Okay fellas, I have a story here. It's a story about me, and to an extent, it's a cry for help

Okay fellas, I have a story here. It's a story about me, and to an extent, it's a cry for help.
It has a beginning and middle, but it hasn't really ended yet.
I really intend to use this board and these posts as a place to keep my thoughts in check, and to find advice.
Essentially, all you need to know before I start is that this is pointless story, about a pointless person and his terrible teenage-hood.

>be me
>7th grade
>i attended a school that had kindergarten all through 8th grade
>basically, once you're there, you attend for about 9 years
>seen the same people in the same classes for all of this time
>very rarely do you meet someone you haven't seen or interacted with before
>it does happen however
>this means you grow up with all of your friends, all of your enemies, any strangers, etc
>this also means that everybody hits puberty at the same time
>all of a sudden, girls you thought were annoying and had cooties less than a few years ago are now the fantasy of your prepubescent wet dreams
>with puberty, comes the want to fuck and to date
>this is where the story of my seemingly endless string of bad luck begins


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user, you should be doing your homework....
Math is not that hard you dingus, apply yourself....

bump because of your picture
proceed lil nigga

continue my man
i kinda relate with the knowing everyone in school kinda shit

Honestly feels good to know people are interested.
It's going to be a while until shit gets really going, so bear with me.
I may also have to split this post over the course of a few days, depending on if I fall asleep or not.

>be me, again
>up until now hasn't had a gf, hasn't even felt a woman's touch
>very lonely, has friends but friends are successful with the ladies
>craving that sweet 7th grade puss
>one day, be in algebra
>notice a girl with short shorts on
>up until now I've never really registered her presence
>dirty blonde hair, always looks tired and is usually quiet
>however, today I finally notice those fucking legs and thighs
>from how she is sitting I can almost see a part of her bare ass
>just assume that I'll just look from afar and never get to feel that ass and those legs
>however, i had no idea what kind of shit I was going to be in for after that day

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proceed faggot

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Hoping thread is not kill.
I'll continue the story because i have half of essentially the first part done.

>fast forward a few weeks
>be me, eating lunch
>suddenly, females appear behind me
>one of them is pale, has long brown hair, wide open eyes and massive titties for an 8th grader
>the other is the girl i was ogling in algebra
>they aren't here to talk to me
>suddenly, notice a sweatshirt one of them is wearing
>design is familiar
>ohshitnigga that's something I was into
>what the design was doesn't matter much, what matters is that I started to talk to them about it
>before I knew it they got integrated into my little clique of friends
>big titty 8th grader will be called BT, and algebra girl will be called AG for brevity
>things go normally, the group hung out a lot in and outside of school, with BT and AG included
>suddenly, hear something from one of my friends
>a girl has a crush on me and won't tell me who

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please dont fuck up badly OP

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I demand immediate continuation

Sorry if updates are slow, it's detecting non-ascii text even though I literally have this all typed out on a Google doc, using the same keyboard.

>mind gets immediately shattered and I am now on the active search for this female
>weeks go by, and my search is fruitless
>one evening, decide to open up Facebook
>everyone in our group has a Facebook and we have a group chat to make things easier to communicate
>notice I have message notifications
>assuming it's the group chat, I open them
>turns out it's fucking AG
>AG has a crush on me
>never considered her to like me ever
>respond to her confession in the positive
>not only because of dat ass, but she was a cool person and I enjoyed spending time with her
>first few days of officially "dating" leads to nothing
>barely even hand holding, no contact, nothing
>okay whatever it'll happen when she's comfortable
>two weeks after we start dating me, AG and BT are at AG's house
>suddenly BT wants us to kiss
>we kiss
>a short peck, but I still remember the feeling of it
>was officially my first kiss

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OP here. Quick clarification: I don't have this ENTIRE story typed out yet. I simply dont have the energy to tonight, however I'll post what I do have so far. Ultimate goal for tonight is to finish up this relationship and start with the beginning of high school next time.

Please don't be kill, thread.
Anyway, continuing the story.

>eventually, me and AG start hanging out regularly, cuddling, kissing, whatever
>no sex or anything
>suddenly hear another rumor
>BT has a crush on my best friend
>let me describe my best friend at the time
>he's tall, lanky, and pretty unique
>white/cuban/black mix, pretty light skinned
>huge afro
>me and him were inseparable
From here on, I'll refer to him as FC
>getting back to the story now
>BT likes FC
>one day, at my house, she asks him out
>he says yes, with his eyes very obviously looking at her chest
>okay nice we're best friends dating best friends
>only 2 weeks later, we hear news from FC himself
>he fingered her already
>to me and AG this was crazy and super soon for them
>until now, I only touched a titty and ass, which contested
>the titty was barely an A cup while that ass can suffocate me to death and I would thank her for it
>fast forward to a few weeks later
>me and her are cuddling in my bed
>she turns to me and says this:
>"I wanna try it"
>I say, "try what?"
>"what BT and FC did"

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Posting in the dark here. Probably going to stop these little messages and adding photos just for the sake of posting faster.

>at this my dick becomes fully erect
>it is hard enough to pierce through solid titanium and be able to kill a man with one mighty cockslap
>without getting into too many details, it wasn't very good and very amateurish
>that day I learn that she has some serious beef curtains
>it could pass as a lovecraftian nightmare if she was standing straight up
>however, I don't care
>I felt my first pussy boys
>have many a wet dream after this
>however, this is about where the happiness and the good things come to an end
>soon I would learn about the soul sucking beast my gf really was and the harpy FC called a gf

I originally planned to stop at that last post until the morning, or later in the day. But once I started getting replies, I kept writing.
I'll let you all know when I go to bed, and I'll make sure to let everyone know when I'm back.

>be a few weeks later
>get a message one day a month before the school year ends
>she's breaking up with me
>feel shitty throughout the rest of the school year
>last day of school, get invited to a group hang out
>she's there
>Well turns out she was breaking up with me for a short time, only so she can get her bearings straight and mentally prepare for a relationship
>basically we're dating again
>at the time this was awesome, but in hindsight this was a huge red flag
>things continue as normal, until one day
>she snaps at me out of nowhere for not being able to hang out
>freak out because I had no idea what I did
>turns out she was only on her period and is quick to anger
>as I later find out, it's not just her anger which is heightened
>she apologizes and now everything is okay again
>red flag ignore mode: engaged

im reading it nigga

Oh, damn. Much appriciated, man.

>turns out her being quick to anger is a common occurrence now
>not just that, she finally revealed a depressed side to her
>that's fine, we all get depressed
>what I didn't know is that she would use that as a way of manipulating me into staying with her
>to make a long story short, what I thought was a perfect and happy relationship slowly unravelled as she revealed her true self
>she would constantly berate me about treating her bad and not allowing her to talk about her problems, but I literally never have and never been able to
>she would threaten suicide on a weekly basis, saying things about how I'm the only reason she's alive right now and if i leave she's going to kill herself
>she would force me into sexual experiences, well knowing about past trauma I had regarding them
>the list goes on
>point is, things are very unhealthy

I decided to put this in here for context a bit. In the greentext format, of course.

>side but relevant story
>be FC
>be going into 8th grade at end of summer
>user introduced me to BT and now we're dating
>sends frequent nudes and we fuck regularly
>shit gets bad fast though
>she's super entitled to me and my time
>treats me like shit and insults me
>now hates user, for literally no reason
>she wants me to excommunicate him from the group
>i don't want to but
>those tits
>slowly stop inviting user to group hang outs
>later we break up over her dumb shit anyway
>user and I are on good terms but things are rocky

Back to my POV.

>as implied before, it got to the point where my friends didn't even invite me to anything anymore
>I only had my abusive gf
>I wanted to die
>suddenly, an opportunity
>during all of this, I went to anime and comic conventions
>at one of these, I met another girl
>I'll just call her L
>L and I met basically by accident, while being literally dragged into the situation
>we hit it off immediately, we exchanged numbers, and then left
>during this particular convention, AG had a fucking meltdown over nothing and I had to call her for 5 hours
>the next day, me and L Skype and text
>we Skype and text very frequently
>if i wasn't miserable and trapped in a relationship, I would've been happy
>that summer, I found a job
>paid internship at a tech company
>fuck yeah

>during this, AG is becoming more and more desperate to get my attention
>at this point, I've become so worn down that I just can't care anymore
>at age 15, I was basically ready to die
>the only reason I kept going was for L
>I was quickly falling head over heels for L
>she treated me like an actual human being, and respected me and my feelings
>not just that, she felt the same way for me
>however, there were two problems
>she wasn't ready for a relationship, and AG was still in my life
>the final straw for me and AG was when I was coming home from a particularly rigorous shift, and i was exhausted
>AG wanted me to come over, which was a 6 mile bike ride
>I was exhausted and I couldn't
>she then had a meltdown and got pissed at me for that
>she didn't fucking care that I was exhausted or anything, she just cared about how she felt and what she wanted
>I was done

>later that week, I went to her house
>I had the intention of breaking it off with her
>it was a very emotional and long experience
>but I did it
>at the time, my therapist said that I should have broken up with her over text
>it was seriously that bad
>surprise surprise, she didn't kill herself or even hurt herself after I broke it off
>I was free
>except not really, but I'll explain later
>I now had everything going for me, and every intention to date L
>life, however, had a much different plan than what I had hoped

famn bro this is cool

And with that, I shall go.
Consider this part 1 of my story. I plan on continuing it, of course. But for now, I need to sleep.
Goodnight Anons, expect me again very soon.

good night nigga. sleep well

ima watch jojo and go to bed too, nighty nkght

cont cunt

When u r awake you should tell us whether or not you told L about AG. Really interesting greentext, continue asap.