Are there really any benefits to having a girlfriend besides muh love, muh sex and muh validation?

Are there really any benefits to having a girlfriend besides muh love, muh sex and muh validation?

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Only if you find someone super compatible
Then you have a friend too

personally, i like the added benefits of muh hygeine and muh not a lazy piece of shit

unironically just buy an onahole and onahole warmer and you have a vagina whenever you want

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Are there really any benefits to having a meal besides muh nutrients, muh metabolism and muh no starvation?

Having the opportunity to make yourself a better person and recognise that like others, you too are flawed

No women are unironically wicked and inferior just like our ancestors believed

He who is too effeminate and unattractive to receive any attention from the nagging, deceiving, leeching demons we call women is actually blessed by the Lord although he may not know it when still young and corrupted by mindless lust

fuck off loser
you probably dont know since youve never had one
its like free drugs all day every day
you will be drowning in hormones you didnt know that existed
just smelling her skin will get you an erection
its like having the cake and eat it
that said you gonna have to pay a price, and i dont mean money
if you want a gf for muh love and muh validation then better forget about it, you wont find it here

If she has a strong sense of responsibility it also means both of you can share your income.

Two people happily living in one home with a larger amount of money on tap.

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Depends on the gf. Mine is also my best friend; and because she's infinitely more sociable than I am, she makes it easier to me to deal with normal people. She also makes almost as much money as I do and always pays for all of our recreational expenses, so that's nice.

I see this more as a downside since you'd have to shower every day instead of just when you need to go outside. It's additional fuss
>not a lazy piece of shit
>opportunity to make yourself a better person and recognise that like others, you too are flawed
You can be and do all that by yourself. It's even better because you won't become depressed once your beloved gf leaves you
>comparing essential and optional needs

>its like free drugs all day every day
>that said you gonna have to pay a price
Then those drugs aren't free, are they?

On Maslow's Hyerarchy of Needs they are on the same level. Granted, theoretically you won't die from lack of sex as opposed to food. But some people actually do. They kill themselves because they are are alone for too long. So what if it takes actual years? No air means seconds, no water means days, food maybe weeks while no sex can mean years. Now you can go and fucking neck yourself with a razor wire along with OP with this shitty bait thread.

Those guys didn't die of sexual deprivation, but because they were crazy

Just wait til you're 2.5 years into the relationship, buddy.

>fuck off loser
Normalfag get out
you think calling me a loser does shit?
dude im like the biggest loser around.
You probably think im a virgin KEK.
>TFW you wish you where
dude an onahole feels as good as an actual vagina if better, im LAMAO@urlife because you have to do all this gay shit for a 3D woman when you could have just got an ionahole.

back to R#dit faggot

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>tfwnogf isn't his primary motivation in life
fucking normans, get out

That's how you rationalize it normie. Lack of various physiological needs affect the body in different ways. Lack of air means your lungs can't absorb oxygen and sent it forward to the rest of your organs, so you die. Lack of sex means you lack those mental effects and chemical reactions that make your brain run optimally. Some people might starve after a few days and others after months. Not everyone is the same. But on a biological level, these needs are equal and to be fulfiled for an organism to function properly.

your sex life must have been absolutely horrible then if you seriously think an onahole is better or even equal to a female body, but then i guess thats common with losers like you and why she broke up with you lmao

what is the price you pay??

sanity, independence, dignity, and much more, its okay to do it once so you know about it just like drugs but dont get addicted

>sex life
Normalfag words
>if you seriously think an onahole is better or even equal to a female body,
humans have shit in them and their meat hole is full of germs and stinks

>i guess thats common with losers like you and why she broke up with you lmao
1. Yes I am a massive loser
2. I never fucked a GF only some sluts and a few whores
unironically wish I didnt lose my virginity.

How about you fuck off normal nigger?
where do you think you are, loser isnt an insult for us it is who we are.
fuck off my board

dont listen to him 3DPD isnt worth it man.
enjoy getting fucked over and emotionally screwed

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how does having a girlfriend affect your dignity

You lose your diginity because you are now sharing your life with a living breathing artificial womb that will try fuck you over

unironically this, women are extremly selfish parasites using emotional manipulation to cuck you at every opportunity, they leave you no choice but breaking up with them as soon as they start with their manipulation routine if you dont wanna get sucked your life out of you by a succubus

>sanity, independence, dignity, and much more,
11 years in and I haven't lost any of that. I must be doing it wrong.

>loser isnt an insult for us
They why are you getting so butthurt about it? I don't get butthurt when people call me a Norman because that's what I am.

>breathing artificial womb that will try fuck you over
nice description user

if brad pit cant keep a girl what chances do we have

It is indeed a nice cope for easing loser butthurt.

women dont want us, we dont want them. what is the problem?

Honestly incel LARPing aside, there can be. If you find a woman with a good personality, a girlfriend pretty much turns into a friend you get to fuck and share living expenses with.

Stop looking at girls just as sex objects.

lmao you didnt even notice youre getting cucked? you must be some kind of supreme basedboy, im sorry for you mate. see chad pumps and dumps, those who seek friendship and loyalty with women are probably the most betas of them all, massive facepalm bro

get the fuck out of here roastie/orbiter/whiteknight whatever kind of reddit bottomfeeder you are lmao

There is no problem. I just said it was a nice cope.

Oh no... my masculinity has been questioned by a losertard who has no idea what 'cucked' means. I'm sure I'll still be reeling from this next time I'm balls-deep in a hot girl and he's sitting in a frothing puddle of butt-tears jacking off to cartoons.

yeah nice try there loser, its obvious youre the one whos doing the biggest coping in this thread, stop trying so hard, massive cringe

haha keep dreaming loser, you never gonna get prime ass and you know it, not with that attitude

You can type that on your cum-encrusted keyboard until your cheeto-dusted fingers go numb, but you know it's not true.

topkek. and that is

roasties/onions boys do this when they get mad. she is triggered by something we said

> virgin cope-field activated at maximum strength!

dont be salty you little virgins, you probably come here every day bragging about that ugly girl that let you stick your dick in a few times, but then its not like i expected else on this fucking website for losers meme kids, have fun with your painfully average life im outta this fucking joint

>reeeeeeee I hate anyone who isn't a hateful virgin incel like myself.

It's good that you don't want any interpersonal, romantic relationships with women because you most likely will never get one.

Ok, this was an interesting thread for a while but now it's just a couple of bitter incels jacking each other off and pretending to feel sorry for people who literally have the exact thing that they're constantly whining like babies about not having. Time for lunch anyway; later losertards.

youll be back like the loser you are, see you in an hour faggot

People will see you as better if you are in a relationship, which can be useful for career and social life.

>They why are you getting so butthurt
I am sick of you normalfags shitting up our board.
where did you come from and why are you here

thanks tehe uwu
dude I dont even find 3D woman attractive and I have dealt with them enough online and IRL that I know the truth.

>men evolved to be strong leaders and protectors
>womans brains evolved to manipulate men like literal parasites
>Stop looking at girls just as sex objects.
I did, and it hasnt made me like them any more.
>next time I'm balls-deep in a hot girl and he's sitting in a frothing puddle of butt-tears jacking off to cartoons.
You know people have been fapping to art since humanity started?
how old are you dude? you sound 12.

>> virgin cope-field activated at maximum strength!
>It's good that you don't want any interpersonal, romantic relationships with women because you most likely will never get one.
You are a woman I can tell, holy shit.
fuck off back to crystal cafe

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you literally cant be president in most places if youre not married with kids

>Is there any purpose to x except these things that give you purpose.
That's like saying "is there any purpose to a gun except shooting?"
Are you fucking retarded?

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