Was he the biggest bitchboy to ever live?

Was he the biggest bitchboy to ever live?

>Literally handed everything from his parents: BMW, a paid-for apartment, tons of electronic shit, etc..
>Well-traveled...saw so many countries most people will never see in their life times

Despite the above:
>he quit his only real job after one fucking day
>he was too much of a pussy to ever talk to a girl besides Maddie but expected them to come to him begging to suck his D
>had extreme amounts of jealousy to the point where he was envious of 12 year olds in his karate class and dropped college classes because there was a hot couple in them
>literally had temper tanrums and threw beverages on people he didn't like
>felt entitled to win the jackpot lottery

lmao he was literally "reeeeeeeeeee normies": the real life person

I don't understand how some of you look up to him.

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Me neither. He was a narcissistic idiot with a garbage personality which was the cause of all his problems, not his race or women. He was the ultimate angry manchild.

>I don't understand how some of you look up to him.

I don't, at all. His """"""manifesto""""" was just embarrassing. Always goes on about how he loves luxury and O P U L E N C E as if that counts as a personality.

Yes he is and also his mass shooting was a fucking pathetic joke. He couldn't even get inside the fucking sorority.

You might, but I know there are a few Elliot fans on this board.

He was legitimately autistic. It's why he was in special classes and had teacher aides and went to therapists. People always seem to ignore this.

no, beta bux are bigger bitchbois

elliot was the truth

Elliot fandom is just a meme. He shot some popular people so others felt like they got their revenge fantasies fulfilled through his actions.

>popular people
What popular people? 3 WOW playing Gooks and a few normal looking people?

You're right. They just assumed he shot popular people.

>Autistic retard
>the truth

Pick uno

>Was he the biggest bitchboy to ever live?
Yes, I think he secured that title when he literally cried on the phone to his mother when he found out that guys his age were already having sex.

Hi FBI! I think I'm too busy with studying incels and the low status women incels love (because such women are not in the way of recreating society where women are dependent on men, so that incels could have a sex life too). to participate. Let me take a little time to go through your post and then maybe, I'll give a thoughtful response.

I wonder if Elliot paid any attention to the status of women, so that he only wanted those who were stupid, uneducated and talentless, of the women of his peer group? Was he that calculating and manipulative?

elliott was a 100% retart

And this is why you don't racemix kids

He was basically an entitled white boy who wasn't white enough

It's a sickness that prevades white loser + asian girl couples

>anyone who had an opinion on Elliot that isn't positive is the FBI

Fuck the normies, amirite?

>I don't understand how some of you look up to him.
It's a coping mechanism for them user

all normies can do is hate a man they never met

I do find it amazing he took the fire to try. Most like him just get fat and die as loser virgins

His whiny videos and pussy manifesto told me everything I need to know about him.

>anyone who has an opinion on Elliot that isn't TRUE is the FBI

Good one, FBI! Tee-hee.

Why the heck is there so many porn adds here all of a sudden?

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I'm getting really sick of these normalfags shitting up this board.

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He literally wrote out everything for us. The fact that he came off as a huge pussy beta in a book he wrote and shows his POV says a lot.

He didn't do jackshit. Most of the people he killed were chill Asian roommates who were definitely not normies

pic related. Elliot Rodger never took the cowardly answer and blamed himself. All Elliots annoying parts are nothing compared to the cruelty of society. Nobody is perfect. In the end he redeemed himself and did more good with his life than those normalfaggots who continually make this world hell. fbi please ignore im good /spoiler]

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Wow, you get THAT butthurt over people telling the truth about the guy whose cock you metaphorically suck?

> bloo bloo bloo I don't have 10/10 blondes lining up to suck my dick so I'm gonna kill some people.

Please do tell...what injustices did Elliot face?

his mind was already in free fall when he made those videos
elliot rodgers powerful emotion is what everyone here relates to, it is something you, a normie, can never understand
all normies can see and feel is the surface.

So how many whores did he actually kill?

Fuck off norman, I won't entertain your bullshit.

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Free fall from what? He lived a life better than nearly everyone on this board. His only plight was that he couldn't get Stacy and was too shy to make friends.

You ever rest his book? Here complains about a little bullying that most kids go through like it's like changing.

If I swapped bodies with him I'd likely be drowning in pussy, no memeing - he didn't seem to understand how much women would've loved his richness.

Elliot wasn't rich.

That said, he could have gotten a gf if he lowered his standards to more realistic levels and didn't give off homicidal vibes.

'My dad is a famous director, I drive a beamer'
Lie. Run that thug game.

>I don't have 10/10 blondes lining up to suck my dick so I'm gonna kill some people.
unironically this

> Female Genocide.
Oh, so you're a deeply-closeted faggot just like he was. That explains a lot.

I pray everyday to elliot rodger, i hope one day i'll be like him. My fantasy is to keep as many couples as i can on valentine's day and ruin that day forever

Sure, if helps you sleep at night.

Do you just have a list of meaningless comebacks that you randomly pick from when you get butthurt? Why the hell would your hunger for dick or lack thereof be a cause of anxiety for me? You must think very highly of yourself.

Wtf with all these normies?? this board is ruined forever

Seek help, originally ofc

>guy kills six innocents for something completely in his head
>gets criticized for it
>reeeeeeeeeeee normies

You should probably self assess your life

>Seek help
Why would i do that??

Well, you seem to be a whiny little pussy faggot; so you're very much like him already.

>you seem to be a whiny little pussy faggot
nice assumptions, cowboy!

>normie logic
>it is fine to use a dead man to insult people i dont like

>You must think very highly of yourself.
I like to think so.

>something completely in his head
you mean, the accomplishment of the beta uprising. That's a greater good then

>defending a dead murderer just because he was a virgin like you are

Incels everyone

It's not healthy for you or society to be like Elliot.

It's easier to like those who share stuff in common.

It wasn't healthy when i was spit down to the lowest of society either. If i revolt, then the crimes will be punished

Ah well at least you can share this gutter with me in peace when the normalcunts rightly fuck off.

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The only real hero r9k should have is that guy who worked at an airport, stole a plane, did some barrel rolls and stuff and then proceeded to kill himself by crashing on an island.

>he couldn't get Stacy and was too shy to make friends
He thought he couldn't get any girls over 5/10, and he was too deranged to have any friends. The ones he had dropped him for being too scary or too depressing.

"The two of us did what we usually did. We walked out to the Palisade's Bluff's where we discussed our hopes and dreams. We then went to the Palisades town center to have dinner. This time we chose to eat at Panda Express. While we were eating, some high school kids walked in. ... They were popular boys who had a flock of pretty girls with them. One of them sat down with two of the girls, putting his leg up on another chair with a cocky smirk on his face. I was livid with rage, and I wanted to pour my drink all over his head. ... I did the only other thing I could do; I packed up my dinner and left the restaurant, fleeing in defeat and shame. ...

When the two of us got back to James's house, I was still seething with rage. I didn't understand why James wasn't angry like me. The sight that we just witnessed was horrible to watch. To see another male be successful with females is torture for males like us who have no success with females. I was so angry that I told James of all of the acts of revenge I wanted to exact on those popular boys. I told him my desire to flay them alive, to strip the skins off their flesh and make them scream in agony as punishment for living a better life than me. James became deeply disturbed by my anger. I wished that he wasn't disturbed. I wished he could be a friend that felt the same way about the world that I did. But he wasn't that kind of person. He was a weakling.

Once I had calmed down, the two of us had a long conversation in his room, and I ended up crying in front of him as I explained how hopeless I felt about life. ... He will never invite me over after that incident, and our friendship will slowly fade to dust."MTW, p.91

>He will never invite me over after that incident, and our friendship will slowly fade to dust
great friend he had

Honestly James was a better friend to Elliot than Elliot deserved. Elliot pretty much talked about crazy shit like the beta uprising for years that would have made any normal person run for the hills but James stuck around because he actually cared.

Can't fault him for eventually getting tired of hearing "I'm going to torture and kill women for not sleeping with me" for the thousandth time.

wtf why is he shaved in the middle one?

>be normie
>come to r9k
>unironically think elliot worship is real and not just a way to troll normies and other robots

This. James was the real saint in this story.

> Get butthurt at being called out on your ER felating.
> "I was only pretending to be retarded! Hurr durr!"

Add feminism to the bottom and it's perfect

Reading everything you just typed out, he is unironically the most based man to ever live. Wasnt even that big of a fan of his before, but I think you just converted me.

They were friends for quite a long time, ever since the First Grade when Elliot saw James at the yard of Topanga Elementary, "kicking dust".

"Adjusting to my new environment in Topanga was quite easy for me, especially since school was so much fun. I was now a Topanga Kid. During recess at school, I started noticing this boy with slightly long blonde hair who also enjoyed kicking dust. Before I met him, I always mentally nicknamed him the "King Arthur Kid", due the regal look his hairstyle gave him. It was only a matter of time before our dusting kicking antics would collide with each other. We then teamed up and starting playing the game together, and this was the start of a long and interesting friendship. This boy's name was James Ellis, and he would become my best friend for the next 14 years of my life."MTW, p.8


the bourgeoise had to lead the revolution for the proletariat

>beta bux are bigger bitchbois

agree don't get married or trust women.

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>I was just pretending to be an idiot
>Normies troled xD

According to redpill theory, because he correctly reassembled the disparity of the sexual marketplace and the hypergamy of women, that is dualistic romantic persuit of intercourse with the strong man and intimate, nonsexual relationship with the smart man.

You should word it differently: getting a top car, being educated, having an appartment, being rich, being wellversed, experienced and traveled is not enough if you are born with inferior physical features, aka weak posture, small body, feminine face.

On the contrary, being a drunk, homeless brutechad will get women wet even if you burb into their face.

Eliot was paifully aware of this fact, and the only role his society provided for him: pick up the old women and be a good dad.

Marx spoke of proletariat and bourgeoisie, and rule of the proletariat in society and the resulting economical class war. Well, maybe it is time to see it from another point of view, and talk about sexual class war?

>board flooded with elliot worship posts before May 23rd
>some fag announces tribute shooting with a pic of a gun and post number + timestamp
>thread reported to feds and 404s
>like 2 shootings on the day of the anniversary

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Elliot wasn't a truecel anyway, he just expected top tier cream of the crop California blondes to flock to him without lifting a finger and nothing but

But... He had everything. What was he supposed to do (to get laid)?

Women ignored him and went for the rugby chads.

>expecting nothing less than 5/10 while being 6/10

Elliot could have gotten laid relatively easily if he lowered his standards

realistically any cute asian girl in nyc or San Francisco from working class background spending her days helping her parents run the family laundromat or whatever would have gladly jumped his bones in five minutes flat

Elliot was expecting top tier blond women to flock to him strictly on the basis of him being upper middle class, he didn't understand when it came to the world of top tier blond women from California he didn't meet the minimum requirements while at the same time failing to leverage his privilege outside of that one specific milieu

Hell there are some hot blondes who date below their leagues just because they like the guys they're with.

Elliot just never said anything to girls.

Elliott had everything. Cho on the other hand. That boi was a legend

St. Elliot killed 6. More than you, redit beanboy.

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>St. Elliot killed 6
Your average bus driver in India kills more people than that by accident. Stop acting like it was a big accomplishment; he lived as he died: a cringy failure.

what things don't you like about him?

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Really? How does an autist achieve any of that?

I think he Just had self image issues for being a hapa in a White country. He Just needed a role model.

Reasons why I dislike Elliot

>he was a white privilege chasing cunt (blond hair, etc)
>most of the people he shot were innocent Asian roomies
>lunatic wmaf spawn
>generally entitled little prick

He was good at converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. Other than that, he didn't have a single redeeming quality.

>chasing white privilege
>shot some normies
good thing
>lunatic wmaf spawn
thats out of his control
he wanted to be a normie and have a white slut gf. HOW DARE HE

him and billions of others

Erm... He was 9.8/10.

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I'm Autistic here and can kind of relate to Elliot. I value things and material goods a lot because I get little satisfaction interacting with my peers. The concept of deciding to have less for the sake of normies who hate me seems foreign to me.

If I was him I would be drowning in girls. Fucking loser couldn't make things happen. He was a BRAINcel.

He's so fucking cute in this video. He would've made one dazzling looking female.

You'd never believe that a cute boy like him could be capable of doing what he did. It's a strange world.

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>him and billions of others
Yea, except most of those billions don't kill people because their butthurt went all the way up to their brain.

>Marx spoke of proletariat and bourgeoisie, and rule of the proletariat in society and the resulting economical class war. Well, maybe it is time to see it from another point of view, and talk about sexual class war?
>Not realizing that feminism is and always has been sexual Marxism
>Just replace "starvation" with inceldom/roastiehood

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There's plenty of death and killing in the 3rd world where life is cheap. There's plenty in darker cities of the 1st world.


Yea, and those people are scum; but they're not literal adult crybabies who kill people just because they've never put their wee-wee in a girl. The thread isn't about whether he was evil, but whether he was the biggest bitchboy; and a literally can't think of anyone who was more of one.

>and a literally can't think of anyone who was more of one.

You literally can't think? That's a good reason.

There's you, your comrades from reddet and twitter, and your irl friends to start.

People have their flaws, but he put women in their place the most important thing.

>There's you,
Nope. I've never sobbed to my mother about my virginity or thrown a drink at someone because my wee-wee was sad.

> your comrades from reddet and twitter,
Don't have any so can't comment on that.

> and your irl friends to start.
I'm not aware of any of my irl friends throwing literal adult temper tantrums in public, so wrong again.