What the helI, man.
Infant Circumcision
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haha this is nothing in my country it used to be a tradition that the mother had to eat the forskin of her son to bring luck to the family
also my forskin is still in the fridge along with the food for 19 years now
That type of cannibalism has existed in a lot of cultures.
btw Andrew Zimmern did a show on it.
Show it.
Check'd senpaitachi
The quads have spoken
Post the foreskin with timestamp,
Wait wait wait, so your parents actually didn't hate you all enough to have you circumcised, did they?
posting this without further comment
What? Better to do it as an infant than when they're older and can remember it.
Why would you cut off part of a child's penis to begin with?
Is this bait? Foreskin is disgusting and pretty much useless.
Not true. In fact, a major reason why circumcision was popularized both in a Jewish and American context was because people historically were very well aware that the foreskin was a useful, functional part of the penis. That's why they wanted to remove it. The bizarre idea that it is "pretty much useless" came later.
Based. The less pleasure males are allowed, the better.
>pagan roastie is against circumcision
who cares?
Stupid comment not worth more of my time than the time it takes to post this.
Nice non-answer fag.
Circumcision only exists to prevent (easy) masturbation and remove sexual pleasure. There is ZERO medical or aesthetic basis for the procedure.
>Circumcision only exists to prevent (easy) masturbation
haha didn't work for me. i still fap every day
It's also the easiest way to get rid of phimosis. My nephew just got his foreskin cut off last week for this reason. Of course there are exercises to stretch the foreskin but according to some doctors they're too complicated and possibly dangerous. Nothing to see here, goy.
reminder that your waifu thinks that your circumcised penis is very cute and tasty looking, in no small part because it's yours
>There is ZERO medical or aesthetic basis for the procedure.
Reminder that circumcision leads to a decreased risk of UTIs, a reduced risk of STDs in men--including HIV, protection against penile cancer and a lower risk of cervical cancer in partners, prevention of balanitis, blanoposthitis, and the prevention of paraphimosis and phimosis.
>literal jew lies
>muh hiv
have you tried not being a faggot
Reminder to fucking clean your dick by pulling back the foreskin.
Oh you don't have any. How clean are your ears? any dirt behind them? Can lead to infection. Better cut them off to prevent such cases.
Yeah, with lube
I couldn't take my foreskin until I was 11, and then I started masturbating
It doesn't prevent shit
Meanwhile, some thot who got groped by Ben Affleck gets more sympathy than that poor boy ever will.
That's a circumfetishist:
Notice the fixation on getting a "tight" circumcision.
That's the kind of thing obsessed over by circumfetishists like Jake Waskett:
can someone non-memetically explain how it happened that millions of americans were convinced that they should cut the end of their babies dicks off and why ahahahah aahaahahahahah oh no no nonononono
>pretty much useless
Why not cut off your earlobe then? You said it's useless. What about your appendix?
>protection against penile cancer
Why not cut off your whole dick to have a 0% chance of penile cancer?
Here's one of Jake Waskett's posts:
>Six days ago, I finally got circumcised by Dr. Zarifa of London. he was very agreeable and performed at my request what looks like it will be a 'total' circumcision (ie one that is tight when flaccid and the skin completely immobile and slightly shiny when erect, with public hair and the scrotum pulled onto the lower shaft). The scar line is about half way down my shaft when flacid (I'm still trying to minimize erections so watch this space for later reports).
Notice how much detail he goes into about the appearance of the circumcised penis.
This is pure circumfetish wank fuel.
These people should be gassed.
very interesting, thanks user. so basically it became the norm with the birth of the modern healthcare system as a free money generator and they've never wanted to let it go.
aka americans have brain poison
This pisses me off so much. What kind of spineless man would let this woman to this to his child. You can almost hear her shrill vile matriarchal voice. There has to be some kind of control aspect to this kind of behavior why would a woman be so staunchly adamant about circumcision?
>decreased risk of UTIs
The difference is minuscule.
> a reduced risk of STDs in men--including HIV
Practice safe sex and don't be a fucking degenerate
>penile cancer
makes up less that 1% of all diagnosed cancers in US men
>prevention of balanitis, blanoposthitis, and the prevention of paraphimosis and phimosis
There are other treatments and you can try washing your dick.
Are all these comments coming from coping cut fags? Why do you think a completely functioning organ on the human body is problematic? Its counterintuitive all to Darwinian thought. If foreskin causes so many problems it would have easily been selected against - almost mammals have it, stop cucking your sons.
what god damn country is this
these were true for primitive jewish societies living in the desert 4000 years ago, there's no reason to mutilate your son other than being proud to be marked by the jew
Goyim falling for kike tricks
>Yeah, with lube
I can fap without line easily.
Circumcision was originally done to prevent child masturbation.
Good thing my Parents where hippies who hated the church and the establishment.
My dad was circumcised though :(
Look at all the losers in this thread mad over pain they can't even remember.
>He doesn't have 100% of his penis
Why can't we rape babies and suck their dicks?
>my parents paid a stranger to cut part of my dick off, and That's a Good Thing
>Yeah, with lube
wrong. i just use a soft blanket
>tell mom what I think about having been circumcised
>she listens and understands
>other brother is born, and circumcised as soon as possible, too
those models probably use skin cream made from precious foreskins
Who intact human being here?
So, a prosthetic foreskin essentially.
>He needs tools just to mastutbate
Do you also have to mash all your food before eating?
South Koreans get their dick chopped at around 17yo, I can't imagine the fear and pressure from your parents to have a part of you taken away.
don't need lube, my dick skin still moves freely even with my circumcision.
no idea, never had one. however it is soft and cottony, i can't imagine my skin like that
it's more enjoyable than just my hand but i can fap with my dick skin, it's not super tight like that
people who bitch about circumcision need to get a job or a hobby. i mean how boring must your life be that you cry crocodile tears over a piece of cock that's cut from babies in a highly specialised enviornment
It's stupid to be angry over it but it's a horrible thing that needs to be stopped.
t. cutfag that's okay with genital mutilation
Thoughts on female circumcision?
cutlets must hang
>who cares that you were denied sexual pleasure for life a few moments after you were born lol just get over babies being mutilated for no reason but to line the pockets of some kike
>pic related, "highly specialized environment"
I'd post the more graphic images but mods are vaginas.