Did gay people ruin r9k?
Did gay people ruin r9k?
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Lots of things are ruining Jow Forums, but this gay shit is probably the worst of it. Why cant they go be gay on their own board? We have one of those you know, it exists for a reason, for people to actually use it when they wanna gay shit up. But no, they come here, I'd say fuck em all but THATS WHAT THEY WANT. GODDAMN FAGGOTS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.
I've got to agree, honestly. They have their own board and yet they choose to infest this one.
No, it was "robots" aka feelers
You forgot plebbit but most of those people are gay so yea, the gay literally destroy everything they touch.
Man I don't want any gay/fetish posts or pol posts or whining posts, I just want a cool place to hang out and post stories like the description suggests
Jow Forums was ruined by almost everybody that used it.
Aside from a few red pilled good men, everyone here is fucking garbage.
No, gay people ruined everything.
Only like what, 4% of the world is gay? Yet in every form of media, like tv shows, cartoons, and video games the gay agenda keeps being pushed further and further.
Now people are unironically jerking off to dudes just because they wear panties. Something isn't right here.
Right...As if the very concept of a robot isn't shit in and of itself. It was ruined upon creation.
Gay people are fine. On an anonymous board you shouldn't be able to tell they're gay but they make it their entire personality.
I like you, Yuiposter.
seriously, trannies are not even .1% of the population in the west, yet they are EVERYWHERE
game devs, forums, social media, movies, companies, every fucking where.
And people are pretty much shoving them down our throats non stop and if we do anything we get called bigots and are socially outcast and shunned into being loners and villains.
Yes. Mentally ill faggots have been this board's biggest problem for the last few years, if you're not counting the influx of normals.
I'm no expert but I highly doubt only 4% of the world is gay if you count bi people (who basically are gay). Not to mention that number is likely rapidly increasing with all this child indoctrination going on.
unironically based. I think they want to convert lonely robots into homos but why I can't quite decide. Its pretty shameful how many more replies r9gay threads get compared to decent feels threads
It seems most women now are willing to slobber all over each other. I'm not really sure if you can count this as being bi, but if so, at least half of women are gay.
What a time to be alive.
women aren't gay, they just do that shit for attention or if they are man hating nazis.
It's the normies that ruined this board, OP.
>they just do that shit for attention
Makes sense. Nearly all of them are attention whores.
this, probably 1/10 lesbians haven't had a dick before
This is just in America, so I was slightly off. Still, something's not right. It seems like they just popped out of the woodworks.
10 years ago, none of this shit was around. Now in just the past year, you've got TLOU2, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Legend of Korra a few years back. These are just a few things that come to mind, I'm sure there's more.
I dunno where the trend started in anime but traps were supposed to be a derogatory joke (haha this dude looks like a girl) but now you've got trannies who look horrendous posing in women's clothes with their giant dick out and people are unironically saying they're better than women? I know bitches are terrible but you clearly can't be mentally sound to actually think that, right?
I tend to differentiate between gays I might see in threads and vocal faggots that won't shut the fuck up, just like gay pride in real life gave them a disgusting reputation, plenty of faggots are doing the same thing on the internet. I don't get why it's so hard for some of them to stop being so annoying, there's plenty who do so.
Yeah people are giving them more attention and approval and where there is attention and approval there is a generation growing up in a digital world where approval and attention directly relate to monetary gain.
The number of gays and creepy weird-asses is going to skyrocket.
motherfucker this place is called robot 9000 shut your faggot ass up this is why muslims throw you off buildings
>le gays ruin everything
spotted the Jow Forums trash
holy shit there are still sane people here goddamn
God bless all of you and I hope you have a good day
Fuck gay people who force their lifestyle on other people
Fuck off with the gay shit in cartoons
Fuck off with the gay education
Fuck off with intrusive gay people
Get the fuck away from children
Yessir not all hope is lost there are actually reasonable people out there
Idk the quality of this place has stayed mostly consistent throughout the years, what's changed is how angry people are here all the time. So many haven't learned that nasty, angry, people are only like that because they're unhappy and the way to stop them is by being genuinely nice and concerned about their wellbeing in the face of that anger
Shut your fucking bitchass up and go back to r/latestagecapitalism
Boohoo everybody you do not like is Pol nazis racists and bigots
I've probably been here longer than you kid
wow it's almost as if the powers that be actually want us to hate them by shoving it in our face constantly along with other minorities until we hate them enough to want to exterminate everybody that's different until there's only 1 race and ideology left to be ruled over by the secret overlords
wake up and realise that faggots along with other minorities are our greatest ally in the fight against eternal evil that plagues the highest echelon
>allying with sodomites
I'd rather burn alive.
I don't need to worry about only one race remaining as long as its my race.
then you just picked the wrong side, in the fight against the faceless entities and powers that haunt every word in every book, every face on television, even many of the things you see on the internet there is only them vs everyone else until we're dominated like cattle and enslaved, you need to wake up and realise that this fight is more important than any hatred of faggots and we need to band together to even stand a chance and expel the evil that gets closer everyday to controlling us everyday
lmao kill yourself fag
then your race will be the one at the heels of those who try to control and you will be nothing more than cattle to them to be poked and prodded at their whims, i hope you've made peace with this because this is what lies in the future if people continue on this path, we as humans need to join forces and fight back against the oppressors
No I agree with the other guy, sodomites have no integrity.
Wake Up Sheeple 2 - Electric Boogaloo
its exactly these literal faggots that ruin everything
Trapfags have been here since the start. This board was just supposed to be original /b/ and the reason it was ruined is because underage posters, the newish rule enforcing no /soc/ posting, and the exposure gained from the shootings and news which gave this board an even worse reputation. Most posts are bait or unironic circlejerk echo chamber bullshit. Also to be clear women hate threads were here fairly early, but the current state of things is terrible. The Tripfags fucking up and creating drama was unironically better than the current state of things.
To fix it: Delete this board.
/soc/ posting sucks though
Based anti-gay poster. Faggots don't belong here, they have /lgbt/ but yet they come here. They don't belong here, they just shit up this board with their degenerate mental illness shit.
>ruins vidya
>ruins movies
>ruins series
>ruins politics
>ruins society
>ruins Jow Forums and Jow Forums in whole
Yep, I'd say they ruin everything. Wish faggotry was punished with death, only thing muslims got right and that I agree with.
Choose one
Yes but it came out naturally just from the state of this board. Gays at r9k are in 99% of cases desperate lonely men craving for any kind of affection.
>then you just picked the wrong side
>My side is good
>Everything else is evil
Faggots will burn
They have ruined most of Jow Forums. Lots of boards have been taken over by them.
Calling gays "sodomites" just expose you as a disgusting christcuck sweetie.
No we didn't, we have a right to post here you fucking idiot, go fuck yourself and die retarded weeb (also, as if anime wasn't super gay lol).
Don't fret, once we've burnt you at the stake your troubled existence will be at an end. Embrace the void.
why don't you try then? incel pathetic loser looool
I know many of you are shitposting but i can explain some of that to an extent.
The reason so many trannies are in vidya, social media and companies is because autism. Those were people that browsed tumblr and deviantArt forever and their autism had them gain some skill that was useful enough to get into job. They also screech the most and the loudest so are the most noticeable so corporations cave in which makes for more trannies to enter there easier.
The reason why people like traps in anime is honestly weird. I mean i always liked them so i can't explain the trend now, hopefully someone else can.
I can however explain why it happens in real life. Basically thanks to feminism and liberating western women, they all now are utterly undesirable. They don't have to work to any standards now and expecting anything from them is sexist/mysogynist/whatever. So basically you have more and more screeching ugly fat wahmen, that even if not really that ugly, are toxic feminists that will blame you on everything.
Meanwhile you have guys that work their asses of just to pass as a girl and be a slut that behaves and is more feminine than typical woman. I'd say it's this gap and the fact that they literally make better girls than real ones is why more and more people are attracted to that. Especially lonely guys that never could get a normal gf.
Yes but old fags use to die of cancer. Now they can die from AIDS.
it just seems like gay fags are more willing to be anti r9k because they hate robots, they probably make all the fembot threads and pink pill threads and all sorts of annoying shit.