Father Musk
Father Musk
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he didn't believe in his original appearance and got a fuckton of plastic surgery
weed musk
VOD on YouTube ?
Hair transplant is all I know of, what else?
Jaw and nose surgery
>Different angle and lightning
It must be surgery !
He literally said in an interview that he indeed had nose surgery because some kids back in Africa broke his nose and he didn't like how it looked.
Also his lower jaw looks completely different on older photos.
>Kids in Africa
Just say it user
This was in south Africa during apartheid, they could have been white depending on where it happened like at School.
Changing how you look is a very powerful act unattainable for plebes. Gods define how they look, plebes cope.
Elon musk is great at creating attention for himself. Not positive attention necessarily. Other than this nothing special about the guy.
dude, go read about him. He is amazing. What he did with spacex.. watch the spacex factory tour where he knows every technical detail. You will never see a CEO knowing everything.
Just watched it, dude literally didn't inhale. Dude literally does not smoke weed. Weed is for degenerates seriously, just DON'T lmao
I'm surprised you haven't crushed yourself under the amount of COPE in that post user
He's probably never smoked before, ya faggot
underrated, good first post despite being a tripfag. keep it up.
>pals around with celebrities
>hasn't smoked weed and done god knows what
>guilt by association
Do you know how I know you're an incel and a brainlet
>he doesn't know
Elon has been obsessed with weed ever since he started dating grimes
>Weed is for degenerates seriously
>has been obsessed with weed ever since he started dating grimes
I love it when you brainlets start contradicting each other
It's delicious
I'm a normie though. I'm not claiming he has done tons but I wouldn't doubt a guy that works as hard as him takes stimulants.
It could possibly explain him flipping out on the pedo guy as much as he did.
>i'm a normie though
Then stop claiming shit and leave you useless piece of shit
Not the same guy you tard, there's more than one person on Jow Forums
>contradicting each other
>each other
are you fucking illiterate?
oh god we got ourselves a real catch don't we? what a fucking idiot
It will ruin him :)) Also he is weak, Elon Musk is a BETA male lmao
If Elon is a beta, we be Omega^Omega
An autist who actually made it, but in spite of everything is horrifically depressed regardless
truly the best of role models
Not him but I think you're just projecting
Elon Musk is what all true robots aspire to be. He's beyond a gigachad, since he isn't even interested in most relationships and would rather promote his spaceship or cutting edge vehicles. He created paypal, the most used online bank network in the world, he created his own rocket company which has outclassed all competitors, even military backed ones. He created the worlds first truly electric car to be sold en mass, he's going to mars and will most likely declare himself sovereign head of the first extraterrestrial nation and the first multi-planet company.
ok, so some guy on earth smoked weed. ok ty.
>nothing special about the guy
the guy tried to start his first business at 12. There is something special about him but it's not his intelligence, even if he is without a doubt a genius. It's his ego. The man does not believe he can fail, and he thinks he can build a better future for humanity. It takes a tremendous amount of confidence to see yourself that way and actually pursue it.
He has an amount of determination and passion that is rarely seen in a human being. It drives him to work 120 hours a week and have only one week off in the past 17 years.
also pic related
i just started watching the rogan podcast. i have never heard this guy speak before, he seems totally off like something is wrong with him.
He doesn't smoke weed as he believes that it hinders productivity. And he's right for the most part.
no, despite his devotion to his work he has said that he couldn't be happy without a romantic partner.
Also he's kind of autistic. Dude's brilliant but socially, not so much: youtube.com
as you can see he doesn't read social situations very well, was desperate to get married, and doesn't know a bad person when he sees one
he's heavily on the spectrum
Every major news site main story right now is Elon Musk smoking weed. In California, where its legal.
Imagine if they made a story every time a celebrity had a drink?
If I go to CA and smoke weed, my employer could drug test me when I get home and fire me for having weed in my system. Musk probably drug tests his own employees, making him a hypocrite. Fuck him.
hair definitely
the other stuff looks like aging
What jobs do test you on weed in America? That sounds retarded. In my country they only test you on amphetamine.
>despite his devotion to his work he has said that he couldn't be happy without a romantic partner.
Yeah I guess I was saying how Chad would just fuck bitches but Elon is above that
Middle age crisis.