>you are born with this sex organ to spread your seed inside a female and continue your genetic lineage
What are you waiting for, anons? Why are you letting your willy hang with no purpose? Do what nature has built you to do!
>you are born with this sex organ to spread your seed inside a female and continue your genetic lineage
What are you waiting for, anons? Why are you letting your willy hang with no purpose? Do what nature has built you to do!
But 3D females are nasty
being gay is wrong user, accept Jesus as your savior
I can't find a girl that'll let me stick my penis in her body.
It's much harder than it sounds.
how come your mom let your dad put his penis inside her? you can't be uglier than him
I'm not really ugly desu. I'm slightly above average
I just have zero social skills, and a boring personality. I can't get past the small talk stage before they lose interest & move on.
He's right you know. It's not as easy as it seems. For us with IQ's over 110.
Jesus isnt real. When you die you rot
My penis is small and was mutilated at birth
It's only hard because of laws.
In a rule-less society, most of us would have already had sex at this point
What the fuck does Iq have to do with being socially retarded
>post about breeding when having such a cute cock that I wanna touch so bad
I'm onto you faggot
>>you are born with this sex organ to spread your seed inside a female and continue your genetic lineage
>What are you waiting for, anons? Why are you letting your willy hang with no purpose? Do what nature has built you to do!
I was genitally mutilated shortly after birth (circumcision).
I am waiting for a stem cell procedure like Foregen to give me back the natural, unmutilated penis I was robbed of.
haha, yeah, no.
Not everyone is naturally born with a 10/10 face/intelligence since the dawn of evolution.
Even those with 10/10 Chad/Stacey parents might have a defective face due to the randomness of evolution.
In other words, evolution is a bitch.
because black bulls are superior and it's time to let them breed all white women black.
>because black bulls are superior
His name is Tenda Spencer.
BBC spammer.
Mentally ill Hapa.
Anti-white racist.
I spent seven years doing it, have got a ton of kids out there. Unfortunately they shut down that side of craigslist so I can't do it anymore.
>What are you waiting for, anons? Why are you letting your willy hang with no purpose?
I don't feel comfortable raping someone yet.
Because I'm a non white and I'd prefer not to have more low IQ pieces of shit running around commiting crimes. Although reproduction is out only purpose I'm opting out for the betterment of the human race.
I'm typing too fast sorry
You and me both, user.
I'm 3/4 white but I inherited all the crappy genes. I refuse to perpetuate the circulation of these genes, even if that means I'm labeled weird for it.
In addition to crappy genes I'm also a poorfag and no father material.
>tfw people ask if you plan on getting kids soon
>tfw they always respond with "you'll think differently when you get older" or similar when I say no
For some reason most people can't grasp the notion of forfeiting child plans due to lack of resources and ability to give them a good chance in life. They'd rather see everyone breed regardless of the potential for success they can give any offspring, I guess.
Third one i guess. I inherited the white austistic mindset and apareance but brown skin color
>For some reason most people can't grasp the notion of forfeiting child plans due to lack of resources and ability to give them a good chance in life.
I already know that if I had kids this would be my biggest issue along with the fact of not being good with kids
Because I never asked to do that, and I don't care about my lineage. I'm not that into females anyway
>According to Carolyn Halpern, who teaches at the UNC School of Public Health, "a high concentration of teen virgins [were] at the top of the intelligence scale."
what's this from and why is she so angry?
>socially retarded
that's a misnomer
normies are generally low IQ lemmings. it's difficult to interact "correctly" with these subhumans because their behavior is inherently illogical
Normies come from all over the IQ scale. A lot of those hot girls you ogled over in high school are smart and in college, as well as those jocks who party a lot. Cry about it my friend.
actually only 3 other people at my high school went to the same uni as me, and the girl was quite ugly. i also got the highest SAT and ACT score in my high school. it was filled with dweebs.
fuck off normie
We are over populated, kids are now a trap. You can not just go and sire kids. You will be locked in with child support, potentially jail time and over all a hinderance. There is also no need to spread the name anymore unless the entire family line decided to stop.
Imo it is no longer reasonable to have kids in our current society and if we stopped thinking with our dicks we could probably advance humanity to the next stage. Until then, sleep with people, do not impregnate, just fuck and chuck.
>brings up IQ non-ironically
IQ means literally nothing and mentioning your IQ shows youre fucking retarded
This, real chads are so fucking intelligent
sauce please
Oh lord
Are you a Jew by any chance sir?
>advance humanity to the next stage
>by not reproducing
how utterly retarded of you
I don't care. I hope Humanity dies and I wish I was a girl
>I wish I was a girl
>wanting to be a fuck hole for the entirety of your life
better rething what've said user
I'm perfectly fine with being a fuck hole
Said stop thinking with their dicks. As in stop obsessing with porn, social status based around sex, things like that.
With the amount of people already on this planet that still have not grown up we can certainly can wait and hold off.
I think you should take a break on porn binging user
>i'm too mature to have sex
truly an intellectual titan for our times
fyi western countries are far below replacement rates and actually facing a population crisis. not having children is degenerate, literally
I'm a total failure. I can't talk to people at all. So I come off as creepy by default to girls. I don't even try anymore.
I've wanted to be a girl since I was a kid
Not all makes reproduce
FPBP, the thread is over
>you can't be uglier than your dad
Maybe if you had an IQ like mine youd be able to bait more subtly
Unfortunately your just dumb and clumsy
>trying @ someone in Jow Forums
are you mentally disabled?
a response to poster number 47992375;
fuck you and the horse you rode in on buddy!
>@ someone so they dont get a (you)
>gives me a (you) anyway
>calls me mentally disabled as well
This shit is so funny omg lol
>it's another episode of The Newfag Chronicles
Imagine being this assmad into giving someone a (you)
>Full of grammar mistakes
Is this b8
Wew this b8
If you're white and drink alcohol you have no excuses. There's hundreds of young adults getting wasted at pubs and it's full of horny females.
Sorry, on my phone so Im not allowed to post with perfect grammar dweeb
But I have a 135 IQ so I really am legit smarter than you
So just calm down and stuff
Seriously what's wrong with all the half whites mad at us being Whiter than them.
Full blooded races are not that bitter.