''anxiety attack''

>''anxiety attack''
What the fuck is wrong with women?
I legit never seen anyone react this way about anything unless they were a little kid who didn't got their way with something.

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What the fuck are anxiety attacks anyway?
Isn't this just basic hysteria?
If Freud was right these tumblr whores just got molested by daddy or something.

you're an idiot and incredibly sheltered and pampered if you never had a mental breakdown and went on your knees and just started wailing

in the 1800s they called that "female hysteria", it was an actual medical diagnosis.

we also burned women at the stake if we thought they were witches.

honestly, i believe people will make up anything. there is no limit to the amount of pretend in people.

There was this one fat bitch in my high-school math class that went on and on about her ""depression"" and """"anxiety"""". She was the loudest and most talkative bitch in class, yet she made her friends go get her food from the cafeteria because she would have an """"anxiety attack"""" if she did it herself.

>we also burned women at the stake if we thought they were witches.
WHERE MY COUNTRY GONE! We should go back to that thingy. The witch pursuit thingy.

Are you not used to mental anguish? Are you a 15 year old?
If you need a service dog to calm you down you're just a stupid faggot.

It's still a thing in a couple of African shitholes. Maybe you should get off my board and go live there.

I have, and my first instinct was to turn the camera on and post the video to youtube

She just needs to get fucked hard by chad/jamal/bobby dadbod till she can barely walk then slapped around a bit.
She'll follow him around like a lost puppy and make heart eyes.

>companionship and touch can literally halve the effects of depression

and you wonder why suicide rates are going up with your garbage advice and mental health luddite

Yes, I feel 10x more of what these roasties feel at all times and I don't get to have a mental breakdown because I won't be taken seriously and get called a faggot. This is why men become murderers

Nah I'd say my parents did a decent job of
teaching me not making circus out of myself when the situation goes out of control.


did you even watch the video. you're a fucking moron

>implying you're even American
your family is probably a bunch of FOBs who can barely speak english.

>you're an idiot and incredibly sheltered and pampered if you ever had a mental breakdown and went on your knees and just started wailing

No, I didn't lol. I just skipped around. ya got me

I get the feeling I might've experienced an anxiety attack before, I'm just not sure if that's what it was or something else.

For me it was basically just a really bad thumping in my chest, feeling like my chest was sinking in and that something inside it was trying real hard to burst out. I couldn't find the proper words to describe and talk about what I was supposed to talk about in front of a bunch of people, I managed to somehow get through with it but that was about it, I didn't experiencing anything from what this bitch did.

>having severe mental breakdowns where you act as if you're being exorcised is completely normal
Wow I can only imagine how many times your parents beat the everliving shit out of you for any mistake you did.

white suburban people are not human

Where did I imply I was a burger?

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street shitting liberal city dwellers are not human

same also mind felt bogged and couldn't think proper. Only once too

>What the fuck are anxiety attacks anyway?
Same thing as panic attacks. You get really nervous, start sweating and shaking, feel nauseous and get hot or cold flashes. Personally I just go somewhere private to do it as it's coming on, and because of it I rarely leave the house. Probably why you don't see it often in public, it's shameful and the people who get them respond especially poorly to shame. We hide it as best as we can.

exactly. fuck off.

Average person gets 2 panic attacks in their lives. People with panic disorders get them often, sometimes daily or more. It probably was one.

why not call it hysteria?

>female hysteria", it was an actual medical diagnosis.
threadly reminder this is why vibrators & dildos were invented. the medical cure for female hysteria was for the doctor to give the woman masturbation. vibrators were created to free up the doctor's time so that the hysterical woman could masturbate herself.

>implying the dog can't tell the difference between a real anxiety attack and a false one.
cute girl desu

I've done that, then right after I hate myself and it feels like it was fake and I was forcing myself. Mental illness isn't real.

do you guys think she has sex with her dog?

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She's white so of course. Maybe has her cuck white bf or black bull record it

>Even though it was categorized as a disease, hysteria's symptoms were synonymous with normal functioning female sexuality. Women considered to have it exhibited a wide array of symptoms, including faintness, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, and a "tendency to cause trouble".
It was a term that just meant weird shit a woman did. Guys can get panic attacks too and calling them females is pretty degrading, especially when the term has no diagnostic potential with its old medical definition.

This isn't anxiety. This is some kind of psychosis. You don't scream or hit your head when you're having any kind of ''normal'' anxiety. This is either epileptic psychosis or some shit like that which induces such an intense fear causing reactions like that if what she shows real. You have to be tripping balls to be so scared.

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lol I get that scared after watching a scary movie it's common.

You first, amerifag. What point are you even trying to make?

The difference in brain structure in a seriously anxious person is comparable to the difference in a schizophrenic. It's real, psychosis just means not in touch with reality. Anxious people know the fear isn't factual so it isn't a delusion, just emotional disorder.

A lot of fears are factual. Like being to anxious to drive is rational, car accidents are extremely common and fatal.

are you guys autistic? it even says right before the video that it is SIMULATED. she was intentionally acting to show how the dog reacts.

not that the video isn't cringe but don't act like she's pretending it's real

You are just weak, probably female. Men have experienced horrors in war you could not even begin to fathom and they endure it silently.
You feeling "stressed" and "anxious" about your friends, bf, school whatever is so trivial. Go on have a cry but don't pretend like you are some suffering martyr

You're playing devil's advocate, no need to mince words. You understand what I mean.

Bullshit like this is why so many veterans kill themselves. They need help from all the horrors they've seen, but you'll deny that so you can prove a stupid point.

Yeah they're just pussies. They got routinely voluntarily lobotomized because theu were weak! Not at all a physiological problem despite all the physical manifestations of severe anxiety. They weren't suffering at all, just drama queens.

I am diagnosed with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but I never publicly show it. Only histrionics act like this.

What is a physical manifestation of anxiety?

hyperventilating maybe?

thats not a panic attack at all. I get them frequently and I just literally pass out, or collapse, huddle into some sort of bathroom or my room and just tremble untill its over as I try to calm myself down. Its not like this autistic flailing.

Animals do help though.

The weak and soft act weak and soft

Are you sure hitting your head and screaming like that is being in touch with reality user?

What if you're having a panic attack because you're scared that Yellowstone is gonna erupt? Is it factual? Pretty much. What if you're so scared you run out on street naked right out of your bed because you think it's gonna erupt RIGHT FUCKING NOW and you start screaming because you don't know where to hide? Is that factual? Maybe. But are you psychotic? Fuck yes.

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I wouldn't run out into the street, but it's not uncommon for fear to make me hit myself or scream.

I have lived a life that would break you.
I cry at movies for fun, not piss myself in terror over life

Freud wasn't right about anything juden get your lies out of here. Psychoanalytics were just a jump off point for non science and Marxist thought allowing jewish overreach and attacks on the white race.
Get out

Well yeah, but i am not going to bother some poor dog with that just because i am a fucking cunt.

Cannot charge $10/pill for anti-wimp meds
Anti-anxiety, tho?

Ive got gad and its severe, even had anorexia nervosa for awhile in my teens due to feeling anxious about eating and starving. I never act like this and my aymptoms are worse, I lose conciousness and vomit, cant speak, cant move. Its not always that bad but its always a manifestation of something thats the opposite of what shes doing. I have an autistic cousin and what he does is described as adult tantrums. Thats what shes having if anything.

Thats a sign of an illness worse than mine, and its incredibly immature. Adults arent meant to have tantrums, if your having them theres something wrong with you, it isnt normal, get it checked out. It isnt a sign of your normalcy, your belief that it is is a sign of your delusion.

There is no help for people who have adult tantrums except a bullet in the back of our heads

>tightness in throat often making talking and breathing difficult
>heart palpitations
>physical sensations that can be measured all over the body
>stress can lead to sickness like ulcers
>Are you sure hitting your head and screaming like that is being in touch with reality user?
It can be, yes.
>What if you're having a panic attack because you're scared that Yellowstone is gonna erupt?
It isn't reasonable to be that afraid over it at all times. Don't nitpick a word when what I mean is apparent.
>Is that factual? Maybe. But are you psychotic? Fuck yes.
No it isn't, because yellowstone isn't erupting right fucking then. It's a paranoid delusion. Can psychotic people be anxious? Obviously. It can be anxiety but not psychosis when the fear is not based on delusion, but greatly exaggerated. They sometimes appear similar because both are nuerotic pathologies, but they are easily distinguishable.

Vet here
I will NEVER understand the suicides.
I was frontline, red mist where someone just had a head. I needed to talk.
3 guys in my unit offed themselves after service.
The supply clerk, the map clerk, The captains driver.

Fear of what, exactly?

I'm scared of imminent civilization collapse, WW3, climate change and the fact that all these terrible things are going to happen and I never got to experience a happy normal life with friends and a gf. Also death in general and how fast time goes. Also what if someone I know decides to kill me? Everyone already hates me so it's not a farfetched conclusion. A random person on the street could decide I'm too annoying to live.

>meaningless bullshit
Translated that for you.
You seriously lock up/freak out over the concept that someone might randomly murder you or that 25 years from now it might be 1 degree warmer?
So - you are insane?

Dumb pansy faggot. Nobody cares about you who would go out of their way to kill you? Also you have no understanding of the geopolitical landscape or climate change the only thing you should be scared of is receiving your IQ scores you stupid ape.

I'm not insane and it's not meaningless bullshit. Someone might randomly murder me it's a possibility. I don't like to be in public because of that. Also I'm not worried about it being 1 degree hotter, I'm worried about all the mass famines and extreme weather that will result from climate change. We're on the brink of the end of the world and everyone just seems to deny it.

Oh fuck off you normalfag piece of shit,

>he thinks any of that is suppose to be rational

You calling anyone else dumb is astounding when you can't even wrap your head around the simple concept of "irrational fears" I doubt you've ever had a single thought in your life.

>or that 25 years from now it might be 1 degree warmer?
I actually had my first panic attack at age 9 after seeing Wall-E. lmao

>3 guys in my unit offed themselves after service.
>The supply clerk, the map clerk, The captains driver.
Unironically this. It's always the pogs that kill themselves

suicide rate are going up not cause of people telling others to get over themselves and deal with their shit, but because theyre too weak to get over themselves and deal with their shit

why don't you guys shut up if you don't know what you're talking about? serious question. how many of you are certified psychiatrists? how many of you even went through medical school?

Civilization is not about to collapse; global war is LESS likely, and even the IPCC estimates on global warming (which scientists call overhyped) are predicting changes in food prices disrupting tradition diets, not starvation.
You sound like a little kid afraid of monsters in the closet. Wait - that is EXACTLY LIKE being afraid of monsters in your closet.
What is it like, living in imaginary fear?

You are actually mentally retarded aren't you? I'm sorry you shouldn't be allowed to post here when you're this dumb

Single mother?
Because what the actual

>men getting weaker
>nothing to do with world getting worse

I asked my psychiatrist at hospital for every book he ever read in med school and a copy of every note he had saved to prove I wasn't psychotic. Went through it all.

Yup. All the green berets, the tactical intelligence guys, the scouts?
Grillin and chillin with a wife and kids.
REMFs and pogues?
Sucking on shotguns because muh stress

Nope, nuclear family. My brain's just genetically fucked up and I was afraid of earth becoming unliveable.

Men are weaker because the world is more gentle; you think a guy that slaps himself and screams in horror at the idea that in a generation wineries might return to Yorkshire would have been left to roam free in the Great Depression or the fuck High Medieval?
The modern world is a giant daycare, so it is full of fucking infants.
Infants that mock and fear the strong.

Fuck you don't fucking laugh at me you piece of shit fuck you fuck you. You act like you know for certain all this stuff, you don't have a single goddamn clue. You're just like me, but instead of fear you live in blissful ignorance. "Oh that'll never happen teehee I'm so smart" fuck you asshole

Chilling with their wife that was fucking men while they were deployed. Why are military cucks so proud?

YOUR LIFE is the overheated mess, you cretin.
I know guys with real problems - they tend to be mellow.
Your poor parents

>projecting this hard

f-fuck you man! d-don't laugh at me!

You wouldn't last a minute in the real world, stay in imagination land with your mental illness

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Do you know how brain chemistry works?
It's impossible to ignore a panic attack in the same way that it's impossible to not hallucinate when you take hallucinogens.
No one "chooses" to freak out.

Go suck your thumb and rub your blankie, little man. The boogeyman cannot hurt you with the Hall light on.
What a sissy

very well thought out response that perfectly refutes what i said. great job

Most combat types wait until after they get out, then marry.
Not that you would know, right, nancy?

This thread is just full of "I'm so strong I'm better than everyone else" brainlets that have actually no idea how the world or pretty much anything works. They're the kind of people that really need to experience the real world, yet they always claim that other do.

>Men are weaker because the world is more gentle
That's why the term coward has existed since civilization? The Mesopotamians had it easy? That level of anxiety always has and always will be incredibly rare. Next you're gonna say men turning schizophrenic is a new thing because it has been given a name recently? Quit spewing nonsense.

Oh you're a larper. Go suck more military cock while you wait to enlist after highschool you wannabe cuck.

I do know that according to the AMA, APA, and the CDC 95% of anxiety patients react most positively to CBT, proving that at least 90% of anxiety patients do *not* have brain chemistry issues.

8 years, Bragg, 7th.
Sure, we had gfs and the dirt darts on smokebomb hill married fat chicks, but we tended to wait until separation to actually marry.
Failed the ASVAB, did ya?

being a pussy is not the same as being unwillingly subjected to hallucinations kek

CBT calls them "coping skills" for a reason. You figure out how to deal with it better, you don't fix it.
>95% of people respond to physical therapy so they don't have a permentant disability

I've had both. I wluld rather have the hallucination where I feel like I get stabbed all over my body than have a panic attack. Stop pretending to be retarded.

No, it is literally full of people saying
>normal life scares me so fucking bad I beat myself
And people asking

Moving the goalposts, everyone sees that.
You do not have brain chemistry issues, you have jellied spine issues

No it's full of mentally ill people being mocked by people who are so pathetic they have to mock the mentally ill to feel better about themselves. No one here is innocently asking why cause they're curious, it's clear when you read the thread.

yo its not fair that these women can just go on the internet and make pornography like this, whereas i have to get a gay ass part time job and live like im about to be homeless
not cool dawg

Why would you voluntarily be a corporate bitch for so long? It's pretty pathetic.

You're such a strong man user, look how you picked on that mentally ill man. You are so strong and mighty and such a great person.

>Moving the goalposts
How? Permanent issues can be made better woth time. You can learn to walk again but you'll always have a limp. There's a psychological element to it but don't disregard nuerology and enlarged hippocampuses and adrenal glands that have genetic heritability and make people more vulnerable to stress.

who let all the 14 year olds out? I thought school started in the states

>Rationalizes it in the paragraph (enough ppl hate me to kill me)
>B-b-baka that's irrational stuff!
Listen faggot you may think life is like an RPG where u got an allowed amount of skill points to set into your character traits, and you think you got intelligence. News flash faggot Chad is globally better than you in everyway you are a worthless idiot faggot. Eat shit and die.