I was a motivated student. I tried for med school after my baccalauréat and failed...

I was a motivated student. I tried for med school after my baccalauréat and failed, despite getting close to having a passing grade into second year.

I doubled another year and failed also.

I got depressed, went to a psyward, and was put on meds. I stopped them soon after.

It's been 4 years and I still feel like fucking shit. I just don't know what to do. I was bornin 1994, recently turned 23. I'm not dumb, I'm hard working when I need to be, but I just feel so fucking lost right now.

All my former accointances are living the life while I'm still at the starting point.

What the fuck am I even supposed to do now. I tried nursing, dropped soon after because the job is livin hell, an poorly remunerated (not like in the US at all, here it's an underpaid profession).

Please help.

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>and failed also.
>I'm not dumb

lol, don't give up dum dum

We have to keep going. That's all there is my man, I feel similar to you and I'm even the same age. Haven't even gotten my bachelor's yet. I feel so far behind in so many areas compared to my peers. We just have to keep going. We have to find the hope that we can reach the heights and begin walking the path. What else is there? You've taken some hard licks no doubt, but at the end of the day you have two choices - give up or keep fighting, right? For each person giving up looks different, some take their lives and some just learn to content themselves with mediocrity. You know if you've chosen to give up even if nothing changes on the outside. But that choice is death, no matter what form it takes.

You need a wife and some little fuck trophies running around to give you a drive.

good blog post, cant wait to read what you will write next. much love, keep being awesome

Jow Forums is my blog.

yes thats right goy, pop out some kids, life will surely become better when you have to provide for more than just yourself

Ignore the retards, Guillaume.

First of all, it is good that you keep trying and trying, even after failure. Most people just stay at rock bottom, and you're obviously different because you want something better.

Don't compare yourself to others. Just focus on yourself and embrace the idea that life is an endless struggle, and men have to be strong because nothing is handed to us -- we have to work for it. Women can be weak, but men have to be strong. Imagine yourself as both the marble and the sculptor. You can't build yourself into something beautiful without picking away at your self and causing pain/discomfort. You have to embrace the struggle and mow down every obstacle that you face.

I wish I could help you, but it is ultimately up to you to decide your own future. Best of luck.

*bruises on her knees and shins* Hehehe women are all alike.

>dont keep having white children, they will make you miserable
Fuck off rabbi shellesteinberg

I too am a failure. not everyone can be winners.

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you failed. therefore you are dumb. fuck off and kys you useless idiot.


You are now my enemy.

This, I dropped out of highschool, I failed at life, now I plague the Earth with my wickedness.

Wtf does this have to do with politics?

Listen to this song OP, it's about a man who sold his soul to be rich, famous, and... successful.

You need to examine why you failed and extract out a lesson from that and implant it in your life to reduce the chance that you fail again.

The definition of a successful person is someone who never let failure defeat them. Everyone fails at things in life, the point of life is learning from your failures in order to improve in the future.

Do not wallow in your failures that path leads to hell.

well you live in france so your two choices are, go to Romania and do your degree there, join the ffl

Just keep trying OP, try until you succeed. True failure is selling your soul. That's how I look at it. We all need something to lift us up. And study study study.


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Clean your room


But I lost the will. I just can't focus anymore. I can't do anything.

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People will hate me saying this and yell "shill" but you're exactly the type of guy that benefits from Jordan Peterson. Leave the dude's politics for what they are but as far as how to get out of the rut he has good advice.




I am like 30 and just getting my bachelors now. Whatever you do, don't spiral into drug addiction and waste your 20s.

First thing is first, get in shape. Join a fight gym or at least some sporting group.

Get a job. Any job. A job will make other jobs easier to get and allow you to meet other people.

If you are in shape, reliable, and upstanding good things will come to you.

You are still so young. You can be anything you want to be.

I had to pick up the pieces of my own destroyed life at about 28 years old. No college degree, obese, and addicted to drugs. No friends, no job, and I had alienated my entire family.

Today I live a spartan existence. I am finishing my business degree, work a job that pays the bills, and I have friends and a comrades who respect me.

I don't have a steady girlfriend right now, but I do have some female friends I have sex with once in awhile. I would like a serious GF, but the one I had left me back in December.

It isn't a glamorous life or a "successful" life, but I am happier than I have been since I was a child.

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join the service before its too late. i did pretty much the same as you and now im 33 and living at home still. moving to a blue state in 2 years when my parents retire so i can finally be /disability/

growing up, school and athletics came extremely easy to me, to the point where i would be captain of every sport i played. i never did homework and only started school projects by pulling all nighter before it was due. but i aced every test, even the act i made a 35/36.

all this taught me that i had life on easy mode, when in fact thats not how it works in the real world, and i didnt learn so quickly that i wouldnt be a superstar with my smile. i moved around alot through several sales job, for 5 years i quit for better jobs, then i started being let go when financial crisis hit.

i went back to college and just took the full loans for 6 years til they cut me off. i was a med student, then nursing, then pre-law then history, then gen studies and i didnt even complete that either.

now i owe 75k with interest that will never go away unless i get labeled disabled, have no degree, and i havent worked in almost a decade.

you sound just like i did. dont be me it sucks.

>All my former accointances are living the life while I'm still at the starting point.
Nope mate.. most millenials are not even out of the house yet.

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sounds pointless. i've got the in shape part down. 6/7 days 6 months, feel strong and physique is building but getting a job witout having had one for a long time is daunting to say the least

Learn a trade that is in high demand and stop being a faggot.

You know, sometimes you guys are actually tolerable. We still have to gas you, though. No hard feelings.

Also OP, don't compare yourself to the other people in your life.

If you can btw, I suggest you start listening to Rendez Vous Dissident, it's a french youtube livestream on sundays, with interviews from people from the wide "fachosphère" as they say. One of the things they are trying to do is get likeminded people to work together, to work out, create friendships, help each other (monter une equipe as they say all the time). Give them a listen and check out that website when it's done.

Also this user has a point. Train your mind to overcome the whiny part of yourself that's like "why meeee, my life suuuuucks". Lifting is a good life lesson because you start of hot, then fail to go to the gym, try again, try more, see result, bench more, realize you now lift double what you could when you started, plank twice as long, find something to be proud of, keep building and it increases willpower over the long run.

Tiny victories.

French Foreign Legion awaits you.


You are obviously not cut out for this field, regardless of your altruistic bent. Find what suits you. If you are feeling discouraged, carefully think about this: the richest people in the world are not the best at mathematics. When you understand what I have said you will feel better and be able to move on.

Everyone sucks. It's all a matter of degree.

oye vey

Thanks Germany

I failed med school 13 years ago, I was close to pass but I was a bit short. And it was the beginning of the "numerus closus". In France, we have strong quotas to limit french to become doctors and we import lots of low-wage shitskins "doctors" to solve our massive debts. It's not an excuse but foreigners need to understand the context.

Go to computer science and/or learn by yourself. It's easy to be good at it, it pays well, plenty of jobs. Might no be me super exciting but you are able to live easily.

This desu, when did krauts get so sympathetic towards frogs.

Life has no meaning. I work, and work, and work, to achieve the things... Society holds in high regard, but my life has no meaning. I can't push past... the sticking point, but I try, and try, and try again... still, life has no meaning. I work, and continue working, and pay taxes, and work some more, and pay higher taxes... still life has no meaning. I'm suicidal, and chronically depressed, but they need me at work... still, life has no meaning. I would die... but, that has no meaning either... and who would do my job... after I'm dead?

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Did you too get depressed at that time?are you doing comp sci? What do you recommend I study?

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I'm sideways Germany, burgers, aka waffle land.

Give up.

You can’t change your low IQ. You will only ruin the white gene pool.

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I agree, I have a friend who's really depressed, but he has very high regards for Peterson and I think he's getting better because of his advice.

Turn your interests into profit.

21-25 Learning period.
25+ Earning period.

Depression is just something you have to overcome. Your friends might seem happy and living the life but they're depressed too.

Get to work.

Idk, I quit computer school on the first day and had 6k debt to pay. Paid off in 6 months mind you, but still I’m way more pathetic than you. At least you actually tried.

You're not cut out to be an MD anyway. It's a high-stress job. I guess you could've gone or still go into research though if you're that motivated by medicine.

Don't become Jean-Claude Romand though.

>If you are in shape, reliable, and upstanding good things will come to you.
Unless you get hit by a train.

The problem with most young people is that they don't know why they need an education. They just go to class (on mommy and daddy's dime) and go through the motions (usually in a dismal fashion). I didn't go to school until I hit 30 and finished my PhD at 40. I 'knew' why I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.

There is an all-out charge for education being pushed and, unfortunately, higher education just isn't for everyone. The thing is, you can be smart (whatever that is) and successful (ditto) without a degree or degrees.

The real problem (in my wizened opinion) is that people have not had to 'really' struggle. They don't know what it's like not to have food on the table. Everyone runs around with smart phones that cost $700 and think nothing of it. As much as hardship sucks, it at least teaches a person to appreciate...and respect...what they have.

OP: There will be no happy ending for any of us. You must be able to find happiness with what you have. This will give you a center from which you will be able to set your sights on new goals. It is the work one does to acquire something that gives it its value.

Vanitas vanitum, all is vanity and meaningless search... Nothing new under the sun.

leave me your email if you need someone to chat with OP

Be good to yourself

Try programming or math or physics or chemistry.
Don't focus on working with people if you can't take it.

>Nothing new under the sun.
But....we have not yet seen all of it. You guys can all lie down if you want, I choose to continue the search.

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I was cut for it' I was anorexic back then and it made medecine studies much harder than it should've been.

hey man listen this isn't your personal blog but I will offer some help as I am in kind of the same spot as you although you clearly have bigger ambitions and are smarter.

Be me 3.45 gpa with degrees in Crim Justice and IT. Paid my way thgou hschool no debt. Can't get a job as a cop because for 1 opening in any said department there are 300 applications. I sent out at least 50 applications for IT jobs only to get 2 call backs. One which lead to nothing and the other one I found out was for 9 dollars an hour after the first phone interview. I have decided I will be joining the military, gonna enlist in the Air Force because I have to do something with my life.

My advice is to just keep going and keep trying if you see this as your end and no way out it will get a lot worse from here. I know that because a friend of mine literally wants to an hero because he sees no way out, hasn't done anything productive in his life for years. So my advice is just do something that makes you belong and makes you feel like you are helping society in a way.

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thats a jew

Hey, born 1994 here too, life sucked, I dropped out of college 2 years ago, started my own business, doing mighty fine at 24 now. No idea what you should do. I need to find a lady but boy is that near impossible.

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You’re really not seeing correctly if you’re looking at the world and see no purpose or anything good. That’s fear and depression talking. Or perhaps you’ve told yourself far too many lies. I’ve been there. You gotta fight off that shit and go against it.

what's the output of that code my dude

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>be poor
>have a wife and kids, raise them in a poor house
This kills the children.

Didn't kill me. Made me hungry.

Haha I could be the same guy, please kill me. Try to get a job, then get a job that will let you take classes on evenings weekends of a less demanding coursework. It’s not easy though, still on step one, work nonstop never see family or friends anymore, and realize now that I was seeing my future accurately when I tried to kill myself. Money goes to rent and student loans for school I can’t finish. Having a female companion helps until she wants to get married and travel and you don’t have enough time or money to do any of that shit. Im just timetravling until I get to a point where my future is gone completely.

Yeah, "depression" is easy, lots of drinking and time wasted for me. I should have started sport at this time. You should find a sport where you can go and meet people at least 4 times a week. It changes your life completely. And I'm not talking about a commercial gym but a sport club with white people : rowing, olympic sports, sailing, crossfit, whatever. It forces a good hygiene (no/less alcohol, more sleep, less toxic people) and everything else becomes better when your life is clean.

It's fairly easy to get in computer stuff. A friend of mine went from history studies to UX design and now he makes shitloads of money.

And I myself doing very fine even if i did a shitty school. You just have to be a bit better than the competition and surf the trends. Comp Sci is not the only way, but it's a fairly easy way if you are an "average guy".

>turning to Jow Forumsddit for advice

lol ur truly dumb