Is anyone here an unapologetic racist?

Is anyone here an unapologetic racist?

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No, because l'm an adult.

Not me, I'm more racist than the average person but I don't really understand the mindset of fully generalizing someone based on their skin color.

Only a realist.
I believe uninformed "racism" is stupid though, that being said ill make sweeping statements about blacks and mexicans because they are by simple fact more likely to commit crime and take part in degenerate activity.

Yep. Though I hide my power-level well. Let it slip once and I thought my parents would disown me.

Guess you could say I am
>I really don't like white people

I'm a race realist who understands that certain races are more prone to certain behaviors, but I give everyone a chance on an individual level. If you're of X race but are a cool person, then I'm fine with you.

So no, I'm not a racist in the sense that I spend 24/7 on pol complaining bout "hurr durr we gotta get these non-whites out!"

No because being 100% pure racist means you're pretty much retarded.

I've met good and bad people of all races. To say an entire race is entirely bad is to indulge in ignorance thus stupidity.

I dont hate gays at all though, dumb fuck.

I hate robots. And the Jews.

yes. I was forced to go to school with these animals and later even work with them. There are different types of Humans, there is no doubt. From what I read online, some "humans" aren't even just a different race, but more an entirely different species.

i'm anti-acceptance. i think acceptance causes issues. anyone can immigrate as long as they plan to give up their customs and culture and assimilate to the new one.

technically not racist, I don't think of any group of people as lesser, we all deserve to live and be happy, even if that's impossible to achieve.

I, however, love studying it all. Different noses, ears, mouths, eyes, accents, etc. My goal is to tell were people are from just using basic observations.

If you are not a "racist" in 2018, you are probably medically retarded.

I would genocide ALL non-white races and use nanobots to recreate perfect thicc waifus from their DNA.

racism to some extent is ingrained in humanity and certain people are just better at hiding their bigotry

Is it like I'm being reborn as one? owo

Dumb strawman. Liberals want equal treatment for individuals of all races under the law, they're not literally saying all races are physically, genetically equivalent. Fuck off with this brainlet shit.

>Liberals want equal treatment for individuals of all races under the law
Which they already have.
>they're not literally saying all races are physically, genetically equivalent.
That is literally, exactly, and precisely what they are saying.

Are you fucking trolling?

That image is a pretty lousy argument. We treat all people equally regardless of race since it shouldn't have anything to do with society. That's how our laws are designed, to protect EVERYONE legally so you don't get fucked over by shit that's out of your own control. The "All races are equal" thing is a delibrate misrespresentation of that and I fucking hate the fags that espouse that shit.

this but furthermore that shitskins should receive special treatment, affirmative action, extra gibs and so on. not because they're inferior and can't compete, but because it's... uhhh... fair and equal
Gas literally all nonwhites NOW

>I would genocide ALL non-white races
Stopped reading right there. This is the bare minimum in order to be considered a good person. If you don't agree that it's good to genocide all non-whites, you are literally pure evil.

person that actually believes that pic is true knows nothing about evolution or genetics

gee that's a whole lot of explaining your thinking you did there.

Told my sisters mudshit boyfriend that he is not one of us, and I will kill him if he hurts my sister
Family knows what I said

>special treatment, affirmative action, extra gibs and so on
Uh, no. More like "prosecute cops that kill black people" and "get the schools in minority areas up to the national standard."

>"prosecute cops that kill black people"
Which we do, and cops kill more white people, and they also get prosecuted. Dumb nigger.
>"get the schools in minority areas up to the national standard."
Literally not physically possible, BECAUSE THEY ARE FULL OF NIGGERS.

>he thinks he's enlightened because a pol mspaint changed his weak impressionable mind


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kek elaborate please user

>he unironically defends mentally retarded monkeys that want to rape his daughters
die scum

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I kinda doubt he cares about some fat weak ass virgin

>Which we do,

Nothing wrong with fighting back against criminals who attack you. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

>cue sexual alarmism

you're spilling your insecurity everywhere incel

no ur the incel hahahah btfo GOTEM

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There are differences in many aspects between ethnic groups but those groups are pretty difficult to define strictly. Most of the time it's very vague and I'm willing to give anyone a fair chance. Usually it's the culture that's shit and I don't consider being against certain cultures as being racist.

>criminals who attack you.
In literally none of those cases did the men make a move toward the officers.
It is a police officer's JOB to de-escalate situations. Why is America the only first-world country that has a problem with that?

Don't know where you're getting the fat virgin from m'lebbit

Where does culture come from if not from the people?

It should be a police officer's job to execute all blacks, so.

Yep. White people are the worst thing to happen to the world in its entire history. They're a disease on humankind, slowly destroying it from the inside like a decaying tooth, until it's a hollow, brittle shell of itself which eventually shatters.

You'd have to be retarded to not notice that.

>regressing to being a retard

lmao you election newfags are obvious as fuck kys

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History, environment, living conditions.
In the case of black people, being enslaved for 200+ years.

>History, environment, living conditions.
Where does history, environment, and living conditions come from if not from the people?

>>regressing to being a retard
literally what you did lmao, you libcuckolds are so obvious, suicide asap

Naturally, however that doesn't mean that I can't be civil.

>15% of the population commits 90% of the crime
It would be ridiculous to ignore the common factors they have, the largest one being poor and the second largest common factor being black or mexican. Poor blacks on average commit way more crime than poor whites IN TOTAL. Percentage wise, they aren't even comparable. That said, there are also many thousands of decent, civilized black people, but the actions of their lesser brothers really does unfortunate things for them.

% of the population commits 90% of the crime
Aaaaand /thread.

Their physical location and political situation.
For example, fish-based dishes are popular in the Caribbean because they're on fucking islands.
Native Americans are poor and prone to addiction because the American government took all their land and systematically abused/genocided them.

>just copying me now

of course you dumb parrot again kys

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>In the case of black people, being enslaved for 200+ years.
They've been free for over 150 years though, in a country that abolished slavery less than 80 years after it's founding, and one of the first to do so as well.

This is so accurate, fuck

Have you ever taken an American history course?
Do you know what sharecropping or Jim Crow laws are?
Do you seriously think being un-enslaved for 150 years would completely eradicate slave culture? Jews still have cultural elements from Old Testament times.

You're really not getting it, are you?
>Their physical location and political situation.
And what the fuck determines their physical location and political situation, IF NOT THE PEOPLE? Do you think whitey dropped down in Europe from the sky or did the find a suitable land and live there, improved their area and CREATED good living conditions, and DEVELOPED a stable and productive political situation? What is it that makes shitskins think that whitey got everything they have for free, as opposed to HAVING FUCKING WORKED FOR IT LIKE YOU SHOULD TOO. Seriously. Gas chamber. Now.

>ignores jim crow
>ignores racial segregation
>ignores racist denial of lawful employment
>ignores constant dehumanization in white controlled media

>a few years of feminist media turns men into numales!
>centuries of white racism and violence towards minorities? oh that doesn't have an effect

why are racists so disengenuous

>Native Americans are poor and prone to addiction because the American government took all their land and systematically abused/genocided them.
Except literally every native American has more land and gibs than the average white American. They still don't do shit with it, because they're dumb and lazy like they always have been which is how they got into this mess in the first place.

>slavery was first abolished in the mid 1800s
Even if you didn't pay any attention whatsoever in school, does that even make a modicum of sense to you? You really think the US was one of the first countries to abolish slavery? Like, the first time anyone ever thought that owning people might be unethical in all of human civilization's 10,000+ year history was 150 years ago? Even in the 1800s, there were dozens of countries that abolished slavery before the US.

>This is so accurate, fuck
Sound familiar?

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You are literally retarded.

Indians gone through the worst white population control genocides
Indians were driven from their homes and given fuck off go here lands

You're just regurgitating white fantasy history

If they were really civilized they'd overcome those obstacles instead of reverting to being niggers. Also feminism has been going on for almost as long as niggers have been free, and if you think only third or even second wave feminism was to blame you're uneducated. Thoguh white men are responsible for being numales of course. The laws may have been changed but only because whites were too lazy to stop it. Most people are to blame for this current state but niggers really dropped the ball.

>nonsensical mspaint
>autistic claiming victory

lmao fuck off

>niggers have been given literally billions of dollars for hundreds of years now
>still have not improved one tiny bit
Really makes you think. Maybe blacks ARE the problem?

>Do you think whitey dropped down in Europe from the sky or did the find a suitable land and live there, improved their area and CREATED good living conditions, and DEVELOPED a stable and productive political situation?
White people *were* black people when they left for Europe. They mixed with Neanderthals and developed white skin to be able to absorb more vitamin D in an area with less sun.
They are literally entirely defined by their location. All genetic difference was caused by interbreeding and environmental adaptation.

Dude, I don't give a fuck. At some point these "people" need to man up and start behaving like actual humans. You can only sit and cry and whine and invent excuses for so long before it gets tiresome, and that point is long passed.

Lol, you can't make this shit up

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>using a manifesto to argue against years of historical consensus

>geographically and reproductively isolated populations of organisms which have been separated for thousands of generations in wildly different environments ranging from deserts to savannas to tundras to steppes to rain forests to river valleys which evolved separate physical traits such as skull shape and size, brain size, bone density, musculature, the ability to sprint and run and jump to varying degrees, penis/vagina size, hair color, hair texture, skin color/melanin, height, sickle cells, lactose tolerance, body hair distribution, and facial hair all evolved the exact same cognitive ability and are all perfectly suited to live in a 21st century liberal democracy

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kek, epic redditor coming in hot with some tasty "arguments"

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>If they were really civilized they'd overcome those obstacles instead of reverting to being niggers.
>we fucked them up for centuries, it's their fault for not dealing with being fucked up in the right way

We don't even live in a democracy anyway, we live in a republic for good reason but liberals are so batshit insane that they never once questioned the difference.

Have either of you ever taken a basic biology class?
Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and then spread across the globe.
Like, this is a basic fact.

>it's their fault for not dealing with being fucked up in the right way
Literally this. Europeans have endured more suffering than a nog can ever imagine. In fact, it's the very reason we're better than you. It's what made us strong.

The reason the negro can NEVER be fixed, is because he absolutely refuses to accept personal responsibility. It's always "But whitey don did sum shit 2000 years ago, i ain't gon do no workin no sirree!"

>>we fucked them up for centuries, it's their fault for not dealing with being fucked up in the right way
Yeah? Yeah it fucking is, how you act is your own goddamn responsibility. Don't expect other people to take responsibility for your own emotional immaturity.

>Ay yo it be dis old cracka from a hunna years ago fault that I be breakin yo windows and stealin yo shit

>"power level"
maximum cringe

>Europeans have endured more suffering than a nog can ever imagine.
Like what?
I'm white, dipshit. I don't remember my ancestors being enslaved for centuries or disenfranchised until 50 years ago.

Not a racist but this is actually why the leftist narrative is so extremely harmful for black Americans. They are never, ever going to get back on their feet when they are constantly fed this bullshit about how everything is everyone else's fault but their own. At some point you have to move past the past and start working towards the future, but leftists insist on keeping them pushed down with imaginary "oppression" forever, because that way they retain the black vote. It's fucking sad, man.

This. Blacks are taught that they are powerless, oppressed, have no hope of competing in fair parameters with white people. Complete demoralization of an entire population. It's pure evil what's being done to them. If I were a black guy I would absolutely fucking resent hearing that shit. I'm a god damn man and I can do things with my life.

Nah not really, all that frothing foamin hatred, shit's unhealthy for the soul and mind.

I do have a dislike of indians though, but it's nothing extreme.

Shut up and come back when simply not having a white name on your resume can cut employment in half even if you have equal credentials

and you wonder why they turn to crime when you still have nonwhite exclusion active

This is corporatist propaganda you've been fed to make you vote in favor of reducing entitlements (which, by and large, go to poor whites). Congratulations, you've been brainwashed.

it's called "the racism of lowered expectations." libcucks want to keep their silly little primitive pets chained, while pretending to be protecting them. leftists are the real racist desu. right wing people just want blacks to have a fair chance to man up

Same thing would happen in any country where you're a foreigner. How about you go be black in a black country, instead? Do you think blacks get insta-hired in China or something? Are you fucking stupid?

>leftists are the real racist desu.
literally how
there's no law that says "this welfare goes specifically to black people because they're incompetent." they just qualify for it because they're disproportionately poor.
half of leftists aren't even white.

We share a common ancestor with niggers, granted. We also share one with whales. The important thing is how we've evolved differently in the intervening millennia BETWEEN our common ancestor/Migration out of Africa.
Basically this:

holy shit niggers are so vile in how they argue. complete lack of honesty and reason

>How about you go be black in a black country, instead? Do you think blacks get insta-hired in China or something? Are you fucking stupid? you think the black people in America chose to come here? lmao
they were born into a society that treats them like shit

Because welfare and pretend-oppression does not help blacks. Clearly. It's been a whole lot of fucking years now, the evidence is conclusive, giving niggers money for more cocaine DOES NOT HELP THEM.

>they were born into a society that treats them like shit
So why do they want to stay? America is a white country. Make no mistake. It is absolutely white, you should have caught onto that by now. Saying that America is their homeland would be like saying that it is also the homeland of other farming equipment such as pitchforks. You were never a people here, you were TOOLS.

Go to Africa, and be free of oppression. Return to your paradise.

>the evidence is conclusive, giving niggers money for more cocaine DOES NOT HELP THEM.
I'd like to see that evidence, then.
I'd love to see a study on outcomes of modern black families given welfare vs. not given welfare.

whites in this here thread

daily reminder every luxury and innovation white countries have was stolen and leeched from the oppression of minorities

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All blacks have been given billions of dollars in welfare for close to a hundred years. All blacks are still robbing, raping, murdering niggers.

That's pretty fucking conclusive.

>we need mo money fo dem programs, das the problem, we aint got nuff money fo dem programs!

>topic about racism
>It's only about blacks


Please take a class in statistics.
Cause and effect needs a study with random sampling and randomized treatments (welfare vs. no welfare) to properly be proven.
There is currently no proof that black people would be better off now had they not been given welfare.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying they would be BETTER off without welfare. I don't think they can be fixed.

But it's a certain fact that WELFARE DOES NOT HELP.

>correlation proves causation
>welfare is 100% of the reason black people are poor
I can tell you aren't very educated.

no, I'm not so easily triggered

You would need to perform the same study to prove that there is no causation between welfare and better outcomes, then, and not get statistically significant proof that it helps.

>>welfare is 100% of the reason black people are poor
Who said this? All I said was that welfare does not help. Scroll up, that is literally word for word what I said.

It's very easy to verify whether or not welfare helps, because you can just go ahead and look at the fact that 15% OF THE POPULATION COMMITS 90% OF THE CRIME.