>"Hey user why do you play the girl character?"
Wat do
"Hey user why do you play the girl character?"
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I prefer to. What you gonna do about it?
when I was in high school I told people it's because I'd rather stare at a female ass while I game because I'm not gay. Truth is I was super gay.
I, very originally, at that, don't.
Unironically I want to look at a qt
Self inserting in vidya is insanely gay
Because I try to recreate myself in games but the closest I ever got was Fallout 4 with tons of mod packs.
It's not my fault the male costumes are boring brown/gray shit.
My grandpa always picks girls in games and his justification has always been the same:
>i pick girls because they tend to be faster, and that fits my playstyle better
When I have emotional investment in the character I'm playing, I have more incentive to finish it, and more enjoyment throughout. Why do guys watch moe anime? Most don't do so because they're confused about their sexuality.
Armor and body mods are better, and all the guy characters are better love interests.
in his day the female character if there was one would've had more speed or more special compared to the stronger guy.
someone has to be the girl
you know because it is the way it is
Because I find it awesome being a sassy chick with a lesbian relationship (when the game allows). When there is custom animations I also prefer the more agile move sets of female characters opposed to the male and his basic, I have muscle huuuurrr, animations.
Making people salty online is no longer valid as it has become common place to see female characters.
Playing F4 was mandatory to do a female character. The male is so fucking over the top. Like he will yell, chill, yell, then laugh in the same conversation all because of my option choices. He also came off clingy with his tones and responses. The woman came off as a -no shit, retard- kinda personality and I loved it.
>Awe yeah let me customize my dude. Yeah hes really ripped so I'm picking a cool outfit that emphasizes his muscles yeahhh fuck yeahhh more oil because hes sweaty.... yeah... mhmmm... tight shirt to show those muscles off yeahh tight hot muscles and good fitting Jean's to stare at his ass while he walks.... mhm fuck yeah man... nothing I love more than making my character look like a sexy beast hunk of a sexy man.
How is picking a guy character ever not gay?
what? no straight guy does what you just described dumbass
when i play rpgs as a guy i just wear incredibly bulky armor so i can look like a fucking tank and slaughter everything
u know I'm all bout that ass
The fucking state of this board
>I like to look at her ass
>more outfits to pick from
How about you fucks maxout armor instead of looking at her ass
Why anyone wouldnt pick the most practical outfits in RPGs goes to show how normified this board has become...are there any real gamers left??
>pick girl chars whole life thinking i want to be a girl
>get to make a trap char in dragon's dogma
>realize i wanted to be a cute boi the whole time
>"I like to pretend an actual strong and independent woman but cute and sweet at the same time"
I just want to be a superhuman.
Playing dark souls 1 with heavy armor and a black knight sword made my first play-through relatively boring. Stylishness and experimenting makes a game interesting and fun, like you actually have the decision to not do things the obvious, easy way.
>No...no... I dont do that at all... no.. I swear I d..dont...
I used to for like 95% of my life, but these days for some reason I don't.
If its an rpg then its clear im playing an OC or named character. If its not an rpg why can I pick? How is this a hard question?
projecting this hard
>playing a certain way for the aesthetic
Deplorable. Theres nothing more stupid and useless then choosing a style because its visually pleasing to you. You should focus on efficiency and achieving 100% completion. Nothing else matters, you fucking normie
You can complete everything while trying a different style. Searching for the easiest, most boring way to play isn't very hardcore or impressive, you know. Like, if you're saying you try to beat the game as fast as possible so that you can be done with it and move on to the next game, that's just willingly not getting your money's worth and seeing all the game has to offer. I regret going through my first play-through of such a good game with that boring sword and clunky, noisy armor just because the stats were good without any special effort.
>he doesn't do unarmed build to 100% every game for the higher difficulty
I do pic related, then lock myself in my room and get my astolfo daki out of the closet
>fashion doesn't matter
Wrong, it enhances immersion because you look like an actual knight and not like someone straight out of a gay pride.
>muh minmaxing
Do you enjoy oneshotting everything after looking up the best build on youtube and finishing the game in 30 minutes?
>real gamers
Yeah, no, gonna be a yikes from me dog.
>not playing as a sexy heaIing class to get people to gift you cash shop items
never gonna make it brah
based. making cute boy characters is always infinitely better than a girl.
Do people really project themselves onto a character that much? I always see them as their own person going on their own journey. I have zero problems playing a game with a girl character because I don't see myself as the girl.
>"Hey user why do you play the girl character?"
>because she's a cool character
this. though i also wanna be a cute girl too so i cant pretend its only for the free shit.
Failed normalfag? I bet you're the kind of huy whp refuses to play Sypha in CVIII because ''m-muh womeme and fragility!!!!''
>the same board that constantly complains about and rails against transgenders is the same board that constantly has threads about gender dysphoria and enjoying genderplay
hm hmmm Hmmmmmmmmm
>Jow Forums is one single tranny in denial
Thanks, this was fun guys
See yall in another thread
I played a girl in Gunz but that's it. It was legitimately easier because their movement were more obvious and it made timing much easier.
>it was just bait xDDD thanks for entertaining me
k buddy
my f4 character was a chick and i did enjoy being a lesbian/bi chad
>"If you're going to play pretend, why not go all out?"
then proceed to call them unimaginative and boring. works every time.
Thanks for the extra upboat
Do you really think I have time to play video games
>played Soul Calibur since the first one when I was a lad
>Always played Taki.
>always abuse the Christ out of the B+Y, Y, Y, Y combo. It's in every SC game and it's fuckin' stronk and easy to do
>"Gee user why do you always play Taki?"
>Look at those titties.
>Do you really think I have time to play video games
Considering the fact that you're currently shitposting on Jow Forums, i find it likely that you enjoy the activity of playing virtual games.
>hes shitposting so he must be a loser
Nah Im just bored in a lecture. Kind of excited for Stacys party later.
You know might be right Jow Forumsis a mass of tranies in denial.
That would also explain all those trap raids
Panel 5 is my answer to op question.
>make waifu in game
>she's romanced by and has sex with someone, with no warning or choice for you to prevent it
But there aren't any Girls in video games remember.
Because they make my dick hard. What else
i literally cannot get into a rpg like new vegas without playing as a guy. It feels weird otherwise.
inb4 new vegas isnt an rpg
I always treat men with female pcs as girls because it really proves how many are closet homos based on how they react.
>I got catfished and I'm mad
Shit, could have just called them faggots without outing himself.
I play whatever class/character I like the most, gameplay wise. If I have the ability to make a female character I'll make my waifu, because I love her.
>revealing your actual gender and not squeezing niggers dry for loot and preferential treatment like EZ dungeon runs
what a pleb