Why aren't you following the fembot instagram page? what are you gay?

Why aren't you following the fembot instagram page? what are you gay?

Attached: Screenshot (13).png (1390x855, 861K)

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More like discord thots

Kill yourself you orbiting pathetic sack of shit

Because women are evil and deserve as much suffering as possible.

>Why aren't you following the fembot instagram page? what are you gay?
Thats exqctly what i am

Also that page looks like cancer

I already follow far too many instathots. Its kind of a serious problem desu

I don't have an instagram because I'm not a normalfag

because you don't post enough of the actual hot ones faggot

>tfw hot ones are psycho and/or go to pol

I wish I lived through pre information age 1970s and 80s when the cold war was at it's peak
comapnies were loyal to the employee
anime and other mediums were at their prime
everything was casual as in not needlessly complicated but not vapid
i'd get a lovely wife in a busy neighbourhood and we'd watch television together or go to the park where tons of people were listening to the radio while eating picknick or playing around

now it's just watching from afar or fucking for one night
it's not worth it anymore

i hate this period


should post more grils

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This song is for you then in your 80s fantasy. Man i wish I was born in the late 60s so I could experience the last bit of good music before the 90s and computers happened


Can someone follow this girl I want to fuck's instagram and post her photos? I'm going to get her number on Monday but I can't wait

post less known girls

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>No Brooke

What the fuck. She's the most attractive fembot and doesn't have any pics there

This thread is exactly why this board is dead and overrun by normies.

Fuck off you fucking zoomer nigger

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Attention whores. I'm not gay just because i don't fall for pussy pass orbiting.

>fem """bot"""
No such thing, those women are just attention hungry whores like all women, and are validated by being shown as "le quirky lonely Jow Forums girl.

Fuck off nigger

Who's that on Insta?

just follow
they accept everyone


I cant even type the word instagram without cringing so no thanks

Look who's too lazy to make an account in 2 minutes

Not gonna make an account just to increase their normie follower ratio, thanks and fuck off.

Hiw come you have no corn-chan

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who's this on ig?