Asian masculinity stop

asian masculinity stop.

Attached: 0278F0F9-E384-431D-AF6A-51596E735397.jpg (640x640, 40K)

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What masculinity?


stop crapping the board with porn.

stop namefagging orginal comment


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no. i will help u but u need to stop posting junk porn

I don't even do that.
Also, adding onto your You can't just choose whether they wanna post porn or not, this board is shit and people will care even less about a namefag.

nope! no other side bashing either.

i can only try, user. i have to at least try.

Whining about porn on r9k isn't gonna get you anywhere, and judging by your namefag status, I bet you're a newfag cunt who thinks they can make an impact on this shithole
Go die.

because i asked you stop posting junk porn? i know you guys are salty, but do u ever think thats the issue all along?

No, but because you assume that whining about it will do anything, and because you're namefagging.

true, it most likely wont stop simply because i asked. yet if i dont try at all, then im complicit. name posting is fine.

Namefagging is not fine you fucking retard, it's Jow Forums culture to leave it as Anonymous.

>name posting is fine

t. omegabrainlet

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Asian males spam their pornographic delusions on our board.
Wow asians are pathetic.
~t.hapa who knows asians dont half a chance.

>tfw no wan wan who has toy wan wans of himself

Attached: triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

The thing is there's no proof that it's asian masculinity. The spam is older than the subreddit even because there's screenshots of it on /tv/ from 2012

There was a guy here that was quite obsessed with such pairings knew every white porn actress that did a scene with asian men and was proud of the ones that didn't do it with black guys. I wonder how much spam comes from him.

Lmao, love how how imageboards turn people into Schizos or more like it only confirms there are many Schizos out there.

bernd, you are the sweat off these nuts

I don't understand your Schizo language.

The blacked spammer from /tv/ is Brazilian, they caught him with filenames on Jow Forums or /sp/ (can't remember which one). His baits were very straightforward, he didn't argue at all, he just kept posting his trash.

I put my money on Tenda Spencer. He might have gotten doxxed but he can't help it, he'll keep spamming internet forums and imageboards until the day he dies.

cus u only speak BETA

That's not a language either, you Schizo.
Take your pills

sure it is, you would know about schizo pills wouldnt you.

Wrong guess
Try harder

yep. you did check into a looney bin years back.

Had to, to keep NEETbux running.

But it wasn't that bad, because most of them were filthy normies and just had depression.
Just got antidepressants which of course didn't work.

I am sure there are many untreated Schizos though like you lurking around the imageboards 24/7.

you changed dude, you used to be really nice. now youre this pro china hard ass and nothing like how you used to be. i know youll deny it too. and thats not what you said back then before and right after you went to the mental ward. i dont think you were on disability back then eithet.

and anti depressants are schizo pills, btw.

Epic, dude

Now I am sure you need some high dosage of antipsychotics.

why bernd, u tryna make me like u?