getting useless history degree edition
/uni/ general
Hey I'm a history major too.
We're pretty fucked yeah? Other than being a teacher idk what too do with this degree.
> went to a "party" last night
> some girls were there
> only one didn't have a bf
> the chads there were being thirsty to girls who live here and texting their exes
> I got drunk for the first time in a while
> our floor is probably tired of our shit
> the senior in charge of us who lives here is a based incel (I confirmed this)
> Pretty sure I made a fool of myself
> did not have a hang over
tfw my classmate found a new bf just after 3 days of the new uni year
My unis first football game is tomorrow. Any tips to look like less of an autist?
In my uni we have minor secondary studies, im gonna take something like marketing or economics next year, i probably wont learn anything more than fundamentals but i guess having at least secondary degree in something useful will look better on my resume than just history
>prepared to go to uni to study hard for my major
>there's few good classes and a lot of filler
>talk to people about it
>dude you don't go to uni to study you go there to find connections and internships lmao
sounds like I got memed hard
it depends on what you study. if youre a stemfag or just studying something thats will give you actual skills for certain jobs then this doesnt apply to you
What does it mean when a girl looks at you constantly?
She fucking hates you and is constantly on guard to evade your eventual shooting.
if youre good looking it could mean that she finds you attractive. Given that youre here though youre probably not good looking
how can you tell a girl looked at you
you can unless you look at her maybe you just looked at her thinking she is the one looking at you kek
>tfw a lecture from your course is used by political commentators as proof of how much feminism has corrupted your country's universities
Sexismen - sexist men? Sexy men?
I see, its probably nothing
Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
>earphones broke
How do I make friends? Should I just join clubs?
>skipped an entire week of class
do you like your professors at least
Any robots tried joining fraternities?
>"you'll make friends today user, don't worry about it"
>sit alone during lectures
>sit alone during breaks and browse Jow Forums on my phone
>go home
Especially painful when you read the uni class's whatsapp group and how all the normies are having the time of their lives at friday night
>Spanish class today
>have to ask each other how often we do things like sleep and go to bed late
>"How often do you date"
>sit in silence for a good minute before lying and saying "sometimes"
Gonna have my meme degree at the end of this semester. Finally this hell will end to be replaced with the hell of wagecuckery
>got a christian fundamentalist as lecturer in 2 of my classes this semester
>he has written a book to convince other academics to become christians
>he says that he got 2 prophecies from God when he wrote the book
>tfw he is absolutely based at teaching the general linear model
I thought he would be a bit crazy desu
What the fuck should I write my bachelor's thesis about? (History Major)
I wanted to write something about German industrial workers in Nazi Germany but my prof told me that if I don't know German, I shouldn't even bother because I wouldn't be able to read primary sources for my research so I'm confined to something about my local country (which is boring as fuck) or write something about Anglo-American topics (where I can work with primary sources)
Hey historyfag fag here too. I'm writing about the factioning political parties of Ireland during and immediately after the Great War. It's quite comfy and the vast majority of sources are in English and the ones that are Gaelic usually have a translated version from the time it was printed. Where are you from desu?
Studying to become a welder
>take a music class for fun
>girl shows up who missed the first day
>asks me how the class is, introduces herself
>shakes my hand, we make small-talk before class
>says she heard about the course through someone else in my major (political philosophy)
>say I'm in that major too
>she says "Haha, you know what? You guys are pretty cool."
>after class more small talk walking to next class
>she puts her hand on my side and pulls me closer
>says "Sorry! You were walking a bit close to the road, didn't want you to get hit by a car, haha."
>more small talk, say goodbye
what the fuck's happening bros?
>18 page essay due october 18th
>four pages in
I'm making good progress right?
read you fucking mong
>buy new headphones
If you can't figure out the simple things, you're doomed to fail your classes.
I'm sitting in my dorm right now playing fucking Devil May Cry while everyone else is forming groups of friends. Am I dammed to be alone?
You are if you sit there. Go outside you degenerate.
But there's nothing for me to do right now. Clubs haven't even started.
There is a clear solution: go outside to places to social places at your university. Even if all you do there is read by yourself, you are opening up to human contact. If you are against doing that, why would you complain about being doomed? It would be your own fault.
I'm a communication major... none of you guys here know the unsettling feels of begin surrounded by faggots and leftists all the time and begin unable to speak since they control everything around the college. My role around the campus is sabotage everything they do and spread chaos using their very own sacred Jewish arts of deception against them and see they fight each other.
Is really easy deceive people.
I want for the far right party of my country.
Then don't do something that'll only get you a job in HR fag.
You are dillusional. I don't even care about the politics. Most of the people you talk to will just assume you're an asshole. What's more, you're getting a degree so useless that you won't even be able to spread your message. If you actually wanted to convince people, then you should have gone for a degree with real power like finance or business. Instead you're a useless faggot who will never do anything of worth. You hate the leftists and faggots, but you're so useless that you're basically one of them.
I think choosing to commute from home was a mistake guys.
Everyone's always hanging out in dorms and literally all I do is go to lectures and go home
That's actually good advice. Thanks user, I wish you luck in all of your endeavors.
If you are saving a lot of money, there isn't anything wrong with that.
I'm literally sitting in the lounge waiting for my professor to finish his meeting. He said it'd be at one and hes still talking. I just want homework help. There are literally only 2 people in this class come on man it wont take long.
Who else here /finalyear/?
Already getting emails from my tutor about my research project and the academic year hasn't even started yet. Just want to end it now
I'm already working at some publicity agency as trainee and already have ties with politicians from the party. As I said before, I use the Holy Jewish Arts against Jews, faggots and the SJW horde.
I feel awesome when I spread rumors and see them fighting each other over nothing. Is hilarious how they fall for the very things what our leftists professors learn to us.
That' what I'm going to try to do. I haven't made any friends. Generally if people can get past my looks, they like me so I think tabletop gaming is how I'm going to try to make a good first impression. If I do well in a game of Catan then someone may see I have some value
Assuming you're serious, you're welcome. I like to do my reading in public places on campus. The more complicated the book, the more likely you are to attract attention. My university also had a dried out fountain which I liked to sit in and read.
People from those "useless degrees" dominate the entire world without people realize it. I pray to God to people continue think like you because when they realize how deep is the manipulation the entire system around the planet will colapse.
>Bachelor of Science in Nursing
12% of my class are males
>be autist
>pick the normiest of all programs
Dude you're a half-rate conspiracy theorist.
I hear that nursing is a good career. I would always feel nervous as a nurse though. As a medical professional people deeply rely on you, sometimes for life. I couldn't get past that stress.
>4 days into first year
>go to a party
>meet a small vietnamese chick, pretty cute
>we talk and shit
>eventually we start making out
I brought her back to my dorm and we made out and cuddled for an hour. She didn't touch my pee pee because she's catholic, but it was still great
That is what they told to everyone who discovered the true. Continue living inside your dream, Robot, you are begin manipulated right now by every single thing you see and will never fight back.
You live the way they want you live your life. You don't have choices at all.
You're gonna become a Chad user. This happened to me in 2nd year and now I can't tell other robots about my sexual escapades because they say
It's 2 hours each way and I spend a lot of money on public transport.
It's barely an improvement to dorms, since the rent is cheaper than monthly train ticket but I'd have to pay for my own expenses (which are taken care of at home, I don't have to cook or wash my laundry)
I just feel I'm not socializing enough, I can't party with normies or go hang out at evenings for long because I'll need to catch the latest train which is at 23:00 and I have no place to stay the night.
18 Pages is nothing when you know how to stretch an idea absurdly long. If you've already done all your research, you could easily knock it out in like 4 days.
Yes, Im also quite concerned about that part, doesnt really help having GAD : )))))
>group project with 3 other ultra normies
Save me
>tfw most of the way through meme degree because parents pushed me to go to uni right after high school when I didn't feel ready yet or have any idea what I wanted to do
>too late not to just finish it out at this point but starting to think maybe I should do something that would require different training and get really serious about my studies and opportunities
Fortunately my parents have paid for my uni so far but I dunno if they would pay for additional stuff after graduating from this degree. So I'm stuck between do I try and do something with my meme degree - which might consist of going into UX/UI design or applying to law school or grad school - or do I take out money on my own dime to study something more rigorous like CS or physics? Either way I'm pretty disillusioned with college normie life, I just want to get a career and IDGAF if I have no social life getting there. Going for a career in UX might be the easiest and most immediately lucrative thing I could do, assuming I succeeded at it, but you know what, I kinda despise corporations and would rather perform services for people or focus on scientific research.
lmao alright dude. Our system certainly gives choices, at least in the US. It also tries to convince you to act in a certain way, but if there were no choices it would more like communist Russia. Like, in terms of college, the system tries to convince you to do a profitable degree because it's expensive to do otherwise. You still have the freedom to make alternate choices though. Example: a lot of idiots study communications. Our system is built to try and convince certain behavior. It almost never takes away choice entirely though.
18 pages is pretty easy to fill out as long as you have a decent idea of what kind of sections you need and what to say
Just make a document with a bunch of short bullet points surrounding each major point of your argument/explanation/whatever and expand each one to a paragraph or so
>be a few weeks ago
>first lab of the semester
>walk in and sit down early
>few minutes later a cute girl sits next to me
>after short lecture the instructor tells us to find a lab partner
>I ask the cute girl and she says yes
>past couple weeks we continue to be lab partners
>things are going good
>we seem to get along
>made her laugh a few times
>be today
>instructor tells us to find a partner
>I turn to her and assume we will be partners again
>"oh, user. It looks like he needs a lab partner today"
>she points to someone a few seats behind me
>she immediately turns around and asks the guy sitting on the other side of her to be partners
>start grabbing my shit and getting up
>here the guy she asked tell her he already has a partner
>"oh, never mind user we can be partners"
>I'm already standing up
>say no thanks
>go sit with my new lab partner
Really pissed me off. If she had just said she wanted to partner with someone else I wouldn't have cared that much, but instead she just threw me away and made it seem like I was a last resort. I was having a pretty good day up until that point. My new lab partner is alright though, a lot more helpful than she was.
how good is a 3.6 GPA in my next-to-last year of uni
Depends on your background. I got into a pretty good applied math PhD program with a 3.56. my GPA after completing all my core classes is 3.84 now. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
>This year is going to be different
>This year im going to be more outgoing
>This year ill learn how to cook well
>This year ill start working out
>This year ill make friends
>This year I might even get laid or who know ill maybe get a gf
not looking promising bois
Any frat fags here?
Is it worth trying to join them and will they help me break out of my robothood, become Normie and help me find a gf or is it just an overblown meme for guys to get drunk together all the time and feel "special"?
There are lots of shy girls in my class who sit alone and don't talk to anyone.
I'm going to try my luck next week and befriend one of them. Wish me luck bros.
How are you going to approach them? I'm trying to do the same.
>piss easy memeonomics class
>professor is going over 3 different ways to find a ppf despite it being a mixed graduate and senior level class
>room is eerily silent while he keeps writing shit on board
>half the class isn't paying any attention because it's such basic pointless shit
>have to sit and listen to professor ramble about extremely simple graph interspersed with complete silence for 2 hours
>by the end of it feel like I'm having trouble breathing and have an intense urge to scream
why does this always happen, why can't I just be normal
My dream of getting my degree and moving to another country will be foiled by mandatory courses in a language that I need in this country
Just find them in a break and ask something study related, then move on from there.
If it doesn't work, then fuck it, I at least tried
wasting away awaiting awkwardly for the test's results. I want to believe I haven't wasted this summer studying and sweating my ass off
It usually means she wants you to talk to her. Especially if it's happened more than once.
Do you catch her looking at you, or vice versa? Either way, probably a good sign unless you're absolutely hideous looking (which I doubt).
Government jobs desu. As long as you have good recommendations, they don't care
What kind of look?
At least other people respect your degree, you could be doing something like psychology or art and have everyone on this board hate you
>browse Jow Forums during a break on my phone
>see some funny autistic shit
>laugh out loud
>forget I'm not at home
>look around quickly
>2 girls are staring at me and laughing
Not gonna make it lads
>Only second semester done
>Studying something i don't like
>Made absolutely no friends in college
>Missed the deadline for switching subject
>made no accomplishments this semester
>failed one statistic exam and next one is in a week
>haven't studied and i'm going to fail it again
>Lots of problems with my apartment, its old and rent just got higher, and i might get thrown out soon with no alternatives
>parents keep pushing me, asking for results
I just want out
I have absolutely no motivation to learn, hate my life, but i want to finish uni. Its a weird feel
pretty shitty "break" if you can't even lol
My aunt got a history degree then became a fucking nurse. Getting any degree puts you miles ahead of people who don't. There are some half decent jobs you can walk into by having just any degree.
History is totally fascinating tho
Thanks user
Knowing this is the only thing that keeps me going.
sup virgins, boutta finish up my degree
ask for tips, you probably won't get any
Hate to disappoint but you can't be a nurse with just a history degree. At best you'll be making about a third of what a nurse does. Assuming you get a 4 year degree and the nurse has a 2 year degree.
I don't want to be a nurse, I just want to be better off than some McDonalds burger flipper or a Blue Collar loser
>be yesterday
>i did my 3 of 5 chance of pass calculus
>failed it, only needed .5 to pass.
>studied all august and still havent be able to pass
>feel like nothing and nothing i'm doing in right
Some advice for me? ;-;
Suicide is always a reasonable option and I'm gonna mc fucking kill myself because I'm already dropped out 4 degrees before finally go to the communication major. I'm only fit inside a publicity agency since I'm a man with some really wacky imagination and various artistic skills like drawing, singing, dancing, know how play a piano, guitar, writing and photography.
I'm not a guy for STEM degrees and I will fight until the bitter end for a good job at my fuck up like of work full of SJWS and greedy Jews.
Is there any other robot at this school or is it just normalfag central?
>mfw only freshman in a high-level CS class
>mfw still beat out all the juniors and back-to-school adults
CS education is a fucking meme, isn't it
Just bite through a CS degree and stop being a faggot with this artistic bullshit if you wanna make something of your life
Why are there so few accounting majors here? Business in general seems heavily underrepresented. There are more social science and liberal arts majors on /uni/ than business majors.
Feels lonely.
/uni/ are underachieving brainlets and picked the easiest degrees
I tried it once, but dropped out because I find math boring. I'm really bad with math.
>CS education is a fucking meme, isn't it
yes. real men take CE
>be 24
>study engeneering
>5 years in
>supposed to end 2 years ago but fail many times many exams
>all of my friends and old classmates have graduated/are graduating
>i can see the shame in my parents eyes
>i already tried to kms 2 times but always give at the end bc gf
Every day i feel closer to the end, my job prospectives are already ruined
Learn German then
What'd you win? Bragging rights on the dumbest board on Jow Forums? Good job oh wait
look at /sci/
that's what happens when you have a clusterfuck of insecure STEM tryhards
I probably should
Reading nazi documents from archives would be fucking sick to say the least
Usually I'm too lazy to respond, but I want you to know that you are not alone. I'm in the exact same situation, other than killing myself bit - that's because I would not allow myself a failed attempt. I'm on the edge 24/7, but if I finally snap, I'm gone. No bitching out.
All I can say, is look for an alternative. I've always felt like teaching myself, and I was hoping for a postion at the university, but with my academic performance I doubt it's going to happen. Instead, I started teaching english, and it's been a breath of fresh air - if you can find your own niche, and start to look at the other's people expectations as a fulfilling possibility, rather than a necessity to survive, you might be able to cope with not satisfying everyone's judgement. I myself broke contact with 90% percent of my "friends" because I couldn't explain to them why I ended up like this, and I felt like I couldn't escape their judgement - so I decided to become a mystery, rather than disappointment. And maybe one day, I'll be fine with my choices and will be able to look them in the eyes without shame.
That being said, don't quit your studies. Give it all you can, but don't make a life or death situation out of it. Feeling cornered might work as a motivation for some people, but I think for ones like us, it's a motivation to pull the trigger.
I know how hard this shit is on you, but don't let other people's goals get in way of your own life. If you can satisfy them - that's great, if not - fuck them.
I wish you luck user.
anyone know if i can do finance related stuff if im doing aerospace engineering ?
i hear engineers can into quant finance but i also hear that quant isnt as big of a thing anymore anyone know this shiet?