Name ONE good country, a single one. I'll wait

Name ONE good country, a single one. I'll wait.

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Nu country or old country? No good nu country songs exist.

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The one that 99% of the world population would kill to get its citizenship.

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Obviously Denmark

>mfw i didn't even read the fucking question
why am i so retarded.

speaking of being retarded canada is comfy if you're living in the west
>t. leaf

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>Speaking a language that sounds like choking and cock-sucking noises

Wait shit was that what OP was asking. If it was it's his fault I got made into a dumbass :ree:

Good argument fuck off back to Jow Forums you normie tourist

I inherited a million dollar house and live off NEETbux in Australia

This is the only country where such a thing is possible.

If I was in America even if I got NEETbux there is property taxes meaning you couldnt even keep the house you inherit unless you work full time to pay the property taxes.

No property taxes here.

uuuuhm no i would rather live in switzerland

shieeeeeeeeeeet, could a dindu like myself move to australia and get the same treatment as a citizen?

Chile best country

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The Principality of Sealand

Not unless youre from Sudan, Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan....yeah this country likes to virtue signal a lot


>your comment was not original

I would be really ok with living in comfy Finland.

This all the way.
I don't think I actually would because I know that most of the time Americans are looked down on in other countries, so I'll just stay here I guess.

>99% of the world population would kill
Sounds like they'd fit in well with you gun waving savages.

go back to Jow Forums you faggot
wow fucking originally

I would like to live in Italy, seems like a comfy place

Atlantis argh, it be more of a town but still. It's good because it's gone/doesn't exist

Sounds like a good language to me famalam

I dont hate a single country in this world except for those french fags, they should be whiped out of existence.

How can one man be so originally based?