knows she is going to get her pussy pounded by her lucky ass husband tonight while I jerk it to hannah hays porn like for the 60th night in a row like a fucking loser.

It makes you seem crazier than me when you send me psycho texts and even post on here in an attempt to hurt me.

Why shouId I give a shit about hurting you when you didn't give me the same courtesy?
At Ieast I have the guts to say it to your face

im so sorry for hurting you.. i wish i was a better person when we were still together. i think about you so much. i thought i was going to forget everything after i left, but.. it's all coming back to me now. you won't talk to me.. i know you hate me.. im just so sorry


It's been over a month maybe even 2 since I last wrote you. Time just melts and it seems like you may have never even came here to begin with. I left my kik the last few times I wrote but never got a response from you. I think I would feel great talking to you again. Hopefully you feel the same too. My kik is istillmissyou69 in case you see this but I have come to the conclusion that you most likely don't come here and the person that wrote to me was someone else.

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What country is this taken in?

Is this the man-child who's obsessed with virgin girls? Instead of resorting to mental illness buzzwords and lashing out like a petulant baby, maybe try improving your social abilities so you don't come off as a massive autist.

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Dear E,

I miss you. The late night talks. The fire burning in my heart. I miss it all.
Please come back.

Love, K

You ran away to Alaska?

Hey S, its me again, I know talking about you is selfish.
But.. this is for your former best friend.
Seeing everyone defend them unconditionally felt really nice and heartwarming, even if it was only for "relatable trauma" and not controversial/"generic attention"

I also wondered if everyone took it seriously since they and [Let's Player Relevant] actually did meet up IRL, and it was in a con.

Anyway, I keep thinking about it and I hope [let's player redacted] wasn't talking down about them when they said they misremembered a lot of stuff? if I recall it was actually plenty of years ago, so maybe they weren't talking down to them, but normal mundane forgetting that [Let's player redacted] meant.

Also I guess I joined a cult during that time, the youtuber ex trend, but it was so specific no one could have actually joined, even if they wanted to.
I see my youtuber ex's former close friend on youtube. still. Welp... but I think of them as a neat person, so.. its good. yes. its okay.

P.S; It was really nice to see unconditional support like that, the only issue is that it was written to be Relatable Trauma, but it was still nice that people cared and wanted a explanation from [Name will not be Typed]

Other P.S:..... W-was youtuber ex meant to be a meme and take off? did I miss something?

P.S.S: It was still nice that was no mindless hatred, people were reasonable.

you like jenks tho?
i like jenks.

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Also about the youtuber Ex thing, I never met mine IRL, that's Okay, it was completely unintentional on my end, because I actually have a mental void situation going on my end.
It would have been a different-timeline situation I think, very Potential, very possible.

My greatest accomplishment is joining the club of youtuber Exes completely on accident, I enjoy it, thanks, its too specific. thanks.

what in the goddamn hell are you talking about dude

Its niche apparently, I'll write it down to myself instead of the letter thread, Its not even /r9k culture, heck, not even normal every day people would understand.

It should stay private, I'm dumb

Run away with me
Under cover of darkness
We'll get nothing done.

You were such an interesting muse to me.
I just want to do things that could protect you. When things changed it was too much like you could get hurt like I did. I spent so much time thinking about you rather than how I could effect anything. I wonder if it'd hurt you more if I did things that would hurt you explicitly, or if you'd get hurt more from not having me. If only you knew how bad things really are.

I dont have anyone to write letters to anymore. No strong beautiful sense of longing or fear or hate. Im comfortable in my life, for the first time in years, and until the other shoe drops I have nothing to post. Once I lose my virginity something might come up.


I keep thinking of those days that we were meeting to drink d. beer and talk about anything. I had so much fun with you. It's a shame we don't talk anymore.


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Another L here who misses drinking (and smoking) with D, it was fun while it lasted.

Why do you insist on purposely hurting them?

I know man, i really miss her. I become nostalgic sometimes.

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We had some great times together in the past and many laughs. You were there for me a lot. Even though we're still friends now and don't talk as much as we use to, I'm glad I can call you a friend.

I write to you every time in one of these threads. I know you'll never see them because im pretty sure you don't know what Jow Forums is. Anyway I just hope you are happy without me in your life now. I hope you have either moved on or forgotten about me. I wish things turned out differently, I really do. But it is what it is. I don't hate you, just what you did.

Even though we don't talk anymore and things ended in more of a tragic way than a peacful way. I just want to say thank you for helping me a lot through out the time we talked and knew each other. I truly did love you. I don't hate you. I just personally think you weren't ready after everything that happened.


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Honestly it felt so natural talk to her, she had interesting unique way of talking I hadn't heard before but at the same time it felt familiar. I hope she's doing alright, last time I saw her it was awkward.

Same man, we had so much in common. We are so similar in many ways and i founded in her a good friend, somehow turned that i played myself and she doesn't care that much. I hope she's doing good anyway.

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Little miss sunshine. I wish you knew how half the men look at you with lust in their eyes, maybe you do. I wish you knew that those very men would care for you deeply if only you'd let down your walls and let them be a part of your life. But that was never my impression of you, you always seemed kind of aloof. So damn pretty though. a real treat to be around only because you were a gorgeous little piece of eye candy and that is no lie. I wish you knew that you're competent, capable and valuable without the shadow of a doubt. The best around and nothing's going to ever bring you down. From where I was sitting you weren't the most well liked person in the room, in fact I heard more than one person use the word hate and your name in the same sentence. But it didn't matter because you absolutely were part of the IN crowd and success breeds jealousy. Maybe I'm a little bit biased because I like you so much but I'm serious it's pretty funny when half the other girls in the room are seething with envy and hatred because they ain't half as cool or good looking as you.

Dunno what I'm trying to say here really. Never going to forget you. Hate your friend S, love you. If you don't feel the same about me so be it, that doesn't change my high opinion of you any. Don't think I'll ever see you again and I've no way to contact you so.. good wishes! Make something grand of your life I know you can do it!

Sometimes when I drive around I pull off to the side of the road and think about talking to you. You have no idea what sort of perverted stuff I want to tell you.

Tell them originally.

Dear Donald Trump

Dear, God.
You just have to nerf the living shit out of me, huh? Or is it because our ancestors killed you during the enlightment era and damned the humanity into oblivion?


I think about if I should get back with you and work things out together like you said. But I don't know. We seperated because we had our individual issues to work on, I don't know if we can work through it while together. I miss hearing your voice. I feel anxious without it.

I really did love you

Dear H

Please help me

more about this guy? i think i ran into him before too

Dear me,
i hate you so much, i fucking hate you, i fucking hate your ugly face, i fucking hate your tiny dick, fucking hate your sinus, fucking hate your fucking weak body, i fucking hate your insecurity, i fucking hate your cowardice, hate ignorance, fucking hate your fear. I fucking hate the way you treat people who care about you like shit.
But i will never give up on you, i hope you can find the love of your life, i want you to be success, one day you will a good wife who loves you with all of her heart, beautiful kids who will adore you. I know that you can change, you can be good person. Don't give up on me, because i will never give up on you

I saw a mention of star wars and remembered you being a fan
Wonder what you think of the shitty new ones
Hope life's treating you well wherever you are

Dear M,

I hope you have some beautiful children that die in a horrible accident, you fucking piece of shit nigger

(Not talking to myself)

This is me reminding you that I am still here and still looking for you, wherever you might be.

I miss you. I want to spend time with you, just the two of us, no one else.



fucking kill them all.

Stop drugging me you fucking cunts.

Du hast mein Herz in eine Million kleiner schwarzer Stuecke zerschmettert. Ich werde es nie wieder zusammensetzen

you faggots do this every fucking time. You drug me up so that it makes the meds look way too strong and then after a few days you give me methadone or subutex in order to make it look like the meds are no longer working.

Again, who the fuck are you trying to fool I can feel this shit on the tip of my tonguie. The tingle, it's not a known effect for the meds I take. I can feel it in my eyelids when they become heavy. I get extremely drowsy.

I'll fucking kill every single fucking one of you.

Dear Ryu,

Your engagement is much appreciated citizen of earth. Your fists have spoken to me!.
The president of earth,


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I got diagnosed with severe BPD and avoidant personality I hate my appearance and I hate how other seem to appreciate it. My head is too big and even if I benchpress everyday with 90kg (being 70 of weight) and eat I still look frail as shit. I am tired of always feeling frail, emotionally and physically, I don't wanna wake up every morning with a massive sense of failure and depression, the inability of see further than my nose. I'm always hiding from others, keep my thoughts for me, and silently hate this stupid shallow and materialistic world. I don't even try to talk to new girls or even date them, because once there I feel so tremendously empty and it's their fault. I have millions of topic I can talk about: politics, economy, nature, art, history. just pick one. but she will always be inferior, looking at me strange as I talk about the subject she's majoring on with a dialectic superiority and a deeper knowledge. It's not my fault I remember everything I read. I'm not bragging for god's sake. I feel like some kind of alien that couldn't understand others' emotions. I forced myself to the point of roasting myself everyday to get rid of my social anxiety. I now created an alternative personality I use outside which is completely detached from what I really am and how I feel. Only my family knows how I really am. I cannot even tell anyone about my condition, my parents just hate me because I am moody and never happy and they think I hate them for that. They see me like a huge failure because I am not a doctor (I am graduated in biology but that isn't enough for them), because I am hateful towards society and I will never provide them with grandchildren because I cannot deal with a woman I have sex with for more than 2 months. I was meditating suicide with a bottle of nembutal I bought from darknet but that would really put my sister down, the only person which likes me for the way I am and don't ask me to change or be different.

being with you makes me feel like the most worthless and unlovable person. i want to die. i wish you gave a shit

I love you idiot stop playing games

they are trying to tell yo u that my dad's medications were "Real" but I fucking assure you that they were not.

They don't even make sense. He has liver damage from drinking, he wouldn't be able to take medication that had tylenol in it. And if he did, he wouldn't be able to take it with fucking alcohol.

Then you have to factor in the strength of those medications. 5mg hydrocodone is not enough for the kind of pain he talks about. Those are incredibly fucking weak.

Also, even taking like 5 of them I still had my bad symptoms... which wouldn't have happened if they were real. They had MDMA in them, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Trace amounts of MDMA.

So why are they triyng to convince me and everyone else that they were real? Because they don't want to get caught fucking drugging me against my consent and will. Which they are. Just like how they keep putting THC in my fucking drinks and food. They keep putting subutex in my drinks to make my other meds look less effective.

Because they are trying to manipulate people into thinking the meds I take for my depression and ADD are "bad". That "He can't keep doing that forever." for whatever fucking retarded reason. It's their war on drugs... they can't admit they are wrong because they have built their entire fucking careers (and budgets) on this stupid fucking war.

If they let me do what I want and people would see how incredibly beneficial it is for people like me it would mean they are wrong. That they have hurt hundreds of thousands of people in their ignorance. They have ruined lives in their ignorance. To admit they are wrong would mean they would lose their jobs, their careers, and their lifes work... even though they are fucking wrong about all of it.

Their egos, that is why they do this to me.

the publics swaying opinion on weed is what gives validity to my words and actions. That, and you can just fucking see how much these meds help me.

If they can get rid of that second part they might be able to overcome the first. So they drug me secretly to mimic bad symtpoms of the medications I take.

Logically, this means they know they are wrong. They know they are wrong because they are forced to fake the bad things. This is proof that it's their egos controlling my health and not my actual well being.

This is proof that they are not fit to be leaders.

If they won't step down I will fucking make them.

Kill them. Fucking kill them all.

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Guess what? I am dating A now. Yes, that girl who you talked shit about in order to make me think better of you. Everything you said about her is wrong, although I knew that from the start. Everything she said about you is correct though. It is kind of ironic that you tried (and failed miserably) to ruin me, and now its your life which is in shambles. Have fun in court lol.
Sincerely, N

Holy shit, this is 100% reddit-tier edge.

where are you from BPD user? i can relate to some of your ailments unfortunately.

r u R or J

here we all are, on the raggedy edge.

You shoved me so we are all going to die.

you all do what they tell you to do


pastapizzaland, you?

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I do have something I want to say, but its too late

second letter of Ns first name?

second letter of Ns first name is

Aah, ok. Gotcha
Its not me, sorry

Are you really through with me? I just wish we could have had a dignified goodbye.

are you sure you dont wish for more than that?

You are not my person. Let me vent without baiting me please.

no i wasnt implying that, just curious and thought id ask. maybe you dont know yourself

Look at this post
Look at this post and laugh

More details about Sasha?
I think I know him.

My person didn't give me one either just disappeared came back saying the same shit and then isn't responding, birthday is next month, will I get a happy birthday.

You're saying you ran into a spineless wimp that lashes out to women online who don't want to marry his sorry ass? Damn, he gets around.

no it was bait because b8ing is cathartic, you probably turned down a bunch of other better guys for that one too lol

I'm not the one he was talking about.

I've always been alone. How I'm supposed to be treated isn't something I've got that good of a grasp on. But surely I deserve to be treated better than this?
But you're special. There's no other person in the world I would take this from without getting pretty upset. But even with you, my patience is not unlimited. All I ask is a bit of your time.
At this point, I don't think I can stay if you choose we'll just be friends. I will not love someone who won't love me back. Not again.
You mean the world to me, but what's the point if I don't mean anything to you.

>There's no other person in the world I would take this from without getting pretty upset. But even with you, my patience is not unlimited.
yikes. youre in trouble user

Okay I'll bite. What's your initial?

Dear life,

I can't take this anymore. The loneliness, the pain. What did I do to deserve this? I try really hard to be a good person, I try to be nice to everyone. I have good grades, I don't drink or do drugs. Yet I still suffer, I've only ever had one friend who actually cared about me. But they hate me now, I don't even know what I did. How come everyone else has friends? Someone to comfort them? How come I'm left to cry alone when I have it worse than most everyone else. It's so painful, seeing everyone else making new memories, and reminiscing on the old ones with people close to them, I'll never have anything like that. Instead I get to suffer alone, I get to feel all this pain and no one bothers to help me. It's not fair, I'm always helping people with stuff, I never ask for anything in return. But when I need help because I'm depressed, no one comes to my aid. I just want to end it, I can't take this for the rest of my life.


You know, it's funny. Life.
Just when you think you have nothing to lose, it throws you a rope. You're hesitant to grab it of course, you've fallen off ropes too many times. But against all better judgement you grab it with the faint hope that this time it won't snap.
You hold onto it for dear life and climb. As you climb after spending years of sitting in the dark, you finally start to see some light above. You feel something. A positive feeling; something you've previously only seen on other people's faces on the street.
You start to hope that maybe I can have that, maybe I am deserving to feel that way someday.
And just when you've built a beautiful future of happiness in your mind, the rope snaps.
The light quickly fades as the dark envelops your field of view once more.
Then you just lay there, in the dark. It's even darker than it was before, because you got a glimpse of the light.
Of what could've been.

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I'm sorry that I can't be your friend.
You make me too sad.

You grab all the broken pieces and build yourself a ladder. Don't wait for someone to throw you a rope, user.

>Don't wait for someone to throw you a rope, user.
If only there were pieces left to build with. Ladders have been built and ropes have been climbed, only to be brought down by powers beyond anyone's control.
The pieces that once were are all lost in the dark with the will to which look for them.

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I'm still pretty angry. I still hate most of you. I still hate that you won't give me my medications. I hate that you won't tell me the truth. I don't know why you people are still torturing me but it's clearly not working.

My medications would be working amazingly. I mean, even though I am being literally tortured, isolated, and abused every day they are what keep me together. That is proof enough that they have miraculous abilities capable of turning around even the worst days.

You seem to think the medications CAUSE the torture. You people seem to think that the medications cause me to be isolated. But you all know they don't. You know that my internet is being filtered and I'm not allowed to talk to anyone. You know that my family abuses me. They know that you people won't let me earn money but my family constantly harasses me for being a failure and having nothing... that's psychological abuse. You are taking my ability to live from me while simultaneously criticizing me for being able to live.

You tell me to go to a doctor for help and then have the doctors do worse than nothing, you have them actively harass me. You pay the doctors to ignore my cries for help and they then criticize me in order to make me feel more alone than ever.

You fucks are torturing me for no fucking reason at all. I've committed no crimes. I have never hurt anyone in my god damn life. But you torture me. You keep me in a prison (which goes further than these four walls.) and you wonder why I am so fucking angry. Why I hate all of you.

I do want a companion but I can't trust any of you. I can't trust any of them because I know they work for the people that are using me. By now it's obvious that they do not have my best interest in mind. They don't care about my well being. They are not trying to help me,, they are just using me. They torture me because it ends with something they want... I just don't know what that is.

If they actually wanted to help me they would have given me what I wanted when I wanted it. If they wanted me to trust them even a little tiny bit... they would have. But they didn't. And when I told them to fuck themselves, that I wasn't going to comply, they drugged me against my will with medications I'm allergic to in order to send me a threat.

That If I didn't do what they said they were going to keep hurting me. Do you fuckers think a group that would torture an innocent person because they just wanted they medications... do you think this group of people are good? Do you fuckers really think they are the good guys? They keep slaves. They illegally experiment on humans. They torture people to death. They threaten people when they don't do what they are told.

And all of you keep on doing what you're told. You keep hurting people. Time and time again. None of you stand up for what is right. None of you sacrifice a god damn thing. You just keep doing what you're told and you get fucking paid to do it. You all benefit from slavery and torture and pretend like you're the fucking good ones.

This is why I hate you all. This is why I will never work with you cunts. I would rather fucking die than give them control. They can suck my fat fucking dick. If they want my cooperation then they are going to do exactly what I fucking say, when I fucking say it.

No compromises. No remorse. No mercy.. You fuckers are horrible, rage, without mercy.

But I will be worse.

I will be so much fucking worse.

you warn me that I am dehydrated and that I need to drink more water

But then you fucking cunts put shit in my water that dehydrates me and makes me tired as fuck. You keep poisoning my drinks while telling me to drink them.

Are you dumb mother fuckers serious.

Don't even start on that whole "IT'S A GIFT IT COMES WITH A PRICE."

Gifts are free you dumb mother fuckers. By definition gifts are free. They don't come with a price.

I never asked for any of this.

>by powers beyond anyone's control
you can't control the circumstances but you can control how you react to them. it's 100% under your control. no more ladders or ropes? fly, user. if there's nothing left, there's no excuse not to keep trying until your very last breath.

>you can control how you react to them
There's just so many times you can fall before getting some permanent damage.
Thinking it's no big deal doesn't heal the broken bones.

>there's no excuse not to keep trying until your very last breath.
This I intend to do, don't worry. But it still hurts like hell every time, and makes me that much more reluctant to try again.

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it is a very big deal, it is making you stronger. becoming more cautious and intelligent each time is a good thing user. if life is giving you despair, maybe it's despair that you need right now. nothing good is made where there's no suffering. i hope you recover quickly from those broken bones.

I love you so much, this is going so well im so happy we have met
- A

Es war es wert.

>i hope you recover quickly from those broken bones
Thank you for the kind words user.
One thing despair like this is good for is that you will never take things the good things for granted.
This is a feeling that'll never leave me, and I'm better off for having felt it.

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>and I'm better off for having felt it
exactly, you'll be ok user