I am what you guys call a failed normie. I have friends, I have a career, I have an education...

I am what you guys call a failed normie. I have friends, I have a career, I have an education, and I've had sex before that I didn't have to pay for. I've gotten so far away from who I used to be that I even ended up finding this place. Now I've read about your views and opinions and I want to know.


I want to be a Chad. All of this makes sense to me, and I want it. I'm not super rich, but I am pretty wealthy. I could easily spend $200,000 at any time I want. That being said... How the fuck do I become a Chad? Somebody here has to have some ideas, I know you mother fuckers have thought about it before. So share your thoughts. How would you make yourself a Chad?

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Sry bud. Consultation is going to run you $10,000. Pay up or go neck yourself.

Have Chad genetics


really gets the noggin joggin opee

Be attractive is the big one, you cannot be a chad without being a 9/10 or 10/10. But there are things to improve your chaddom like confidence and improving relationships with your local stacies

>I have a career
How does that not make you want to kill yourself?
Having to work for money is my biggest suicide fuel.
I won't live to see 25.

be yourself LMFAO

Lol, nice try, buddy.

I've been told I'm good looking, but in the kind of way where people like me when they meet me, not girls can't wait to fuck me...

I know my personality is top notch. Everyone likes me, people get excited to see me, and I get invited places all the fucking time. But my looks are (in my opinion) like 6/10 at best. I'm probably closer to like a high 4/rock solid 5. I want to up that a lot so that people don't just see me as an above average, cool guy, but rather, a fucking cool guy who is also sexy af. That's my problem, I'm not viewed as sexy. Also, I have ultra high standards for self and others btw.

It did for a long time, bro. I worked a lot and very hard to open up my possibilities and now I work for myself. Before you say I don't make shit (like most people who I've met who say they "work for themself"), I've made $220,000 per year since I started working for myself 3 years ago. I'm 26 now.

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>how do you make yourself a Chad?
I think you've come to the wrong place to ask that question lad

Like, if I spent $100,000 over the next year to get plastic surgery and everything to make myself like pic related, would I be a Chad? I don't care about getting surgeries done, and I already go to the gym, and am fit, so I think the only thing I need to approach model tier is model aesthetics.

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Slip flubromazolam in her drink and give her a deep dicking while she's uti?

Dude just invite beautiful women on vacations to an exotic, far away land and take pictures of them in lingerie while you're there.

What is it you really want? Women begging for the cock? A trophy wife? A harem? "I want to be Chad" isn't very specific, you'd probably need to go under the knife and get your face fixed and get a high powered and prestigious career or at least garner some renown before women would throw themselves at you and vie for your attention like they do the most desirable men.

Hiring a pick up artist to give you some tips and tricks would be a good start I guess

Assuming it is even possible for you, you should go to the gym and get ripped, at the same time go online and learn 'game'. If your face is shit , you are under 5'11 and you can't internalize the sociopathic nature of game you are sol.

I'm just asking for ideas, really. I know that a whole board of guys who range from 2/10 ugly and shut-in to 6/10 and social leaders, who ALL wish they were Chad tier has some ideas for how to be more "Chad"

Big dick also helps

Fuck that PUA shit. It sucks, honestly. I'm 6'2'', but I'm not as shredded as I want to be. My body fat percentage is still well above, say, the upper limit for abercrombie models. So even though I'm built (and strong), it doesn't show as well, outside of built arms and shoulders and chest. I want my abs god dammit!

It is risky but the right tattoos might make a guy more chadish.

Honestly, I'm average. I'm like 4.5 inches soft, 7 erect. But my girth sucks. I know it too. I've seen girthy dicks (in passing, gym, locker rooms, that kind of shit) and I wish I had that, but whatever. I'm not cut, cause my dad wasn't into the whole cutting babies dicks off thing, so...

Being Chad is as mental as it is physical. If you can't do 'game' realize that at a minimum you have to to confident and self assured (or at least fake it well)

Yeah, see this is the kind if thing I'm looking for too, thanks, bro. I actually have thought about getting some tattoos, and I was in the military, so it would seem super gay or like a poser or anything. Like those fucking hipsters you see at starbucks with full sleeves and shit.

That's the thing, though, I am outgoing, extroverted, and I am confident, especially in myself. I think a lot of that comes from the military, they kinda beat it into you. But even though I never sperg out or whatever and I can hold my own socially, I never really get what I want. I get invites places, I get texts to go to parties and to drink, and I have lots of friends cause people say I'm cool, but idk, I just can't get that kind of reaction from girls that you expect a Chad to get. All things considered, I'm pretty sure I'm closest to what you guys call a "Brad". When I read that shit, I was like "fuck that's me"

I am very thin as well but at least you have the length to be okay. Remember girls think of their Chad one night stand when fucking thier bfs. Ergo you need to be good at sex (PIV) to be Chad. You are not out but you better have technique on your side. Being a Dom could help a lot.

Be careful and pay for a real artist (like you said you have the $).

This only matters if you are pasty pale, but tanning. Chad is tall DARK and handsome.

Like, just as a for instance I'll tell you abut one of my absolute Chad buddies. This mother fucker can -and does- get any piece of ass he wants, and they want him to. He gets blowjobs from girls at every party we go to, and he has an entire list of girls in his phone that he's met WHO DON'T HAVE NAMES AS CONTACTS, that he can text for on-call pussy and bj's. He has these bitches in his phone as "good bj" or "big ass" "cute face" that kind of shit. If you guys saw this shit, you'd fucking die. Also, it's worth noting that even I, as a straight guy, know this dude is fucking good looking. Like 8-9/10. Anyway, there's a story about him, where he was drinking at a bar talking to some older guy and his friend. They were just bullshitting, buying each other beers, whatever, right. So, this guy ends up telling him "yeah, you seem like a cool guy, I should set you up with my daughter". My buddy said okay cool, and the guy texts his 19 year old daughter right there. He takes a picture of my buddy at the bar and texts it to her saying he met this cool guy who wanted to meet her. SHE TEXTS BACK SAYING "NO WAY DAD, HE MUST HAVE A GF OR BE GAY?" Her dad says, no, and long story short, my buddy met - and fucked - that girl that night. He even fucked her in the ass on two different occasions! Like, wtf! She is in his phone as "Horny daughter" I fucking shit you not. He still texts her sometimes for head and anal. It's fucking insane.

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His fucking tinder too. Jesus Christ, you guys wouldn't believe this mother fuckers tinder and the stories I could tell you about it. fuck

Chad has great hair and great (but not gay) fashion sense.

>how the fuck do i become chad
you seem to misunderstand what this boards about how about you quit takin dicks in your ass faggot? hmmm?

>I am what you guys call a failed normie. I have friends, I have a career, I have an education, and I've had sex before that I didn't have to pay for.
that's not a failed normie, that's just a regular normie

a failed normie is someone who wants friends, a good education, a social life, etc.

Whatever, dude. You guys make enoguh gay, trap, and HRT threads. I'm actually trying to make a thread with some good content, so go back to your fag/jew threads or go fuck yourself.

Yeah, okay, either way though...

Yea guy is a normie big time. I would be jealous except he knows how much better Chad has it.

Well, that should make me all the more poised to become a Chad, right? So, what ideas do you have?

A nice car could help I guess.

Count your blessings, in an original fashion.

Good idea too! Thanks, man.
Yeah I've thought about it. I drive a plain fuckign black Chevy, but I've been thinking about upgrading to a status symbol vehicle. Like a BMW X6 ($80,000) or a Corvette ($80,000) or maybe a Jaguar F-Pace or something. Idk, I haven't pulled the trigger on it cause Idk if the money is better spent on something else?

Whattya mean, Robo?

OP is relatively wealthy so he should show it off when interacting with girls. It does not authenticity make him Chad but it could help. I would suggest a Rolex. Get a used one.

You know for that price you could go on a world sex tour.

Haha, thanks man! I actually collect watches, and I have a Rolex! I only have 1, but it cost me $5,500, it's the cheapest Rolex model. But, yeah, I do get compliments on it when I wear it, but it doesn't fit for every situation.

Haha, yeah, right. I've been to Japan quite a bit, Okinawa, Thailand, France, and Germany. Plus a ton of places in the states. I plan to travel quite a bit more, but it's hard to balance work and making money with going places and having fun.

Not to put you down but you know there's more to life than fucking sloots? Chad's life is just as vacuous as yours, I promise.

You cant force your nature. If you werent born a chad you will never become one. Ifvyou had not the good genetics and social environment you will never become a chad.

Heey there. No need for the slick insults, buddy. I know what you mean, but I guess my exposure to it make me envious. I have quite a few actual Chad friends, and even though I have sex, and have girlfriends and friends, and enjoy things, I see the way they act, and the way that the girls act towards them, and I want that too, idk.. I mean, I'm pretty well off, I travel, I have money, I have friends, I'm at least average looks, and it all is still not good enough to get girls to act how they do to some of my buddies.

This is a common mindset among robots and honestly I think it's wrong. It's possible. I've seen total losers break into the right social groups and clean up and climb the social ladder in a pretty steep way. Idk, I don't assume to be right about any of this, but I do think it is possible to get to that "Chad" level : /

Watching this thread I gotta say you gotta be careful about a slut after child support.

The social ladder and the sex ladder are different. The response you want from women is primal not social.

Yeah, I've always been careful, Robo. Honestly, this is part of the reason I half don't like "showing off" wealth and shit. Half of me wants to for the easy pussy, but half of me knows I risk a lot, because modern sluts will try and get pregnant with you or will go get pregnant after and try to wrap you up in bullshit saying it's yours, or (the most likely and dangerous) claim false rape.

I've never experienced these, nor have any of my friends, but I know this shit happens.

Yes! You're exactly right, Robo! That's good to think about. I need to find a way to appeal to that primal urge.

Good luck! Hahaha

I think, if we think about it that way, then showing off money, and cars, and whatever will do less than actually just being hot (duh). So if that's the case, should I just spend $100,000 on some light plastic surgery to achieve the model aesthetic? The good surgeons do work for the models and up-and-comers all the time, and they could definitely do it. You think it's worth it? Or is it just a goose chase?

I think it is not worth it user. You're right the wealth stuff will just bring gold diggers and not give you that x-factor that Chad has. You should find someone to really love user.

Yeah, but love is so cheap nowadays, man. Seriously, I was actually surprised that the guys of this board figured it out as well as you all did. Like I said, I have an above average life, and I have plenty of actual Chad buddies, so I've seen this shit irl. But you lot are supposedly all shut-ins, neets, and self-described losers, and you were able to see this shit. When the guys of this board are in threads talking about the "cock-carousel" and the fact that girls will come looking for a stable guy later on, and still fuck Chads on the side, they are 100% right. And I've seen it. I've even slept with some girls myself who said during pillow talk that they don't actually like their boyfriends, and that they have just enough sex with them to maintain the relationship. I slept with this girl who said she doesn't give her boyfriend blowjobs, and I've talked to girls at parties who are in "relationships" but didn't tell their boyfriends they were going to a fucking party to get drunk and, you guessed it, dicked down. Love is dead, and marriage is ruined by the lawyers and jews, who are running both the business of signing the marriages into law and then the other half of the firm does divorces, divorce settlements, and alimony.

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Honestly, in my experience, the guys who are still looking for that "love of my life" type thing are what you guys call the betas and friend-zoned dudes. I see it all the time : /

Maybe you are right. I can't accept it for my own mental health but I can acknowledge that at a minimum it is very hard and maybe a bad wager. You sound like a MGTOW 1%er. Most of them actually have to not have any sex.

What is MGTOW? I want to google it but I feel like it's a trap like Bluewaffle or lemon party...

Men going their own way. It's exactly what it sounds like.

Okay, I just googled it. Never heard of it, and I'm not really into groups like that, but it looks like it's mostly just anti-modern marriage, and I can at least agree with that

Yea for all the hype they are mostly just anti- marriage

You don't become chad, chads are born

>I'm not super rich, but I am pretty wealthy.
other way around honey.

Fucking tumblr, tier dude. Maybe stick to reddit.

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