Dad is 6'3"

>Dad is 6'3"
>Mom is 4'10"
>I'm 5'7"
Why would life do this to me?

Attached: wojak 2.png (808x805, 442K)


obviously that was going to happen.
Guilt trip your mom about it.

No one cares about your height unless you have dwarfism and you obviously don't.

Thats how it is on this bitch of an earth. Its why humans dont get taller over time. They got taller recently, then a trend emerges where the short bitches are fuckimg the biggest guys, and make average kids again. The cycle continues

>dad is 6'2
>mom is 5'7
>I'm 6'0
Think it's because I was a lazy ass when I was going through puberty and just played vidya after school.
My mom & dad were at least into athletic sports.

>5'9 mom
>5' me

Attached: 1536018608612.jpg (351x351, 60K)

>both parents relatively short
>inherit tall grandfather's genes
stay cucked, manlets.

Attached: homr smug.jpg (360x408, 18K)

>implying you won't pass on manlet genes

Sucks having a dad with pedo fantasies huh?

Your parents probably fed you like shit

>Implying he'll pass on any genes

>Father short and mother average height
>inherit grandfather's turbomanlet genes and end up 5'3"

Attached: REEEEEE.jpg (750x546, 32K)

>Mom is 4'10"
Uhhh is she hot? asking for a friend

querulous quadnon

at least you got those sweet quads

who cares thats not his problem

>implying he'll pass on genes at all

>dad 185cm
>mom 157cm
>me 174cm
Could be worse

>dad 5'7
>mom 5'4
>me 5'10

I'm good, could be better anyway.

Attached: 1536300769464.jpg (198x254, 11K)

lmao what a fucking loser. my dad is 5'9 mom 5'6 and im 6'1

Fortunately I took after my grandfather not my parents
Dad - 5'9/5'10
Mom- 5
Me- 6ft
Asian btw get fucked

>dad is 5'9''
>mom is 4'10''
>i'm 6'4''

>dad is 5'11"
>mom is 5'9"
>brother is 6'2"
>I'm 5'6"
fuck my life actually

>everyone in family sub 5'10
>im 6'1
pretty sure not adopted

Attached: nice.jpg (650x650, 37K)

Dad is 6'1
Mom is 5'7
I'm 5'9.
Fuck my life.

>Both parents 5'5" (165 cm)
>Came out 5'9" (175 cm)
Guess I should be happy...

>dad is 5'8" or some shit
>mom is 5'4" or some shit
>i am 5'7"

Why do manlets even reproduce

>dad is 5ft7
>mom is 5ft4
>brother turned out to be 5ft11
>I turned out to be 5ft4 (avg height for females)

>mom is 5'3
>dad is 5'2
>im 5'4 (average)

>father and mother with black hair
>father with full head of hair and no white hair at 52
>inherit grandfather's balding brown hair
>tfw balding at 21

Attached: 1460623005667.png (1127x685, 37K)

Short men (5'7" and below) get treated like shit by society

>dad is 5'9
>mum is 5'3
>I'm 6'0
thank you jesus

shave your head and grow a beard