You have three wishes. They can be used for anything except omnipotence, more wishes or anything alone those lines

You have three wishes. They can be used for anything except omnipotence, more wishes or anything alone those lines.
What do you wish for?

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Become extremely rich, 10/10 appearance, forever young.

I can biologically change my form any way I can (looks, age, gender, species, etc.)

I can see to the future

I can dominate minds of people and bend them to my will

I will be the cosmic horror humanity deserves

>immortality via healing factor, except I could die if I wanted
>gigachad looks
>god-tier telekinetic powers

>immortality via healing factor
Imagine never being able to get drunk or use drugs.

First wish, wish I had no limitations in my next wishes, second wish, I want to be able to make everything I wish a reallity by choice at any moment at any time, wish 3 being always able to make a wish even while dead.

I don't do that shit anyway. I'd get my rocks off fucking girls.

Never ending legal source of money that is always attached to me must produce above middle class money.

Become a vampire like Dracula or that Dracula anime.

Wish for genies freedom because I'm not a dick like that Arab man.

>have the powers of all superheroes that don't have drawbacks
>teleport OP's mom to me
>teleport OP to giganigga

Omniscience, forever young, immortality

>Telekinetic powers unrivaled by any being ever (including future)
>Power to see the future
>Ability to travel back in time, but to keep anything from the present to the journey back in time
(Except for wishes, that wouldn't be allowed)

Ability to control my age (by extent eternal youth)
Ability to conjure up unlimited amounts of any form or money with almost no efforts required
10/10 looks

>Wish to be happy

I'd just go with this guy's wishes as well. As for what I'd do with those abilities, I'd probably give myself immortality, eternal youth, invulnerability, and various other crazy powers and go on a rampage. Once I'm done my rampage, I'd turn back time to before I went on my rampage and go do something else. Maybe explore the deep ocean or something.

My first wish is to have an endless army of African mobs armed to the teeth with guns and machetes.
Second wish is for said army to firstly follow the word of Allah, then the words of the prophet, then mine as their leader.
Third is for us to establish the holy caliphate back from a hundred year slumber, going against the nations of earth and causing their eternal demise.

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>A decent career in which I feel fulfilled and I help people. One that brings enough money to my household to be comfortably in the upper middle class of a first world country.
>Enough wisdom to be able to deal with life's challenges and problems.
>For my loved ones to find fulfillment and happiness, preferably while remaining close to me.

>have sex with OP's mom
>make everybody invincible
>delete planet Earth

>make everybody invincible
>delete planet Earth
What a genius way to make the normals suffer

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Invincible does not mean inmortal tho, they just cannot be defeated

There's a power that I always thought was pretty neat from a web-serial called worm, the power is called "The Path" and it gives you step by step directions to accomplishing anything. For example you ask your power "How do I make a billion dollars?" and then it gives you step by step directions to hacking into a bank and transferring the money into your account, of course you should always add qualifiers to your questions like "how do I make a billion dollars without being caught". You could literally ask for anything that is possible and it would tell you how to accomplish it, I like it that it's not so overpowered like omniscience, but still overpowered enough to let you rule the world if you really wanted to.

So I would wish for that, for there to be real aliens in our galaxy if there aren't already some(because I want the future to look like star trek) and for a decent FTL theory that works.

okay genie, change my wish to the one that lets them survive in space and cancel the sex with op's mother, give everyone unlimited brap power to propel themselves through space instead

1. that I can change my form at will down to the quarks and leptons while retaining my continuous consciousness as many times as I want (if I can think of it I become it)
2. instant teleportation if I can think of a place I can go there as many times as I want
3. that i can time traveling to any time past or present as many times as I want without effecting any past present or future events in major ways
become a passive/active observer of all major events from the birth to death of the universe

1. I want $1,000,000,000,000 on my bank account.
2. I can have as many superpowers I want to without any limitations to my combinations.
3. A wonderful, happy, life.

>Can biologically change my form any way I can (looks, age, gender, species, etc.)

>The ability to share this power with anyone

>Be the richest man alive by a wide margin

>I want $1,000,000,000,000 on my bank account
>bank computer systems allocate the money into the economy because they own the money
>dollar becomes worthless
Nice job homo

1. That i transform in a busty nerdy girl with light brown hair who is 5'11 but still get to keep by dick.

2. Never age

3. Know jewish financial tricks so i can game the financial industry and whatever endeavor even if i fail and have to start from literal square one even the clothes on my back, i can get back up

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just one manipulation of percentages

Ability to seduce any woman
Ability to teleport instantly anywhere in the universe
Ability to communicate telepathically

This is omnipotence essentially, fuck off with your tumblr posts

I'd wish for happiness, love and to have never posted on Jow Forums

did you just copy from

Nigger one trillion it's nothing, US has 21 more of these in debt. But you're right, the bank won't give it to him either way.

> I want to grow to 6 foot and become a 8/10
>Become a millionaire from a enjoyable job I'm happy with
>Get the girl I want
That's it to be honest please become true

Wish to log into other people's accounts, but I can't msg anyone they can, I know its intrusive and a realistic wish, the main reason I want to do it is for "safe" experience through someone else, without any chance of me being hurt directly.

I lost a lot of weight so
>remove my stretch marks
That;s it honestly

>Wish to be able to wish more wishes
>If you say I can't I wish that i can
>Wish infinite wishes


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Perfect health
Eternal youth
Ability to save and re-load entire universe


total control of time

i can biollogically change everything in my form
thanks user

btw if i know everything, it implies that i know a way to become god

check mate virgins

take the /lit/ and Jow Forums pill, you can find everything in books, also look for jesus cause yes

1. Immortality via healing factor, coupled with eternal youth, except I could die if I wanted
2. complete control over time
3. ability to shapeshift

>it implies that i know a way to become god

which, of course, implies that's it's possible in the first place

be god is be omnipotent and u cant wish that

Oneitis falls in love with me
I'd regret it forever if I didn't ask for the ability to time travel, or at least see into the past
Real life has save files now

Shapeshifting (which lets me change my age, making me effectively immortal)
Time control
Mind control

my parents love me

wish for billionaire status that never ends and is in a legal form

wish for dream gf

wish for my health to be above average for the rest of my natural life span

10 billion dollars
lots of whores

1. Full on, biological sex change where I can decide how I end up looking
2. A billion dollars so I can live as a reclusive NEET for the rest of my life and buy all my friends/family a whole bunch of stuff like houses. Also my parents would be able to retire.
3. Find true love, get married, and die of old age together having lived long, happy lives

How close can I go to omnipotence? I wish for my house to have a room of requirement.

E/Z. Being the mc of some adventure. Preferably exploring some new world.

I wish away the rule on no omnipotence, and then wish for omnipotence.

Easy peasy. Who watches the watchmen?

i watch the watchmen

Granted. You no longer have a second or third wish meaning their are no limitations upon them as nothingness has no qualities or characteristic of either positive or negative value.
Trying to be a wise guy and getting greedy rather than just accepting a fantastic gift never turns out well in these sort of situations.

Beautiful wife, white ethnostate, all jews die

I wish the moon away.

I wish the sun away.

I wish for some Culver's to eat before we all freeze.

First wish- I wish I stopped being lazy cunt, worked towards something big and achieved big things, and then became great Elon Musk or Okabe Rintarou.
Second wish- I wish my family survive and have stable income.
Last wish- I wish I could age like a fine wine and stay healthy both mentally and physically, aside my Asperger's Syndrome.

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>I'd wish for happiness, love and to have never posted on Jow Forums.

You only need your last wish to make the other wishes come true.

reborn disease free
inherit 5 million dollars
grow up in a non-Christian household
that's pretty much perfect, I don't need anything else

1. something similar to what others in this thread wished for
2. same as 1, but a different wish
3. a genie giving me 3 wishes
repeat with the new genie, changing 1 and 2 but keeping 3 the same, repeat as many times as i wish

I teleport to a planet of my own design
I can alter my form at will
Qt bf

Immortality with no aging, Invisibility, and Flight. I'll make a shitty ass outfit and fuck with people til the end of time.

Same as this user.
Let's form a gang

Remove all limits for myself

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i wish for the ability to have any ability i want from any fictional media. checkmate bitches this has been on my mind for the past couple weeks

a cute wife that likes anime

>not constantly thinking about superpowers
>not only watching tv shows with superpowers but not superheroes
Hahaha, you will never know my strength

-Trap GF

-Trap Anime 2D GF

then after some lewd hours,

-Heaven on earth for everybody

To be the greatest writer in history
1000 billion dollars in diamonds
The ability to get any female to gladly tongue my asshole

>this has been on my mind for weeks

Wow that's one of the saddest things I've seen posted here

Bigger dick.
Cute loli gf.
Enough money to last me for the rest of my life.


is it only direct omnipotence that's banned or are tedious reality warping powers that ultimately allow you to bring your will to bear upon all creation through great effort also banned?

i wish to have luck. to be exact, i want to have the world be subtly closer to what i dream of.

not sure what else to wish for. i want to at least act on things, if i just get them won't feel right

The ability to influence random chance.
Full stop.

i have any psychic ability there is (mind control, telekinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis etc.)

i am immortal (the forever young kind where you can't get hurt) but i can choose to die whenever i want.

i am near omniscient, having access to all of human knowledge from everyone that has ever lived and will ever live. (i.e. i bear the memories of every person that has ever and will ever live)

being lowkey a god will be fun, not exactly omnipotent or completely omniscient though, so i'm not breaking any rules.

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>The closest thing to omnipotence that it is possible to give to me, whatever combination of reality warping powers results in the most power and flexibility with the least restrictions of use (along with a manual explaining them fully)
>a copy of battletoads
>make anime real

Be a cat
Be immortal
having a good owner

okay but first
is this a monkey-paw, trickster djinn or a nice fairytale genie

>6 thousands dollars to be deposited into my account once a month for the rest of my life
>no legal backlash or any sort of criminal backlash to the random money showing up in my account every month
>a house in an area of my choosing with the mortgage already paid off
Id live the rest of my life silently and content, able to pursue my hobbies and interests without wasting 2/3rds of my life at my wageslave retail job.
Honestly this isnt even that much to ask for compared to the rest of you but its still out of reach, well all have to just suffer till we die deppressed and alone.

1. Eternal Youth
2. Immortality
3. Eternal good health (anything from cancer, to tooth decay)

Yes. It is a good power that allows for biological immortality while also giving the user ways to change their appearance with ease. Having the ability to share such a power is key to keeping existence for however long I live interesting. Though I probably should have specified that people I share the power with also should have the ability to share it.

regenerative qualities that guarantee immortality
off the charts iq and the ability to tone it down to average levels
a personal guard made up of tissue that i've lost and are the most elite special force this galaxy has to offer

eternal youth is automatically immortality you brainlet

Simple, I wish for the end of all human suffering without an end to any human consciousness. If it was good enough for the Buddha it's good enough for me.

>staying young forever is the same as being unkillable

i'm covering the monkey's paw rule you toothless inbred

Manipulate probability kill all British pakis and crab pringles

an immortal isn't necessarily unkillable
why not pick highly regenerative qualities from your prime onwards for A and biological adaptability to the enviornment and antigens for B

>an immortal isn't necessarily unkillable
That is literally the definition of the world immortal you room temperature IQ moron.

There are a number of things i could have picked for a number of reasons, but i didn't, and i'd be happy with my choice enough as it is

Everyone on here to become 10/10 traps who age gracefully
You're welcome

>good health forever
>infinite memory
>a mortality where i decide the end

mind reading
>can tell if a girl is genuinely interested in me
>"" find"" grenade, find the people I despise
>set off grenade time and time again doing pic related
just loling thinking about the headlines

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someone who actually wants to talk to me
the ability to hold a conversation with said person
last wish can go to someone who needs it i guess

Shit tier wish desu. Holding a conversation isn't hard, you can train yourself to do it.

Infinite ham sandwiches.
Free wifi.
A job

>Wait no I change my answer...
Despacito 2
Shrek 6
Infinite Minecraft diamonds