Just finished an hour long workout

>just finished an hour long workout
>tfw pushing my body to it's physical peak
>enjoying that post workout feeling while relaxing & eating a big bowl of whey oatmeal while watching mommyfu in Jurassic World
>feels good
Why haven't you anons hit the gym yet?
Don't you want to better yourself, and attract/command respect from the qts you want to attain so much?

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Anyone who lifts solely to attract the attention of women is a retard.

>Don't you want to better yourself,
Hard of reading user?
Attracting women is just a bonus

>hard of reading user?
You never stated it was a "bonus" considering its one of the only things you bothered mentioning, retard.
As if women care about muscles in the first place. literally ever hot girl that walks into my store has a some skinny twink for a bf.

Only literal faggots and traps are attracted to m uscular men. Women find you disgusting.

>uses the word mommyfu
All that time in the gym wont make you any less of a faggot.

>I see you made one point
>but i'll skip that and cherrypick what I want

That's fine, at least I'll be a strong aesthetic faggot then

>hit the gym
such an insufferable phrase
if it was as easy to "hit the gym" as it was to say it, there would be no issue. but it's effort, commitment, being in public, paying for the privilege, fuck that.

I'm a lanklet and I don't want people at the gym to judge me

Go back to >>Jow Forums. "Hit a fit" is a meme.

I'm stuck at work today :(

You probably look like those bloated idiots on Jow Forums and don't even have any functional strength.

I bet you spend a lot of money on gym memberships, supplements and what not, but still will never be as strong as I am and all I do is play basketball every day and eat good food cooked by my mom rofl

I mean you could buy a bench with an adjustable squat rack for $70 and just work out at home.
I work out in my garage

no gym around

That sounds deadly. You always need a spotter

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Thank to the Jow Forums I turn my scoliosis into a fucking ripture. Who knew what even a light squats can do that. Remember - if you have a health issues - gym can make them MUCH worse.

I lifted weights for about 3 years. Seemed pointless. I never got a date in that time, lol. Being muscular won't necessarily make women want you. I was still short and non-white.

It's just another hoop men AND women tell you to jump through. I was working manual labor while holding up a fullbody training routine 3x a week. Wrecking myself for a physique that perhaps wasn't meant for me. I was carefully planning my diet, my meal frequency, my root powder blends, my mineral intake, and my exercise rotation. All of it was optimized. But there was little recognition for any of it, lol. I gained 20 lb of muscle for about 4 hours a week in the gym from that whole ordeal...

I quit (about 3 months ago) because I decided bodybuilding is pointless. Nothing is wrong w/ being skinny.

Probably just had bad form

Some people, even the ones that get the placebo feeling, from working out. Most people don't, they can't trick themselves into liking it like some can, and the ones who actually do like it just do it and don't post on the internet about it.


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The only point you made is that you are clearly insecure af to be blogging about your routine to a bunch of outcasts and misfits who's lives won't magically improve just from picking up heavy objects for a few hrs

>Being muscular won't necessarily make women want you. I was still short and non-white.
There's your problem, faggot, you don't lift for women, you lift for yourself.

Yeah right, but what about all those promises about great health and all this bullshit from fit? I did all by the book and with a couch + doctors consultation, and fucking still damage done.

I enjoyed it at first, don't get me wrong. There are many enjoyable aspects to lifting, such as programming, PRs, the image, etc. but for me personally I lifted to not be skinny anymore. Out of insecurity. And even though I achieved my goal, it wasn't the answer. It may be for others, but not me. Nowadays I simply run.

no, you call it "lifting for yourself" but it's really for other guys to tell you how tight and swole you're looking, asking to see future picks of your pecs.

>did all by the book and with a couch + doctors consultation, and fucking still damage done.
Kek, if you fucked up even with a doctors consultation then it's probably your fault user.
Don't try to blame weightlifting in general for your fuck up. If other people could do it with no problems and injuries then so could you

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I don't have enough money for a caloric surplus. This is a hobby for rich people.

Thinking about all that wasted time.

>what is a chiropractor?
why didnt you correct the problem when you knew loading yourself with weights would exacerbate the problem?

working out once is nothing

working out for years as a male is the only way to do anything signifigant, if you failed to become chad as a teen you are fucked everyone knows it, self improvement is a cult most of the time

>I don't have enough money for a caloric surplus
>2000 calories, cost $4 at Mcdonalds

I didn't came to the gym to make it worst, reread again. I had a coach to look over me and a doctors permission. BUT SOMEHOW.

Yeah, gotta blame myself all my life now for listening to the faggot's from /fit.

I'm naturally strong and muscular despite having some fat on me. Why would I bother?

how many strength points did you recover?

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>that dirty of a bulk
no thanks

Same reason, I never got into lifting weights. I have lower back problems from sitting in a chair playing games most of life and my posture has never been the best. I'll never touch heavy squats, or do shit like deadlifts out of fear of fucking up my back or knees.
I did do P90X though, since it's mostly bodyweight shit with a few dumbbell exercises. Didn't get me buff, but I got some significant muscle from the lanklet I was so I'm happy

>Just hit the gym bro xd
Fuck off normalnigger.

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A faster dirtier bulk, just means you'll have to spend more time cutting
It evens out in the end.

l couldn't agree more

You're 100% wrong but you seem set in your ways so go ahead.

I was ugly and weak, after going to the gym and watching what I eat I am only ugly.
Robots, you might as well go and do it.

>Orbiting threads
>Porn threads
>Gym threads
>Gay threads
>Underage posts
I don't even know anymore...

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Same shit do I now. Empty squats, work on upper half, arms and legs, and of course a lot of spine buildup. Feel myself like shit now, but, huh, gotta do something. Never ever listen to the idiots of this goddam site, fucking never.

How am I wrong?
A dirty bulk just means more fat, but you'll gain muscle just fine if you lift heavy enough.

>Gym makes you attractive, even if your face is ugly.
Originally consider suicide

>anime as a postpick

Me too.

Nor do I, these normalcunts must leave.

You can't read can't you?
I'm still ugly, I'm just fairly strong and in better shape now.

>I don't know where I am.

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Enjoy your sad life fatty

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I know, and it's not a fucking /a/.

I'm skinny, and love myself like this.
I can't help you, since you're a normalfag and want to attract women.

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>He doesn't know

>>mommyfu in Jurassic World

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>Why haven't you anons hit the gym yet?
I do
>Don't you want to better yourself
I do and I have been
>attract/command respect from the qts
Not happening for me
>you want to attain so much?
Gotten to the point after a few years beating myself up about it, I really care about getting one. now that I found I can feel good about myself with out another person or fapping, I'm sort of chasing the self improvment/trying new things out feel good

I'd take the gym shit over all the other shitty threads
not listing femanon/femanon rp threads?


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What's wrong you fuckin NERD

Not even worth a reply.

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I would but I've never been and dont want to look like a retard doing lifts wrong

>not going early in the morning
The dudebros & Chads don't flock in until later.

27 eggs = 2000 calories
18 eggs costs $1.29
No excuses, faggot. Is your brain affected?

Because here a gym membership is 500 euros a year

Because I have a fetish for girls who are stronger than me.

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Prices are very different here. For example a liter of milk costs 1 euro. 3,7 liters a day (starting strength routine) would cost almost 110 euro a month or 20% of my monthly income. McDonald's is quite expensive too, people go there on special occasions.

>y-you're a retard because it's literally impossible to hurt yourself with muh good form
It's like they don't even lift.

Then he probably lifted too much weight then before he was ready.
Either way, it's his fault & no one elses

Just work out at home you idiot.

It's like you don't even read

If you are only there once every week they will judge you at first and then stop caring.
If you come three or five times a week and keep improving they will only judge you at first until they see you are serious. Then they will either respect your commitment or stop caring.

The gym won't stop me from being a manlet

>This faggot hasn't heard of training his height muscles.

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working out for me always ends up in me feeling miserable because i feel like a fraud that wants to compensate for something
same with work to bee honest

and yet you are still here
weird isn't it?

But I literally lift for myself, makes me actually like the way I look and give something that resembles confidence. I wasn't gonna live the short time I have on this shithole planet without seeing my potential, and I'm glad I did.
Working on improving yourself is never time wasted

Obese manlet detected