Why are people so fucking low quality nowadays? It wasn't this bad during the 2000s

Why are people so fucking low quality nowadays? It wasn't this bad during the 2000s.

Everyone is just so fucking crude and dumb. They have no thought outside of money and sex even then they approach these things in the cheapest way possible. Everyone is just a variation of egotistical asshole who think they can demand attention, sex and money from everyone even when they are bottom barrel nobodies. Even minimum wage shop clerks act like they're too good for their shit job and life when a fucking website can do their job better than them. I swear instead of the internet and social media lifting everyone up it's just a fucking rush to the bottom least common denominator for the normies.

I'd take emos over the current year normie at least they had some semblance of having a soul or having some fucking complexity. Everyone know is just an inflated piece of trash.

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idk have some dough youtu.be/eacTeNflLCI

Welcome to getting old my friend. The world is going to get rough. These stupid fuckers are going to keep reproducing.

For real. It's hard not to to go out without hating everybody by default.

I used to be idealistic and always wanted to give back to the community but now I just want to shit on everyone as much as I can because of how loathsome they are.

A lot of people in this world are assholes, men and women (who are not the "fairer sex", don't ever fall for that shit).

However it sounds like you have an extremely spiteful attitude that will also shut out decent people who might care about you.

What do you mean you prefer emos over this? Literally everyone is an emo cunt & there are no prohibitions against oversharing attention grabbing therapeutic culture

2000s era feelsy emos are completely different from the modern attention whore on steroids

In my experience there was no real difference. But perhaps I should say I'm from Melbourne Australia

It's cause of social media and all of their favorite celebrity's act like pricks now a days.

if thats you, goodshit, subscribed

This guy is a victim of normiethink

proliferation of mass media just reveals how dumb people have been all along, now it's merely publicized

Not OP but:
I'm trying to be interested and accepting towards all my friends but they just pull antisocial stuff out of the blue all the time.
Oh that and taboo subjects. Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water because I went to Jow Forums when I was younger and now have a more open mind about a lot of subjects (through sheer exposure).
I feel like I'm hemorrhaging friends at an alarming rate.

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>I'm hemorrhaging friends at an alarming rate.
what is the problem?

Differentiating interests over time causing friendships to water down and me being done with hiding my opinions. I don't want to call them blue pilled but idk what other words i'd use to descibe them.

If you meant to ask "is this a bad thing", then yeah; i'm quickly approaching 30 and I don't meet a lot of new people.

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How? The only difference is they are whining and sharing shitty "deep" quotes on the internet

Fuck knows but cheers for the pic. Kek.

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if you can't tell the difference you must be underaged zoomer

non-native english speaker here, what is ''bowel movement'' I dont understand any of it except that people started considering him a weirdo all of a sudden.

It means to take a bold move or to be brave. Hopefully that helps foreign user.

Instant gratification. With the age of smartphones and idiot proof technology you dont have to be talented to get something.

It means going to the bathroom to pass something that is not liquid

Thanks for the help native user but I still didn't get his situation, people were mean to him all of a sudden because he was brave?
Can you explain me the video itself please?

It means to poop.
Moving the bowels/intestines to get the poop out.

so it is not ok to poop in other toilet that isn't from your house?

he's saying that people don't understand his 'true self' and are making up what they think he is like. He was at a party and thinks they're gossiping about him going to the toilet so he gets all autismo. I think the person in the video has paranoia (anxiety)

It's okay as long as it isn't gay.

Read the Victorian and Flynn effect studies. The world is becoming less intelligent especially the US

I'm rather lucky with my m8s. They know im a firey racist fucker and I scream 'nigger' to my black friend usually now and then, still excellent mates with themthough. I'm the only one amongst 20 to browse Jow Forums, they all play fortnite and I take them to internet cafes and start big 8 man AOE:II games for them to play. I've been able to stay excellent friends with them thanks to my 10/10 personality, feelsprettyfuckinggooddesu.

truer words have never been spoken, lel

fuck off normietard

one thing that's been bothering me lately is how selfish people are.
people are so god damn selfish, it's unbelievable to me. i'm not talking about they don't randomly share shit without expecting anything in return..
i'm talking about people who are narcissists and want ALL the attention and everything to themselves. they want everyone's friendship, everyone's trust, everyone to agree with them, it's all about them and they are entitled to everything and want everything and want to collect everyone as their companion and everybody love them, but they don't return the treatment for anyone else.

and then there's people who always ask for shit. "hey got any this, hey can you help with this, hey, hey, me, me" and NEVER consider me at all.

people's selfishness seriously makes me hate other people, if not fear their motivations.

I get what you're trying to say. They want all the acceptance in the world but have the empathy of a brick wall.
When it comes to you sharing your vision or experiences the conversation quickly devolves in a series of non-inquistive awsners like yes, no and "mhmm" because you can tell they arn't really interested in your side of the dialog and rather would like you to let them continue their monologue.

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Easy to explain, but requires some history from redditfag(me)
>Meme subs were referencing Jow Forums forever, but nobody really cared because content on the subs was good and always stayed fresh
>Ffw few years
>People get butthurt easily. r/memes(main sub at the time) starts to thoroughly moderate content. Controversial memes are taken down. Community gets more and more sensitive, more memes are filtered. Good memes that get past mods are reposted regularly by karmawhores. OC is scarce and quality of the sub quickly goes down
>Multiple meme subs are born, each one for its specific topic, the one that's relevant for us is r/dankmemes with less rules. The sub takes pride in its freedom of speech. Community is jokingly elitist and follows a trend of trashing mods without consequences as a sign of their freedom policy. OC is good and almost always edgy
>More people discover dankmemes. As always, everybody wants to be a part of the cool group and start posting their own content. But since they're doing it more for the sake of being approved rather than creating content itself, they follow the tried and true meme formats. Meme lifecycle is crystallizing

idk but everyone i know is a shadow of their former selves. i can sometimes still see their original personality but its secondary, their primary personality traits are those shared with everyone else. they all listen to shitty trap and "emo" rap, smoke weed, watch every new superhero movie, etc, etc. If you know one you know them all.

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Social media has turned the entire world into high school. /thread

I understand what you mean, someone offered me as /easy sex/ to Jow Forums and posted my contact, it was so weird, even though I was dehumanized it was really nice,

*Sigh* the doxxer didn't realize that I actually am autistic and he indirectly helped me have autistic children, and actually sabotaged his fellow anons since they would have to stay with me for the baby, which would be autistic,

But.. nothing actually happened, a user informed me what happened and I nuked the account.

End blogpost, I shared that story since I feel like it matched what you described,

40 y/o here. I really do believe one of the primary reasons society has gone to shit is due to hiphop ghetto culture. Anyone who grew up in 70's/80's USA can tell you how that trash was synonymous with low lives. Ghetto's and the people within (white OR black) were avoided and looked down upon. Why? Because that culture encourages degeneracy, ignorance, and unfounded violence. These days, that filth is perpetuated in all forms of media and the masses swallow it up. Hell, you cant even see a trailer for a scifi movie without some rap shit forced into your skull. Of course there are other reasons; population, education, resources, pathological virtue signaling, but the fact that western society has now been overtaken by this crap is a major problem.

Also its subjective reality, if you can naturally get along with everyone and don't get into conflicts often, you're likely to have a good social circle that's nice to you, but if you're defined as a subhuman or are just unstable and get into arguments, your own friends may turn against you and complain about you, thus making you think everyone is horrible, even if you are the problem.

I like the George Carlin quote
>Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that

>Why are people so fucking low quality now
i think this might have something to do with it.

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The West needs to be eradicated....oh wait, it's doing it on its own already, kekekeke.