>tfw I found out everyone talks inside their own head when they think
>I don't at all
>I don't ever use an "inner voice" and never think, every decision just comes to me instantaneously
Am I retarded or just soulless?
>tfw I found out everyone talks inside their own head when they think
>I don't at all
>I don't ever use an "inner voice" and never think, every decision just comes to me instantaneously
Am I retarded or just soulless?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, a lot of people don't talk in their heads. It's normal.
I told this to a friend of mine and they said I'm weird and an npc, they couldn't believe it. That makes me think it's very uncommon.
>Don't really talk
>Just have thoughts without a real voice behind them
Does that constitute inner speech?
Literally real life NPCs
This is how I behave, I just feel emotions and think without a voice
Are you very visual in your brain though?
guys this really makes me think... does that make me speshul?
I think in japanese xD
yeah sometimes I get pretty visual if I fantasize about something
lying nigger, how did you think of this sentence?
you must have thought it up before/as you were typing it. that's an inner voice.
>posting the same old tabloid article that is light on detail and big on sensationalism
>it's methods are shoddy
>it's sample size tiny
>it's conclusions obviously reaching
Even then Jow Forums managed to take the claims and warps them even farther because none of you chucklefucks actually read the article and are parroting what you hear in other thread. Every since this shit popped up I've been seeing people literally just getting the supposed facts presented in the article wrong again and again.
At this point I can only see it as people purposefully misinterpreting them.
You don't think it's interesting though and worth more, and better studies?
I talk without thinking and type without thinking. Maybe I just process it faster, and the very least I don't hear anything I am saying to you. I just feel a reaction to what you say and express it.
You want me to be honest? No, because the study as it was presented is so fucking amateurish that the findings essentially nonsense. My opinion is changing though if a new study would shit Jow Forums up about this shitty NPC meme.
How could people not do this? It's how you're supposed to think.
I think I'm like a balance between inner-speak and visual thought, so I juggle the two and think freely.
My IQ is about 116-126
You're probably higher than that if you're strictly visual as you can hold more information in your head, so visual thought is even easier for you.
No, its not. Read any book about buddhism, meditation, and awareness and you'll learn that thinking with a voice is a defect.
i don't think i'm a retard cause i graduated recently with high honors, but im possibly a mild autist
Not the user you are replying to, but I agree with him. I don't think with a voice---I think in DATA/INFORMATION. I think of the pure DATA of the words needed to type this sentence, then press the appropriate strokes on my keyboard to complete the sentence. I type 100+ WPM also.
Thinking with a voice in your head is the same as those slow reading retards you knew in school who always read books aloud or had to whisper aloud when reading books because they were that retarded.
wh-whoa does this mean we just think a lot faster? that makes me more relieved. I have noticed I was a lot better in school than peers and finished tests fastest.
Yes, we think much faster because we don't have to wait for our mind to finish vocalizing a sentence, which takes time.
What the fuck does that mean enlightenment is beyond us because we CANT clear our minds as effectively or does it mean we CAN ascend even higher if we overcome it?
Sorry mate, that sounds really lonely.
the thing about me is i never felt lonely my entire life even if I was completely alone
What does it mean if you think in words when alone but when talking use images?
It means that enlightenment first requires you to be able to clear your mind, and stop thinking in words completely.
What if instead of an inner voice I have vaporware playing constantly?
Now this... this is epic xDD
this sounds very autistic
also 100+ wpm is average
Wait what the fuck. I talk to myself ALL the fucking time. Is this why I never feel lonely even if I have almost no contact with anyone?
i think your misinterpreting what inner voice means, it doesn't happen all the time. if you cant narrate, repeat things to yourself you probably have low empathy. You should be able to talk to yourself, but complete tasks without needing your own reassurance.
Idk if people are soulless or I just have ridicolous amounts of "thought noise" in my head
I always enjoy the feeling of falling asleep even if it's pretty creepy, suddenly all of the shit going inside my head, my inner voice, my constant audiovisualisation start going haywire, they start making less an less sense, I would catch myself and have a feeling of "wtf was I just thinking about" as my train ouf thought derails again and I just feel like im swimming
Yeah I think inner speech is normal but my adhd isnt
uhhh are you blind nibbie
Isn't this like the 3rd thread we've had about the same shitty article?
Anyway speaking for myself, most of my thought is nonverbal. A lot of it could be verbalised, much more simply couldn't as it doesn't have "narrative" so to speak. Given nothing to focus on I think of images, feelings, sounds, smells and sensations, flowing together in a sort of dance of interrelated nonlinear forms. This is maybe why I have a decent imagination and I'm good at abstract problem solving and art.
I try to explain this to some people and they flat don't believe that I can have a thought that isn't verbal. People vary I suppose
Crossposting my gay reply
This is funny because robots, like normies, are taking a scientific message and skewing it to their belief system without thinking.
Much like the idea of people who 'never think', as you say, there's also people who are do nothing but use their inner voice resulting in the robotisms you see here, which are people who, in their head, have the entirity of a situation, such as the dating game, figured out, you know what a woman wants, you've rehearsed in your head, read all the best material, seen how simple they are, you know it all, you've been through a hundred worlds of possibility in your head and yet when it comes to acting you can't pull through, you can't do anything, and everything in you is pulling you apart, your inner voice becomes your own worst enemy.
That's what we call being neurotic, which is the issue that arrises when everything you do is primarily through the inner voice and your action/instinct and everything else atrophies, just like normies have their thonking engine atrophy - so the result is that people who know what to do can't do anything at all and people who don't know what they're doing end up doing everything.
tl;dr neurotic robots latch onto thing #32824527256725 to satiate their rampant inner voice(s) and do nothing new as usual.
I'll see you next month when you discover most people have an IQ below 95 but live better lives than you anyway.
man, you're fucking retarded. Don't act all high and mighty for doing a basic human function. Literally every person can think in concepts, that's how the fucking brain works.
Is this going to be the new recurring meme on this board?
I want buddhists to leave
Well my inner voice has been taken over by stuff I've seen online and songs, In recent days this has been on auto play in my head.
I have an inner voice but I know everything it says it's just bullshit that my own mind make up, self awareness is fucking disgusting