I'll make a fresh thread before I head to bed edition
Pls post the banner ads either side are pron and mummy is next to me :(
Can't believe there are unironically wagies getting ready for work right now, is there anything more cucked? It makes me feel extra comfy under my warm blankies knowing that Mr Shekelberg will be working them to the bone in order to finance his new boat
Last day of first week in Uni today lads. Going to be a teacher. Comfy profession.
Teacher of what ages?
And a good morning to you too x
Lee Anthony Hoyland made Ziggeh go to heaven
Yuck he looks like a lumpy potato
nothing like a warm carling and full english to start me day off :)
other people need to stay away from me. I want to be safe and secluded
perhaps we can be safe and secluded together user? ;)
I love my job though. I also love the NEETs of britfeel. I'm glad you're reclaiming some of my tax money rather than abdul
I'm sorry kissanon I need to be alone
i don't like working but need money to pay for things
Remember 1776
Both my parents and my sister were teachers. It's a stressful job but the holidays are nice. Once you get your 26k bursary you should quit and do something more fun.
Rip you will be missed.
Reminder not to waste your day
Burnt my leg on got oil 2 days ago lads and you can now see the blister through my trousers
shes become a meme on instagram oh no
na na na na na na na
na na na na
gettin ziggeh with it
been awake since 6am lads.
trying to become an good boy
>become an good boy
ziigggyyyyyyyy if you hear meeeeee
take me faaar farrr from hee
7 more mins 'til OZZY goes on sale!
Perhaps you should stick to reddit or something. this is Jow Forums.
He's a million years old, only weird ancient boomer fans of his will be there
Jow Forums is more closely associated with traps and blacked memes than anime now, so nah
got any tips on how one would go about dating a muslim grill as a straight white male?
>uni tutor keeps bugging me to do a PhD
I'm not falling any further into your slave trap you dusty old horse.
I disagree. There are more boards dedicated to anime and manga and japanese culture. Where is your evidence to support your opinion?
i hate blacks and everything they stand for.
>finally broke down and looked up Romanian girl online after sneaking a look at her last name
hate being this creepy
>more boards
Yeah, lots of dead, isolated boards full of tumbleweeds. Not convincing.
Haven't you seen that million trap / interracial threads across every board?
what about everything they kneel for haha
posting interracial stuff should be a ban-able offence
No I haven't really. there's some threads here on r9k that obviously a vocal minority spam, but on other boards I don't see such threads.
Do you have any concrete evidence? Because despite how quiet certain boards are compared to others, the site is obviously most associated with japanese culture or manga/anime than with traps simply due to fact there are no boards dedicated to traps or interracial porn, (yes there is an lgbt board, but there are multiple boards deciated to anime/manga/hentai)
>evidence evidence evidence
oh god it's you again, keep your autism away from me your gay weeb
Just fingered a girl's arse boys and she wasn't weirded out by it
go in full monty and fuck her arse
unfounded opinions x3
why you fingering people at 9am?
If she wants you to convert it's not worth it
morning sex, tbqh
Not sure if I should settle for block 114....
Yes, don't
did everyone die or what?
Morning lads. Hope you all have a blessed Friday. Do your best.
Went from this almost down to a tee, to a job of pretty good prestige at a high level but still felt like wageslave to moving abroad and having literal 1800 euros a month flowing into my account for doing absolute dick all (income support in Finland). At least the thousands I paid in contributions to Europe is being returned in kind.
I sure as fuck dont know what to do with all this free time though.
>tfw gf is ill
>finally have day to do whatever I want
>shoulder works so cant workout
>too early to drink (shut up yes it is)
>dont want to do anything else
its not too early to drink you pussy
How could anyone not want to be a NEET? Fridge is always full, attic all to myself, house is big so I'm allowed to stay here for free, live in rural Scotland with nice countryside everywhere.
if you live with your parents its great yes.
I'm not. I'm off down river for a few hours going fishing and on a go see if i can find my magnet i lost last time i went
got a set of shelves to put together later
>Have my dream job
>Live with parents in big house
>Bedroom is at other end of house out of the way
>Save huge amounts of money
Living the life desu
Gonna ring my aunt and go for a walk.
Dont like talking to her though, she is so negative...
Watching Elon Mush on JRE. Christ he's so fucking weird
Got 2x decent seats for Ozzy
Around February I'll make you all aware if I need someone to attend with
160 quid!
Not cheap but considering I may regret not taking this once in a lifetime opportunity, I think I made the smart decision. Hopefully he'll sing some Black Sabbath tracks
I'm genuinely amazed Ozzy is still alive never mind touring. The guy looked broken down 20 years ago
It's the farewell tour, it's a piece of history
Though people don't seem to enthusiastic (still lots of bad seats left, I mean A LOT, they're at the back of the arena and upper tiers Even standing tickets left, expected a sell out
Quirky guy from work saw him at DOWNLOAD (music festival), said he was fine
>face still stings from laser
...that's not normal unless they used the wrong settings/laser type
>The average bong pays $6000 a year for "free healthcare." This lady paid $1500 plus maybe another $1000 for the rest of her care. When you factor in that the average American is drastically more wealthy than a Bong, it doesn't even compare.
The average American is saving thousands of dollars a year by not paying for the NHS. There isn't even a benefit in terms of cost for a NHS like system until you're over the age of 60.
Bongs are literally paying for Boomers to fuck them over, and bragging about it.
Picked from Facebook comments. What do you think of this?
She used the super strong laser so I could see it how it was
do you like willies tilde
>The average bong pays $6000 a year for "free healthcare."
I dont think this is even close to being true for a start. Also I'd just link them to thousands of Americans that go bankrupt every year because of medical bills.
>you pay healthcare solely for yourself
we have the NHS so absolute nutters like Tim get their medication whether they could afford it or not and don't go on rampages.
>The average bong pays $6000 a year for "free healthcare."
What? Do they think every penny of our tax goes to the NHS?
>i ain't goin no dorctors i ain't got no inshurans
Buyers remorse kicking in right about now...
What do you buy then
>lost weight again
Thought I was actually going to get better when I started eating healthier last month. I was so optimistic
I'd rather have a vagina but sexually speaking I think willys are much more visually pleasing
see They're not the block next to the stage, they're one over
CLASSIC moni. Told you
What do you think of other peoples willies?
i thought the nhs was underfunded.
watching it now. dont know how much more autism i can take...
I just got paid double my usual pay, for a job that I've just finished, so I'm not in daily contact with the company any more.
Can I get in trouble if I don't report it to them?
Maybe they were paying you in arrears so you got the first week back
>don't know whether to buy Okami or Final Fantasy XV
Could even get Dragon Quest but wanna wait for a price drop
The person is more important than the willy. If I love them, I'll love their willy. Otherwise, I dont really think of other peoples willys
This is what the average resident of Gloucester looks like
should i get an anonymous instagram so i can follow people i know or is that a slippery slope?
Nope, I definitely got paid a few hundred more than I should have been paid.
It's more of a sloppery slip tbqh
is there an actual point to these threads, whats so special about britain compared to the rest of the world. we're as default as default can be in terms of setting, no feels to be found here that are actually exclusive or more common here.
Do you think we'll have a cold winter?
Timothy James Byrne seems to be going to Oxford a lot more lately. It used to be about once a month, now it's about once a week
Don't be such a little bitch. We carve out our place on this board and every other board because fuck you.
Hopefully last winter was properly comfy.
i see... will they be able to find out its me though?
We do have unique British feels. It was mostly about the job centre, then it developed its own lore and now consists of regulars hanging on from 2014-2016 even if many have become borderline normies now.
It's been nice to see something like this grow from the start. I've been in many communities before but this is the first time I've seen something spout up organically.
One of the most interesting things is that britfeel wasn't even planned, it just naturally evolved over the years
johnny foreigners just don't understand English banter
Not if you make a properly anonymous account. As in, don't use your own name. Simple enough.
Think I will eat lunch now before work. Otherwise I might not get the opportunity
If someone is a male to female tranny does that mean they automatically like men since they consider them the opposite sex now?
No, they delude themselves into thinking they like men. Kind of in the way that a pervert gets into weird sexual fetishes, not in the way that a gay kid is born gay.
It's so easy to tell the difference between the incel trannies that force themselves to like dick, and the people who have been gay since they were kids.
Probably unused holiday pay
Imaging finally getting a girlfriend and she has a loose labia