Anyone else obsessed with chess? I'll play online chess for hours on end. Although I'm pretty garbage...

Anyone else obsessed with chess? I'll play online chess for hours on end. Although I'm pretty garbage. And my rating goes down because of sleep deprivation. I just wanted to have a chess thread. Might be better than BBC and Tranny posting.

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I'm always too afraid to play with anyone except my older brother. Sometimes my dad but he really makes me feel bad about losing

I only play chess960. Regular chess is for brainlets.

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I am. When I was 16 I wanted to be a girl, but decided it was best to not go through with it. As a a cope I played chess every time I felt I made the wrong choice. During a chess game, there is only the game, it overpowers all other bad thoughts. I am close to becoming a national master.\

Come at me I will crush you.
15 0

nice engine, faggot.

Put that game in a engine and it will point out many mistakes I made. Look at that opening LOL.

guess i'm a brainlet then

Call me DAB GOD

reee play me faggots

>I'll play online chess for hours on end. Although I'm pretty garbage.

Because playing chess gives you the illusion of doing something decent with your time.

In reality it's nothing but a way to kill off time.
You are playing mindlessly, and just move pieces around.

too many Russians in Jow Forums for me to play here

Nah... i suck ass at chess

definitely not autistic enough for that stuff

What's with the influx of all the brainchads on Jow Forums? I thought this was a brainlet board.

I only play against the computer because I get nervous against humans.
Playing against the computer sucks though because I'm pretty sure they don't know how to precisely make it hold back from full strength in a measured way.
For example I will play the level 3 computer on lichess and its behavior is wildly inconsistent.
Sometimes it will do absolutely retarded blunders like hanging pieces or offering a queen trade and then declining to recapture my queen, and then suddenly the next game it's like it decides to take revenge and plays absolutely crushing moves that just slowly suffocate me.

You don't think I have had that thought before. But you're on Jow Forums. Having the illusion of convo. See you can be reductionist about anything.

Currently 5-0 in this thread. Next!

Russian domination of chess ended in the early 90's. The current champ is Norwegian and the previous was Indian.

I'm embarrassed to post mine. Just because of the amount of time playing without good results. To be honest I usually only half concentrate on games and always have it as a sort of background while listening to music or a podcast.

The key to learning chess is to study the endgame first, learn how to handle a couple of pieces to perfection. King and queen vs king shouldn't take more than 10 moves to win.

Alright user. Yeah I will lost easily winning endgames. Just because of stupid stuff.

I watch old matches all the time and play against the computer, but I never seem to improve. I don't know why I even bother.

Simply playing the game is not enough, you must study! Every loss is worth at least an hour of analysis. Why did you lose? Aim for perfection.

>7000 blitz games
play slower


It's more entertaining to follow the matches of some Grand Masters in the Top10 than playing it yourself desu.

Don't forget to follow the WC match between Carlsen and Caruana in November.

Clearly my reputation has preceded me.

Cuck post. Better to watch than to do.

I'm not fucking with that goofy shit.

Nobody wants to play and watch games at shit level.
You either are enthusiastic and start as a kid and stick with it, or it's way more fun to watch a stream of 2GMs playing while shitposting with others.

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Nobody wants to have sex at shit level
You either are enthusiastic and start as a kid and stick with it, or it's way more fun to watch a stream of Chad+Stacy fucking while shitposting with others.

I play goofy shit to give you guys a chance.

Chess is how I became aware of my brianlet status.

It wasn't until I began playing chess regularly that I was able to appreciate the difference between levels of play.
Honestly watching games at the top level makes me not want to play. My games are so ugly and retarded in comparison.

It's a memory game

Awesome analogy dude

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yes that's what a cuckold would say

I can't understand how to win at chess. Is it just practice or am I doomed to be a brainlet forever?

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You need to be able to see farther than your opponent.


Being a brainlet and just memorizing variations in a game that has more possible game than atoms in the universe. Just keep memorizing those openings bro, I'm sure you'll be good one day LOL.

Being able to memorize well, beyond well, is a sign of not being a brainlet actually.

I will play king f2/f7 in the first 3 moves I guarantee.

Challenge me fags

I measure intelligence by the ability to create original ideas. Memorizing ideas and regurgitating them is nothing special.

That guy who plays the king opening is the best! I want to lick his boots he is so good at beating stupid casuals

This post made me so happy

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Time for another one, king move on move 2 for sure!

Wrong, then you are very restricted under what you understand intelligence.
Might as well just call it creativity.

Perhaps you are right. But I still thin memorization is the lowest form of intelligence. Understanding the why is surely more important whether the idea is original or not.

>that paleface attack

Not a paleface, a lot of good your opening knowledge did ya, haha. It's the hammerschlag opening.

Still undefeated.

kekekeke only titled arena players use paleface attack bruh but that opening u did was lit

I'm rated 2200 on lichess if that makes you feel better.

kekekekee hit me up on your main ill fight you

fucking love agadmator OP, surprised to see him here

Chess threads always make me wet

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Not really obsessed, but I like it. Chess can be fun.
I love playing it with one of my friends who takes it extremely seriously, not making a strategy at all, and winning. It's fun

i recently decided to get into chess, could you recommend me some good videos/books to study?
also any tips or tricks would be highly appreciated

I don't get why that's fun though. I could beat a toddler at a race no matter how hard he tries but how would that make me happy

beginners lose games because they blunder
don't blunder

Yeah he is pretty great. its interesting that he has such a huge autist tier passion for chess.But he seems like such a regular dude.

look up basic bitch openings. try to read up on the endgame. learn some of those principles. what helped me a lot was playing against higher rated guys and looked at what they did. Also adgmator's chess channel is really useful for beginners. He looks at a variety of games both from modern day gms and older games and provides a small amount of analysis, which I've found to be useful in my own games online.

last one!

this was meant for this. oopsy daisy.

what boards do you lads have

casual who learned how to play chess about 6 months ago here

also have been playing chess ultra VR since I realized the only people I have to play in real life are a 11-year old niece and a friend who lives about two hours away but i want to get used to playing across from people..

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Ok I'm out GG's everyone.

ok anyone wanna play?

The steep learning curve kind of bothers me. I feel like you need to play and study for thousands of hours before you develop the proper insight and ability to think ahead. Just the tactics on can bother me because I'll have trouble thinking of something like "I'll move my rook here checking his king, then I'll attack his knight with tempo forcing him to drop the piece of I move my bishop where my rook was and have a mate in 3."

I'd like to get better, but don't have the time to devote to it. Even then I don't know if I'm even capable at becoming good at it.

Forgot to mention that I loved chess as a kid, but my white nigger parents didn't sign me up for a club or anything.

This is what real men play

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At least you're not a Go nigger.

Being a NEET who does nothing but play and study chess sounds /comfy/.

What are your favorite openings? I always go for 1. e4 or 1. d4. I don't know how to work anything else.

I used to play against my family, I always lost to my dad and my mum I lost most times till I got older and my school mates were shit so I bet them. My dad once bet me in 5 moves.

No matte how much you study you will never be 'good'. I remember being rated 1200 and thinking 1600 was good. Then I got there and realized they all play total crap. Then I thought surely 2000 is "good". Then years later I got there too. They play total crap as well, it's actually amazing how much a 2000 rated player doesn't see.

It eventually gets to the point it is just so much damn work to get better. The effort and time commitment is tremendous to get beyond 2200. Learning chess really only starts at that level, everything else is just the basics.

Keep at it man!

I only play against machines. I feel bad losing to humans.

would someone good be interested in playing with me and analyzing my moves and telling me what to improve?

What level are you at my guy?

i don't know my rating, but i can't imagine being anywhere above 1000