Why did he do it? Did society really treat him that badly?

Why did he do it? Did society really treat him that badly?

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Society didn't treat him badly, he was just the typical selfish autist who felt entitled to punish those that "persecuted" him.

He didn't.
>no pictures of the bodies
>no pictures of the interior
>building conveniently demolished shortly after
>nobody knows what company cleaned the scene of crime
>all existing companies said they didn't do it
>nobody knows the name of the first responders
>nobody has even claimed it was them
Sandy Hook didn't happen.

Lanza is so attractive. Still blows my mind till this day.

Society persecutes by it's very existence, making us born into debt to it like some sort of worldwide loan shark.

Is that the original guy from blue's clues?

you're a humongous piece of shit. wow.
maybe people don't want to talk about probably the most horrific thing they ever saw?

He was a closet pedophile and felt that he was a disappointment to his family because he couldnt make something of himself.

My guess is that he wanted to go the 72 virgins route.

The shooting did happen, but it was likely not Lanza

Lol just look at this professional victim

Most likely schizophrenic. He looks like an easy target for bullying as well.

Prove to me that it happened

As far as it seems, society/family/social services tried really hard to treat him with kid gloves. He still went off into the dark hole of self-absorbed anger and internet addiction. He probably externalized all his problems onto his mental illness/the world at large and never felt any need to take responsibility for his life. Basically any shut in meckbeard combined with utter lack of socialization and mental illness.

Undeniable that part of it was his fucked up brain, but lots of weird retards dont feel entitled and selfish enough to shoot up children just to show the world how important their anger is.

>A couple dozen families decide to just cooperate in having their children disappear so that guns can look bad one more time in a country where this happens all the time already.
>as always, no substantial changes to gun laws are effected

>its a setup!

feel sorry for zoomers thee days. Tricked by boomers into all their dumbshit conspiracies.

his body his choice dickhead

Pictures of the bodies?

Police dont need to produce pictures of dead bodies for the general public on account of .01% of conspiritards who insist on needing them. Its also morbid and grotesque for the parents.

Most murder victims dont have dead body photos public. Generally only if theyre leaked, and doing so in the case of kids was probably a bridge too far for anyone who has seen them. It only encourages the morbid curiousity in and the appeal of mass murderers.

Besides, if it was all a fake, they could have faked those too for more outrage. Use your brain.

>maybe people don't want to talk about probably the most horrific thing they ever saw
Really? Thats the best you could come up with?

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It was about race and getting people to hate whites and attach the stigma of white people snapping

because he was intelligent and wanted to spare children from a shit existence.
on a forum he confirmed he was at least a based hebephile too.
Not gay but i agree, he looks like how I feel being blackpilled.

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the same reason most shooters go postal. he probably wanted to die and decided to take people with him. even if society actually favored him pretty well, it seems from his writings that he still hated it and saw it as deeply flawed (i mean he was a huge sperg among many other things) so i think that was his way of getting back. i could go into more detail but then i'd look even more autistic than he was probably. he was also really mentally ill pretty much from birth, so there's that too.

The lack of a picture of his body is the oddest thing. I understand the kids, but why not him? We have photos of most of the shooters after their suicide. Why not this guy? What are they hiding?

Society treats a lot of young (white) men badly, but in his case I see no proof of it.
He stayed inside all the fucking time, his mother catered to him constantly and he still hated her.
Everyone in school knew he was an autist, but he was totally and automatically respected and left alone.
He has nothing in common with young men who were mistreated by society. He's honestly quite a little faggot if you ask me.

I think he was probably treated the way most normal people are, with indifference.

iirc he had his own RV to live in, sounds comfy.

Plus I don't think there is any justification for killings dozens of preteens who can't even ride certain rollercoasters.

He was severely mentally ill and obsessed with school shootings.

Well if there's no pictures of bodies or of the crime scene itself you have to admit it does look a little sketchy

Fuck fuck fuck
>have all the diagnoses he had but OCD
>school life sounds very similar but I was bullied more than he appears to have been
>dropped out of high school at 16
>block my windows with curtains
>don't interact with family
>play WoW a lot
>look kinda like him
I would never murder somebody but someone exactly like me did. Scary.

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pictures of dead bodies after a mass shooting or any type of killing for that matter dont get officially released for the most part. especially in this case when most of the victims were 6 or 7 year olds. i think these fake mass shootings conspiracy theories fall apart when you consider the fact that local police men, fire men and emt all have to be in on the conspiracy.

the columbine suicide photo was leaked. the other ones you are thinking about were probably leaks too.

There is this picture, snapped by a journalist.

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it's fake as fuck you retarded sheeps

lol what?
white men disproportionately commit mass shootings anyways.
you could say the same thing about him being anorexic and people using the shooting to push fat acceptance. like... they fucking aren't.

well good on you user for not acting the same way he did. clearly there must be some difference between you guys if his solution to his depression was to shoot up an elementary school.

If you really like him, check out Asmongold. Guy looks exactly like Lanza.

do you believe everything Alex Jones tells you?
he just lost his case in court, ergo, the jury saw some damn evidence.
crime scene photos are almost never released to the public.

no they dont. check the statistics.

i don't believe in anything he says, because i know he is controlled opposition

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>good job not mass murdering people

um...did you check?

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well you know, user... it seems like a pretty hard thing to resist doing nowadays

No most of those are false flags, and plenty are Jews and not white pic related.
And to add to Bread, one of his friends commented that he was Jewish in an article somewhere

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>Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,870,516, or 62.06% of the U.S. population
Within standard deviation. Way to look like a fool.

>parent mentions "proportionately"
>you post statistics not adjusted per capita
>"nuh uhh"

according to this stat black people commit the most mass shootings per capacita

I'm not that user but I said white MEN. I would be surprised if more than a couple of those mass shootings were by white women.

>men are more violent
Thanks detective. The murder, assault, rape, abuse, psychologically proven tendency towards aggression and billions of anecdotes didn't have that one solved.

Adam lanza called into a radio station comparing a rampage to that of a chimp that
ripped a womans face off look up the phone call he made.

I won't believe sandy hook happened until i see the pictures of the supposed dead childen

i get what youre saying now but, especially in the context of what you were replying to, its not what it sounded like

He was gangstalked and decided to take revenge on the perpertrators

was he gangstalked by first graders?

Never heard of this guy before but he killed children. What is wrong with you all ? Esoecially the one of you who finds him attractive even though he looks ugly as shit ; you're no better then the roasts who send love letters to serial killers. Disgusting he wasn't "based" this guy killed children who could never have harmed him at least I understand those who take out the people who torment them. Disgusting, you should receive penance

Sounds like he was a child in a man's body and was very angry about it. Makes some sense of why he targeted children. But that's armchair psychology.

This guy was anorexic, ie he was malnourished. I used to have a BMI of 14.4, trust me, you are always angry when this happens.

He was an angry autist and in his mind he thought the only way to properly deal with his anger and jealousy towards the popular crowd was to gt rid of them all together. Typical autistic school shooter

local kids were better at dance dance. i dunno user some people are really fucking evil.

>even if society actually favored him pretty well
How so?

yeah. anorexia basically turns you into a demon.
It annoys me that the media always glosses over ED issues unless it's a pretty white girl dying of starvation.
Amy Winehouse died from bulimia complications, but everyone just joked about drugs.