Tfw dropping out of school

>tfw dropping out of school
It feels so fucking good I'll finally be free.

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be sure to go get a job now.

You'll never be free. The shadow of school will always hang over you. It will chase you for the rest of your life. The alternative is going to school. Truly we live in a dark age where the only winning move is suicide.

Yeah I'm going to work fast food part time.

The real fun only begins after school friend.

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see you in a year in the neet threads
see you in 5-6 years in the 25+ threads

ya dun goofed

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Happiness is found from within.

>Happiness is found from within

see you in the /suicide/ threads after 3 years of neetdom

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That was quite beautiful, I got sad when the song ended. I disagree with the philosophy espoused in your pic and the post you're replying to though.

I won't technically be a NEET since I'll be working part time.

You're making a big mistake.
Education is the key to self improvement, it's not the only way but one of the best ways to do so.

You won't be the same person in 10 years, you won't be 20 your whole life. Eventually you'll become 30 and then 40, you have to think ahead and bring a change in your life.

But I guess someone has to flip them burgers for me.

either youre a spoiled upper-middle class crypto-kike faggot or youve bought into a meme that expired a decade ago, im guessing its the former since no one can be that clueless nowadays.

>mfw been in school for 4 years.
>can't drop out because of expectations
I'm so tired

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no, its because ive been this way and now im trying to change, im almost 30 now and going back to school

everyone i used to know have gone to greater and better things, i deserve that chance too

dropping out of high school was big mistake for me. But at the same time I was so worked up and stressed I wasn't learing anything anyway. Who knows if I stayed there I might of ended up a school shooter

>everyone i used to know have gone to greater and better things,

80% of the kids i knew who actually finished undergrad at a decent uni [most kids dropped out, or went to a shit tier uni/community college where u can do fuck all and 'graduate'] are as depressed and fucked as most other people, and maybe even worse because of student debt. there are a handful who are doing very well but most of them had rich parents who nepotised them into a job anywa.

Dropping out of school would mean that all those years are wasted, why the fuck would you do that.
You won't be free, you'll be stuck.

Enjoy your wageslaving for chad.


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>school is hell
>life after school is an even bigger hell
so this is living huh

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we'll never be free

something is fundamentally wrong with our lives

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>school is hell
>post school is hell
With this it is only logical to expect post life to also be hellish

not the guy you're replying to but the trick is not picking a shitty major. engineering or comp sci if you get through them will have you perfectly fine financially. even a pure math degree.

>settling for an obama-tier minimum wage job during the trump presidency
ya blew it.

>dumb normalscum thinks that having a "good" wageslave job is somehow any better than any other form of wageslavery

>didn't even go to highschool
>neet for years
>realize I will need money to survive
>will start night highschool as 23 year old boomer together with the other misfits

Stay in school kids, don't become like me.
Do NOT do it.

>waaah being neet is so bad go be a wagecuck instead

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>didn't even go to middle school
what my mom did was straight up illegal, but I slipped through the cracks somehow

single mothers are the most selfish people alive

>gosh user, you should get into debt and go to college for 6 years so you can get a job I got when I was 16 years old back in 1972 when the cost of living was 10 times lower, aren't you lucky?
the whole system is a racket, don't contribute to it and let it collapse

Do you want to normalscum with mexicans/niggers at McD or with middleclass boomers/zoomers at a highend retail store?

I think the choice should be obvious for any sane robot.

>you MUST be indoctrinated by the CIA
dont get gaslit by this spook

The whole system is based on debt anyway. Contributing or not will lead to collapse. At least if you go to college you can flee to another country and live a comfy life.

I am you 6 years from now
don't do it man

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You gotta finish High School bro

You can't go on cool vacations with minimum wage.