"Buy me a drink? Or are you not man enough to handle this ass?"

>"Buy me a drink? Or are you not man enough to handle this ass?"
w-what do?

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"no thanks"
that's it. not into fat women. don't know what other response you're looking for.

Her ass is bigger than her upper body.
I love a fat ass but there are limits.
>I'd buy her a drink anyway just to see what happens.

"I uh, you know..no thanks"

You'd need rope and a chain gang to handle that landwhale

she would reject me, that's how bad it is for me

What if I handle the while while keeping my money?

I'd say "no thanks" and nervously leave and later try and laugh it off as her being too fat for me when deep down I would've loved having some company

i don't understand how life is possible when you're that fat
how does she even get out of bed
dress herself
i'm like 5kg overweight and that's enough to have me sweating like a pig every time i have to walk for longer than a minute or two

I'll buy you a drink, but only for anal.

I can't even imagine how you'd walk with that much ass throwing off your balance

all the fat girls i know are desperate whores

This. Put all that cushion to use I say

You've already got one, fuck off leech.

I never buy women drinks in bars. If they want it, they will buy you a drink.
My gf used to approach betas for drinks, then she would bring me the drinks they bought. I Miss being chad.

I'm not hutt enough to handle that ass but that's about it

I would probably bust out laughing if she said that to me.
I gently rejected a fat girl before but if she had been that rude/pompous I would definitely have belittled her.

She is too fat and not good looking face wise to be asking me to buy her shit. Maybe if she show me how talented she is with her mouth then we can work something out.

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Bitch you should be the one buying me a couple drinks if you expect me to deal with your fatass

I'd buy her a drink. Fat chicks are a good root and she looks cute. If she said something like that to me I'd very loudly "fat shame" her

trips on trips! originigger

Man, her face isn't even cute. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

i would, and then brush my dick on her ass as i received the drink

sad thing is, I would gladly fuck her, but she would reject me because I'm butt ugly. "beggars can't be choosers" doesn't apply to women.

I think you might be gay my dude

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no, hes right. she looks like a piggy.

Well yeah. They're called a slampig for a reason

OP pic does look bad. Yours isnt. There is the difference

The things I'd do just to motorboat those buttocks

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I'd buy her a drink and fuck desu.

Oh boi do I want to fight with this fat cunt. Bet she's fucking angry like a rhino. We gotta fight till one of us fall dead.

buy her a drink and some snacks as well. that ass needs to grow until it tears the dress apart. best when she sits down on my lap.

I would undeniably and unironically fuck her hopefully multiple times and do whatever I can to make sure no one I know finds out.

>"Buy me a drink"

Why do people do this?

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So they can get laid

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same nigga 50 inches off ass may break my dick but it will be worth the pain

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haha imagine if she sat on your head with that thing. It'd probably smell pretty bad lol who would ever want to be smothered to death under that.

Haha, yeah, who would want that...

It can honestly be a way for a girl to get in contact with a man she thinks looks nice at a bar. It can also just be girls looking to score free shit.

Barkeep. a tall glass of water for this thirsty lass. *tips a dollar, walks away*

See how she's leaning against the table? That's how.
It's not wrong to lean oneself against the bartable, my point is that fat people take lazy ways out to get the day to pass. Instead of having big muscles carry the weight, they have external surroundings carry a lot of it. Sure, they may walk from A to B, but they sweat really easily. I'm overweight myself.
I have a sister that's really overweight, obese, and I've seen many of the things she do staying that way.

She has her own mental problems. She thinks life is dynamic and random, just like her tv-shows. Where you sit in a pub and just meet people and have fun and get experiences that you grow on. That life is a linear travel that you can only learn and improve from.
Anyhow, fatties sit a lot. Physical activity is limited to the bare need. To go to the store, to go to the bus, to go to the taxi, to sit down in a pub. Effort is done through small bursts and sweat comes straight away. Just standing up and walkign to the bar is enough to cause sweat.
And every symptom is excused as normal. Sure, if the pub is really warm, moist and you've been dancing, sweating is normal. Thin people experience it too, so it's normal. Your leg hurts from sitting, not from being fat - a thin person sitting as much would probably hurt too (in their head).
A victim-mentality. Obesity linked to health issues hits their ego. Really, really hard. By having a direct link on an individual level, you are ruining their lie in life.
>If you take the life lie from an average man, you take away his happiness as well
The notion that they aren't good people, that's an illegal thought, which activates stress, which is relieved through eating.

I'm rambling.

Classy and based

*nods at u respectfully*

I had no idea that an ass could be so high up someones body

Its probably because the dress is so tight.

>Brings her a drink

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Write a book you are a very insightful person

Is it even possible to get women like this when you're a twink? I feel like they'd just be more self-conscious because of the major size difference.

id kill to worship that ass

Can anyone confirm it feels good to fuck an ass that fat?

Honestly I'd be very worried about her hygiene and smell.
I'd let her blow me/hj etc but unless it's some hentai level perfection down there I'm holding my breath

Just get a noseplug and don't think about it too much and it's a good time

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What if I want her to sit on my face and let me smell and taste tho

then youre a patrician

>tfw you probably would
What have I become?

You feel it too don't you?


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>look at ass

>look at face
eh, no money my friend

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that's what buttsex was made for user

actually not so bad, would gladly make those cheeks jiggle

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I hate fat people but I'd probably do it because at this point I'm desperate to lose my virginity.

"Sorry, but I am not interested. I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere."

>silently continue drinking, completely ignoring her as if she didnt say a thing

10/10 keked irl
good job user.
was worth doing the 10 fucking captchas to tell you

Lazybones, you don't even carry the same weight. Fuck off.

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Honestly her face isn't too bad considering how obese she is.

It felt okayish. I preferred the lady parts though.
I was incredibly lucky because she was very clean and odorless, but her skin looked hideous.

Of course i could not handle that. Even Jow Forums could not lift that.

I like this guy, best response desu
My captcha just required 10 correctly answered pic changes what the actual fuck

You're a very good writer user

Buy her a diet coke or water.

You don't need the extra calories fattie

Sorry, i forgot my harpoon at home

Fat women have horrible smells. Can confirm.

>tfw have openly told fatties I don't date girls that weigh more than me

They make such such shocked faces when you do it. Rejecting women is actually a lot of fun!

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This user is a hero and i look up to him

>a drink
Maybe some seawater to remind you of home?

too short no want

Excellent, this is the best comeback.

>honey, a forklift is not man enough for your fat ass

Fucking hell