Do men actually care about a "loose" labia or is it just an in-joke on this board? What's the big deal about it?

Do men actually care about a "loose" labia or is it just an in-joke on this board? What's the big deal about it?

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Men don't. Incels do

They usually do. Seems like once they get older they care less. As for me it is the colour that matters.

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do women care about small dicks?

I care about gross labia the same way a women doesn't wan't a gross dick

loose doesn't automatically = gross

I also noticed plenty of guys still equate labia size / shape to sexual partners.

This, really a vagina counts for nothing. If a 3/10 loser guy had a 12 inch dick it still wouldn't matter because of what it's attached to, if a hot girl is hot her vagina is irrelevant.

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i dont. face > all

It was originally just a reactionary thing to women picking at men for things beyond their control like small dick/manlet/balding whatsoever. Unfortunately somewhere along the line having an ugly vagina got attributed to being a slut and not to genetic happenstance, which completely misses the point.

>Do men actually care
Not to the degree that they'll outright reject a girl from having a cunt that looks like Robert Plant, but they'd definitely prefer she didn't, just like not every girl will reject every guy for having a toilet seat hairline, but she'd still prefer the full head of hair.

Would you prefer this

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or originally this?

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if the girl I LOVED who LOVED me back had these, it wouldnt have any effect on the relationship. I would tenderly nibble said roasty flaps and just accept that there is never a 100% flawless to your specs girl out there because every human is flawed.

If they really bothered her, there is surgery to trim them down

incidentally in china, being a slut is said to make your vagina darken instead of get flappier. and instead of roast beef, they say ugly vagoos look like this delicious tree fungus.

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very hot probably not a whore
very repulsive instincts say whore

Isn't it both? Roasts tend to have, well, roastie vaginas that are also darkened instead of a healthy pink. Must be all the coalburning.

yeah but they focus more there on the complexion than the dimensions. just a mild fun fact.

I actually care since i usually spend a good amount of time down there

I have been in six vaginas. They are all nice vaginas. Some were hairier or stubblier, some had bigger lips and some were innies, and some were tighter or bigger than others. They are all warm, wet pink holes that feel very nice to my penis. This is how I feel about all kinds of vaginas.

just wanted to say ty for this thread, relieved to get an insight into what dudes actually think

i never been with a guy, so i have no idea how he'd react to my outie ugly looking vagina, super self conscious about it and considering labiaplasty

the perfect vaginas in porn doesnt help either

What porn are you watching where vaginas are perfect? Porn actresses almost all have fuck ugly roasts.

Do women actually care about "small" dicks or is it just an in-joke in society? What's the big deal about it?

Men do care because we dont like that women have already been fucked by other dudes.

I don't believe ugly labia mean a lot of sexual partners. However, ugly is ugly. And even worse than having an ugly cunt is being self conscious about it. If I am with a girl, I want her to act like she has a pussy and use it with me completely without shame, not try to hide it or be ashamed of it or whatever.

Vaginas are literally the most disgusting things I've ever seen on earth.

As long as it doesn't look like this , it's all good. Actually, "perfect" pussies look kinda bland and are less attractive to me than roasties. I'm probably in the minority, though. I don't think guys that get laid care, though.

give me a break you stupid gross roastie
you'd freak if a guy had a 1 incher, yet when you have the equivalent of it you think you deserve acceptance
this is all virtue signalling. women do it too when they say they "don't care about dick size"

yeah it's fucking wild man if im not peak horny frothing at the mouth with a need to breed its difficult to not see vaginas as anything but pure nightmare fuel

They are, why can't I stop putting my dick in them? It's one of the reasons why I love condoms.

This post is an excellent post

I'm female too. If a man said any negative remarks about my vagina I'd tell him he was gay or a porn obsessed loser. I'd tear into him and remind him of his mommy who ground him down into a little worm.

yikes. wonder what kind of roast battlefield you're working with to write a comment like this

Don't be such a cuck you walking bag of onions.

That's why a good test for a man is how enthusiastic he is going down in you. If he makes any negative remarks throw him out and call him a faggot. I'd tell all the women he knows about it just so he can suffer longer.

I bet you are an uber roast kek

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i like how you can tell the same roastie wrote both these

>any negative remarks about my vagina

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Is it so hard to not be a whore?

It's like it's trying in vain to escape her body after all the shit it was put through.

I know reality that these porn addicted losers can't get it up for a real woman yet pretend to be victims and incels. I read a lot online so I'm on to people. In the age of perfect porn and rising male standards women need to be ruthless to tell anyone who isn't fully into her to GTFO. If a man insults your body in bed remember girls he must be insulted twice as hard. Call him the faggot or porn addicted swine he is. Make fun of him for his traits. If he hits you from this call the cops on him. Be ruthless.

Just get labiaplasty already and stop inflicting yourself on the men of this world.

>vaginas as anything but pure nightmare fuel

This is why I fap to dicks instead

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>men put up with anything
>incels have standards
what a fun time to live

>Call him the faggot or porn addicted swine
You understand that these are very tame right?

If you consider roasts real women, yeah, I wouldn't be able to get it up for the gnarled mass of floppy meat you have dangling from between you legs kek. Stay toasty roastie

Why? If my mom's generation didn't have to I don't either. I'm playing by my mom's generations standards and will destroy anyone who decides to place these modern standards on me.

>incels do
no, they really don't if a big floppy vagina was plopped in front of them they would fuck it like there was no tomorrow

all women are whores so what does it matter

Your mom was also a roastie and the only reason you exist is because artificial wombs aren't a thing yet.

Not really. There is a limit, and the internet lets you see the true outliners, but those are genetic freaks, the averge big pussy is fine

Yet you use modern standards of sexual liberation when it suits you. You're disgusting, your outlook and naturally your roast. That's all I have to say.

>I'd tell him he was gay or a porn obsessed loser
nice cope

Are you this stupid or do you really think the size of labia depends on the number of sexual partners?

honestly big pussy lips turn me on

pretty sure this is some retard larping, no one is this much of an idiot

I know everyone wants to jump all over you for this, but honestly I kinda agree. I have never and would never make a negative comments about a girl's genitals if she were my girlfriend. I imagine it would hurt her as much as it would hurt me to hear her say negative shit about mine. And yeah, if any girl I am talks negatively of my dick or in any way makes me feel bad about it, you better believe I'd be as angry as you sound too. She'd be out of my life that very night, all her shit boxed up shipped to her mom's house the next morning.

You underestimate the depths of retardation a woman is capable of descending to.

If you don't accept my body there's no point in having sex with you if there's masturbation. Either accept my body or no sex for you. I'm glad you porn addicted losers are being denied sex all the time. Awww can't get it up? Awww premature ejaculation? I feel so damn sorry for you haha ha ha. You porned yourself into inability to perform in bed.

make way, trips of truth has spoken

>call the cops
this is why women shouldn't be allowed to speak up. they see important civil service workers as just tools for their manipulation. women are literally overgrown children destroying society and we just let them.

Porn existing isn't gonna change the fact you're a roast.

Can you tell me how it would improve my life to accept sex with someone who thought I was gross? To just let him insult me and cry myself into insecurity? What is the point to going along with it?

It's kinda hard to determine wether your vagina is an abomination before you're naked. It's perfectly legitimate to walk the fuck out.

Why cant you just accept you have a gross fuck hole?

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Yes, I am a free man and will abandon ship if the ship has a huge sea monster on it.

Ha ha. Guess what? I am allowed. And guess what? I can see men with mommy issues from miles away. They had overbearing controlling moms so they are threatened by a woman who doesn't take their bullshit. The less I take it the more they get flashbacks of mommy and they get PTSD from being reminded ha ha.

Also if you can give out insults after a woman gets vulnerable you can take insults back without hitting her you baby.

actually i porned myself into godlike sex abilities. i fuck for hours with the inability to cum because your disgusting flabby normal woman body can never compare to 20 different porn stars a minute.

i've been with girls just cause they were available and i was lonely. looking back I see they were truly disgusting. so no matter what you do you will especially if you're ugly like i think you are

So women should get vulnerable and risk all of this giving herself just to be abandoned? I'd tell all the girls you were interested that you prematurely ejaculate and you suck cock. I'd make sure you'd never get any again.

guess what, i can smell a roasty who needs to arm herself with assumptions to defend her fragile dickstuffed ego.

No I won't because my hate for the person turns off my sex drive completely and all I feel is rage. I'd even call your mother, embarrass you in front of your family and have your mom lecture you.

If the man doesn't desire me I have zero sex drive. It's how my brain works.

The man is the one who takes risks, dumb roast. All you have to do is sit there, not be fat and have a passable vagina. If you can't even do this you're worthless and wasted the man's time.

>I'd make sure you'd never get any again.
Women over estimate their social power.

I had a girl get pissed at me because I dumped her because she tried to turn our fwb situation into an exclusive relationship.

She got so toasty that she also went around telling everyone I had a small dick and other lies, even posting it on social networks.

Guess what? It backfired. Other roasties saw through her lies, and all they saw was that I had rejected a hot chick. It actually made it easier for me to get laid.

>men doesn't want to have sex with me
>better deny him sex
lol we broke it

I know men's standards are up due to porn. Women as a collective should refuse to have sex with them. We need to make more of this porn obsessed generation into incels. Deprive you all of sex so you die out with lots of frustration. Ha ha

Women risk more during sex like pregnancy or higher probability of STDs and rape. Fuck your gender memes.

people are good liars, not even a grand roastie like yourself can tell when you're being deceived by a man

They have lost their man card in my eyes.

eh, you women are already doing all you can to reject guys and it's backfiring. wait til sexdolls, then sex robots. your vagina will literally have 0 value. i don't think you can even comprehend the differences it will make to your life. no more kindness for no reason, 100% relying on your personality and your sense of humor (lmao).

>Having unprotected sex

Dumb roast on the path to single motherhood. Just don't traumatize your kid with the sight of your Lovecraftian vagina

Coping roasties: the thread

Now I think you are just a guy LARPing. You think porn is the source of your problems and you're trying this weird game to convince others of the same thing.

If Im wrong and you really are a toasty roastie, let me just say you dont have to deprive porn addicts of sex. They already do that to themselves, and besides, they wont care, that's why they are porn addicts to begin with. It honestly is pretty sad for them, you have no reason to get mad just because you dont have a pretty porn pussy.

Just make prostitution legal. Watch women lose their minds when they cannp longer use men for literally anything they want.

I can tell when someone has no enthusiasm. I can tell raw desire. No natural chemistry? Goodbye. No sex at all. I'm never going to conform to these standards.

If my mom's generation didn't I don't have to either. I shouldn't have to face porn standards just because I was born when I was. So guess what? I don't. If you try to make me play by today's standards you will get punished.

sex dolls is better man, it'll put even the prostitutes out of work. don't even let women sell their pussies just take them out of the market.

Can you hear the women REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing as they are made obsolete by AI sex dolls that are superior to them in every way? It's beautiful.

i just can't wait for them to feel the shock of the cold water of equality.

Sex robots will weed assholes like you out of the gene pool. I'll still make fun of you for it no matter how socially acceptable it becomes. I'll laugh at you.

>I'll laugh at you

The deepest delusion of the roastie reveals itself. She thinks she is anything but a hole and that her thoughts and feelings matter.

I mean no sex dolls have been around for decades now, nobody cares because they are lame. But if any man could drive 5 Mintutes and fuck a tight 18 year old for 75$ then what power will his wife have left?

sex robots are already getting brothels all over europe. they function as the perfect loophole for legal prostitution. with sex doll brothels normalizing the habit and the industry growing and dolls getting cheaper, women's power will only shrink. beautiful girls probably won't be harmed, but sub 6 girls? yeah 60% of you are probably going to have to work for your men, being providers, taking them on dates, being interesting enough to distract them from their satisfied lives.

the roastie memes have actually caused this woman to go insane holy shit

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You're only for the negative aspects of equality and you want to take away the positive aspects. Truth be told I won't go along with it. I can say no to anything I want. It's not fair I'm forced to deal with the backlash so I choose not to.

>If you try to make me play by today's standards you will get punished.

No, you'll just take your ball and go home, and we will simply not play. Just because you are mad about it doesn't I get punished. I'll just find someone who meets my standards, and I imagine you'll do the same.

"Punish me" pft. Just stay mad.

Oh I know shed have to actually become decent person instead of using him with the only tool she has her pussy

what are you even talking about? you can say no to anything go ahead nobody is going to take anything from you, you're just going to be worthless, something you have never known as a female.

No replies because the board is filled with normal people. Youre absolutwly right and any robot disagreeing with this is either delusional or a giggolo.

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The power of divorce and turning the kids against him. I'd tell my daughters what he did just so they can confront him and their dad can see his family slowly hate him.

fuck off whiteknight, you probably don't say shit when women have seemingly inane standards.

That's only if he's dumb enough to marry and have kids, which an increasing number of men isn't nowadays. And all this shit over not liking your hole kek, truly it shows that's the only thing you have to offer.