Is it true r9k has huge cocks? Why are smelly NEET cocks so addicting?

Is it true r9k has huge cocks? Why are smelly NEET cocks so addicting?

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Big smelly NEET cock isn't for fags sorry

You want to meet the parents on the first date? My cock is big and musky but that's gay.

I-If you want to I can s-show you mine...

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nope, mine is small and thin
if your cock is average or above, you are not a robot

Huge penor is literally my only redeeming quality.


Why does male sexuality go full retard as soon as it gets a hold of the internet?

How do you show it's smelly though?

Big penis = less need to compensate = less motivation = more likely to be a NEET
It only makes sense

Smelly NEET cocks are to be stroked to anime feet, you don't deserve them.

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People are fucking disgusting, that's why.

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armpits are patrician you absolute mongoloid

Stop shaming male sexuality shitlord

Well I mean kinda the average dick size on r9k is like 8.5 inches but I'm not sure if I believe r9fags

Yes, it is. Any more questions?

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>any more questions?
can i touch it?

God you weeaboo faggots are so vile
I would take a normal roastie any day over some disgusting autist who wants to sniff unwashed dick and wears cheap cat stockings he got off Amazon

You are ruining this website
People like you use to be a joke

As a man I fucking love the smell of an attractive woman, even an uncleaned butt. Just who I am, found it funny when brap posting became a thing, seeing anons get grossed out while I could care less.

I have never measured but I would say I am below average. Could say I got a good dick for first time anal.

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Judge the size of my dick for yourself.

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eat a fucking dick faggot

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Yo, what the original fuck

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Hello, user this is your mother. Why do you post about men's cocks?

THis is what happens when you go gay, you get the AIDS zits and HIV warts

who writes shit like this


Smell is the most visceral sense, and arousal suppresses disgust.

My cock is very big and smelly if you are a girl
My cock is not available if you are guy/trap/trans etc.

When I was a kid I had weird dreams about being stuck in giant sailor mercury's shoes.
There was no internet to blame it for.

I have a huge cock and I'm a virgin. Size doesn't matter when you're some kind of autistic.

You can post your discord and I might let you. Same goes for the rest of you fags.

I'd say these make more sense than the female sexual deviancy list
>masochism/getting your shit kicked in
>being treated like a human fleshlight/dehumanization
>racemixing/forced lesbianism or some other similarly deliberately transgressive act