How the hell am I supposed to make the first move as a man without her consent first? I mean simple shit like kissing...

How the hell am I supposed to make the first move as a man without her consent first? I mean simple shit like kissing, I am so bad at this.

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We are supposed to make rapy advances and slow down when they show resistance.
Being the beta I am, I do the contrary: I never advance, because I nervously look for interest first and call it "being friendly" when I find it.

I am such a /virgin/, I have told girls not to send nudes and by Allah they send the nudes anyway, Allahu akhbar.

From my experience most girls say 'no' or attempt resistance. But I tend to be persistent (and in a way rapey) and they usually relent.

Days afterwards when we talk about it they usually say they didnt know what came over them and stuff like that. So far they've never blamed or faulted me for doing what I did.

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Brother you walk a fine line

Ideally for me a female would be really confident about what she wanted and would be like no, user, please, I need you inside me etc. But she would also have to understand that the act of sex would also be the most trust anyone has asked of me ever. Basically, I am trusting that you will not ruin my life with disease or unwanted pregnancy or Allah forbid a rape accusation in exchange for some bodily pleasure. I would also be trusting that it is not the focal point of the relationship, like I have seen even in marriages of people I knew. It should be an expression of bondship.

People call me MGTOW because of this CTFU

Simple, just wear the meanist face you can muster, and a leather jacket. This way, you'll only ever experience trashy bitches asking you for smokes!

t. experience

Tobacco is for degenerates, my dude. Across the board.

Verbal consent is a fucking meme.
Nobody ever ever asks for a kiss, nobody ever ever goes like "would you consent to having sexual intercourse with me, m'lady?"
Just read her body language and move forward if it looks like a green light

The problem is recognizing said green light. If you're stupid/insecure like me and can't see/accept they're interested, you're better just advancing by default.

>Read her body language.
That doesn't work if you're autismo.

That actually makes sense thanks. I'm the same way bro. tfw

Remember Hitch? You ever see that movie? Remember the 90/10 rule? You can do it, pussy.

I should actually watch Hitch.

Just walk up and grab her boob. She'll yell if she doesn't like it.

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You're supposed to be a tall buff rich attractive Chad who does whatever he wants because he already knows a girl will let him do anything.

Like, DUH, fucking incels can't even figure that out.

This is pretty much me too.
>Nobody ever ever asks for a kiss
I gotta say man, one of the only girls I've ever kissed, I told her "I'd really like to kiss you right now" and she said "okay" and we started making out. So "can I kiss you" is probably a bad move, but I wouldn't say getting verbal consent is a complete meme.

>Nobody ever ever asks for a kiss

Actually user, if the hints and flirting is going well, asking if you can kiss her is actually a great way to take next step to intimacy/relationship. obviously timing and place are essential. you dont want to it to be a "goodbye" peck, but you dont want to savagely ram your tongue down her throat either.
if she says NO, you know where you stand. suck it up. even chads get NO's more often than you think.
if she giggles and goes shy or just plain says yes.. you're in.
make it a kiss on the lips, lingering but not so much you're breathing heavily through your yeah, take a good breath in first.
also close your eyes. so if she briefly opens hers, she knows you're not looking about, and are concentrating totally on her.
just some tips i picked up. loads more ask me anything.

in addition to the tips i gave there. the breathing in bit just before kissing prevents searing her in your unpleasant dog breath. so if you're not confident about your breath, that can reduce the anxiety of it.

yeah this
sure chad gets NOs, but they are a different type of no, they distract with a boyfriend or some excuse, they never call the guy disgusting and demoralize him.

You start by touching her shoulder and getting progressively more sexual from there until she stops you. Then back up to the last base and wait I while and try again. That's why they call them bases idiot
If after 3 trys she still refuses, tho her away and find one that will let you fuck. ..and if she trys the Mee too bullshit, kill her.

Just give up on women man

Even their body language lies now days bruh. Just start slow and work up to sex...I always get verbal consent right before I stick it in tho, but I do it in a seductive they don't know I'm gearing up for defense against the impending false rape charge