How do I get a bearmode gf? What kind of guys do they like?

How do I get a bearmode gf? What kind of guys do they like?

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so a tub of lard? bearmode only works for males

It does seem pretty beta but i would love to have a big gf that likes to carry me around and let's me lay on top of her

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Why is that beta? It's far more alpha to have a dominant female than to have a submissive one.

I would also be interested in that.

Uh no because that would make you the submissive one.

Well i did say seem but in this fictional relationship i let het carry me around and stuff like that but i'm actually in charge

I hate being a fucking manlet


How short are you?


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>let's me lay on top of her
>no having her lay on you

I don't want to die
Original as fuck

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Being submissive to a female doesn't make you not an alpha dominant male.

>I don't want to die
fuck outta here senpai

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I mean i do want to die but if i hade a amazon gf i probably wouldn't any more

This is the ideal size difference, maybe even a little more.

they don't exist fampai

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Oga is so cute.

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I want to make her a mother, in an original way

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cyclops girl is strong competition though

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artist source user?

I wish I had a orc gf who taught me how to be more of a man.

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>he doesn't know the difference between subcutaneous and visceral fat

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>musclegirls dont have tits
>fat girls dont have abs
>tall girls look like men and are skinny as fuck
>women taller than me are like 0.01% of the population
kill me

Also, women have pathetic upper body strength, even the muscular ones.

Due to strong women being my all-consuming fetish, I've dated girls that are about as close to these builds as women can get without steroids.

I've dated strongfat, I've dated cut and muscular, I've dated girls as shor tall as 6'5.

It doesn't work. Or rather, it works fantastically until chad shows up.

You think you're safe and that chad won't be interested in a girl who looks like a fridge and is technically morbidly obese, or has a face like a football player who's swallowed a beehive, or whose ass is less tight and round and more a massive square of muscle. You think chad isn't interested in a girl who's in a gym hoodie all day and spends half the week smelling like a locker room. You think chad is intimidated by a girl deadlifting 450lbs (yes, she really could).

But rest assured, there is a chad who's just as degenerate as you. He is out there, and eventually she will meet him, and the SECOND she does, she is going to wonder why the hell she's wasting her time with a weak little runt loser she can crush without breaking a sweat.

She'd want the mini chad the most

I'm going on a date tomorrow with a 5'11" mommy/gentle femdom. I met her on fetlife

is that website worth it? How do you use it?

It's like myspace or something. it's easy. However, if you're unattractive or have no game you won't get replies

yep. this fetish is impossible. women don't want smaller guys, even if they're the huge one and the "smaller guy" is the normal one.

you're asking for a body type that is extremely rare, coupled with a personality type that is extremely rare. it's like looking for one needle in every haystack in the world combined. and that's assuming you AREN'T ugly/boring/dicklet/etc. if you are, god help you.

just lay down and die if you like this shit, for your own sake. you'll have a better chance reincarnating into a different reality.