
>Food stamps
>Enough money for healthy food, rent, transportation, and entertainment, with some left over in case of emergencies
>Insured by medicaid
>Friends from internet and D&D
>No gf, but don't feel the particular need to have one
>Time to actually enjoy these things that should be human rights
>Some wage cucks actually can't make it month to month, and get maybe 8 days of free time

Frankly, what are the wage cucks even doing any more? Like, I'm honestly starting to feel bad for them. Everyone should be able to live as I do, bare minimum.

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There is no good side. NEETshills and wageshills are both stupid. There is a compromise to both

Working whenever you feel like it and receiving a livable wage from it? Having robots do all work?

it's not a shill if it's true


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what did you get disability for? How long did it take you to get it and how much a month do you get?

It depends. I wouldn't feel comfortable with being on govt programs. Too many of my friends got fucked around by them and all for a pittance.

I prefer doing my own NEETbux. It's now built up to the point where it pays all of my bills and my actual paycheck is all fun money.

Not everyone can get disability benefits.

Obviously we need people to work so society won't just fall apart, but yeah people should be able to enjoy healthcare, good food, and leisure time regardless of what their job is. The current system works a lot of people to the bone.

Suicidal depression. I attempted suicide 3 times over 3 years, wound up in the ward all 3 times, sometimes for over 2 weeks. It took me 6 months to get on, but I was lucky and got on first time. I get 750 dollars a month from disability, 85 dollars from food stamps, which took me less than a month. I have 460 dollar rent. I spend around 150 a month in store bought food and 50 in restaurants. The rest I spend as necessary.

Since I've gotten on disability, I've gone miserable in every situation too... Well still miserable but at least I'm comfortable and miserable.

I'd rather work than be a cripple or retard.

Why is your handler allowing you on Jow Forums, OP?

Why is your boss letting you? I thought bosses were combing through social media to make sure their employees aren't having no-no thoughts?

I forgot, I also spend 40 bucks a month on internet.

Intermittent Fasting is good for saving money on food and you'll be healthier and leaner for it.

I just eat 1 bigger meal at night, fast throughout the day.

I'm posting on my phone in my office right now. Feels good to be part of society and not just rotting in a room 24/7.

A society that continues to tell you that you're wrong for just existing as a white male? That tells you what to think and how to feel?

Enjoy chasing that "society" spook. I'm sure it'll never back fire against you.


lol maybe I shouldnt laugh, we need delusional betas like you to pay the taxes lmfao, more power to you man

Fucking NPCs lmfao

I'm thinking of going on NEETbux so I can spend all of my time working on my autistic inventions. On the 5% chance that I make any designs that can actually sell, I'll get off the gibs and live from the royalties

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Here's my diet:
An orange or apple for breakfast for breakfast.
Cottage cheese or onion tots for lunch (maybe both if I'm extremely hungry)
Frozen pizza or tendies for dinner

My usual total calories is around 1500 a day, plus I go on mile walks about 4 days out of 7.

>spoken like true worthless unemployed losers

Society isn't bad unless you can't function in it. Obviously the two of you can't.

Okay here's the thing you have to understand. Your perspective is not the only perspective. You see NEETs as pathetic losers, that is fine, that is your perspective, but you have to acknowledge that NEETs view wage cucks as pathetic losers, as do other wage cucks who are above you. There are tons of Chad business owners who laugh all the way to their millionaire lifestyles while they laugh at your pathetic existence working the same or more hours per day for 1000x less wealth, even your own kind see you as a pathetic loser, it's not just NEETs.

This is where you have to understand. I believe you're an NPC cuck because you accept yourself and position in society as a poorfag wage cuck, you don't question it, you dont mind it, you just go about life like a nice drone NPC that is programmed to think a certain way and not to question anything. Nothing wrong with that, but as an NPC you should allow some NEET logic programing in your mind, and that is the fact that some people have an all or nothing attitude, and cannot just be happy being an average wagecuck. There is NEET life or Millionaire life, nothing inbetween that is worth it, that is something you as an NPC will never understand because you're programmed to think a certain way and to accept your position as a middle-tier drone worker.

>Society is only bad if you can't function in it.

Can you imagine having this poor critical thinking skills? Ok pal. Enjoy your repackaged nostalgia, wealth disparity, racial tension profiteering, self hatred production, and thought crime. What a wonderful society it is.

.... lol you are boasting about that? I can very, VERY easily make 1800 month after taxes doing part time. Most people should be capable of making that 1800 full time. I will admit you will not get to sit around all day but I would rather pocket $1000 a month than a couple hundred.

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Thats the thing though. The average NPC drone worker is very easily distracted by basic shit like video games, movies, sports, beer, useless collectable toy items, etc. They're actually willing to slave away their entire lives to have these meaningless junk and clutter that they fill their living quarters with.

But 1000 dollars to spend on what? What grand thing are you saving for? Retirement? So you're saving your money to do... exactly what I'm doing now? Only you'll be old and dying?

Read He wants the $1000 to buy take-away foods, buy beers, buy the latest amibo's, etc. Typical meaningless bugmen shit. The economy literally exists because of bugmen like this and women. Greek philosophers like us are too intelligent for this shit.

Road trips, materialistic things like nice clothing, computer parts, video games, additional restaurant food, some investment to bring in even more money. I make more than 1800 and I got my retirement secured. I get to take the things you get to do and amplify it 10 fold which I am more than content with.

If you are content with the bare minimum I am happy for you, honestly I am. I could go on disability technically but I like living like this. There is no I wish situations.

I do feel kind of bad for the people who drool over money though. Big houses, expensive cars, buying things because someone decided it should be the fancy version of something else. Then dealing with the kind of women who are looking to basically secure neet life by using their looks to get men with money.

As long as you are happy OP. But I got to have a few things that for some reason speaks to me and a couple hundred $$$ would not cut it.

I don't know. My periods of unemployment were miserable, the day's were so fucking long I had to fill them with housework or getting on the bus just to kill time. Never any social contact either. Everyone I Work with may think I'm weird but they do at least include me in some shit, I get to laugh at their jokes. I come home to the nice house I afford to the doggos I can afford and sleep well at night knowing I've worked hard, secure in the knowledge I'm not a complete waster.. Where's the pleasure in weekends if every day is a weekend.

I don't deny, even as a NEET philosopher, I like video games and meaningless distractions too. I even like capeshit. It can be fun to turn off your brain. But I do have time to turn it back on when I'm done.

Drones always have to have their brains off. Just like that book of Mormon song. Turn it off to let the boss yell at you and you do what you're without question. Turn it off on the weekend so you can enjoy the movies and shows without much of a fuss. Turn it off when you watch the news so you'll believe what your party tells you without question. It's just always off. Never probing "Why am I doing this? Why am I enjoy this?" Chasing spooks.

I'm not him, but I like to do things that require money. Things that allow you to experience life. Outdoor hobbies, traveling, driving fast v8 cars, going to amusement parks, and the works.

If you like barely scraping by with 1.8k a month and basically living on this site 24/7, good for you I guess. It's just that some of us have much higher dreams.

Yes to some restaurant food but I do make most my meals.
I do not drink or do drugs or smoke and I will admit I have 1 shelf item which is the Ian Malcolm pop with the busted leg.

For me it is mostly cruising. I get ample time off, played the system for retiremement, and love driving long distances.
The driving and desire to have a quick truck is the real money eater. I do not socialize so it is kind of my therapy and I do not know why because I did not grow up on anything that would encourage it.

I am the guy you two are talking about. I feel bad for the people you are talking about. I never been yelled at or have to put up with shit at work. That life is truly miserable. I would much rather do NEET bucks and have little money than live the life like that.

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user, your dreams are not higher dreams, they're low tier NPC shit.

My dreams are beyond comprehension for 99.99% of humanity. The problem is that my dreams are impossible to achieve due to the limitations of human civilization at this point in time.

Year 2 of being a NEET here. Hobbies are useful. D&D is very nice because it's inherently social, and has entered normy space enough to be popular just about everywhere. As long as you have even tolerable social skills, you'll probably fit in. Reddit and meetup are good for finding a group.

I put a lot of time into audio books and online lectures. Podcasts are also pretty good.


Yeah your dreams are to sit on your ass everyday and watch cartoons. To act like you are some higher moral being for that is pathetic.

It is beyond our comprehension to be lazy and useless. The 99.99% would never know the feeling of being out of touch with reality and consider our dreams impossible making sure we never try to achieve them while shunning those who achieve their dreams. We just would not understand what it is like to live a life where we dislike life but are too coward to do anything about it. The pain desu

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As I said, beyond your comprehension, your NPC brain automatically responds with social-correction in the form of insults and shaming tactics in order to try and get me to to join your fellow drone workers, to slave away to get money to pay for useless worthless shit.

This is where you fail to understand, that does not work on me, I don't even claim to be intelligent, I just know I am not a drone, never was and never will be, my brain was not programmed to automatically follow directions and corrections from the hive.

Again, I don't claim to be intelligent, infact I believe I am 100,000,000 time less intelligent than I want to be, my desires and dreams require another few million years of progress, at least. It saddens me to know I was born millions of years too early.

>tfw dropped out of school due to depression
>cant go back to finish
>basically stuck as a filthy NEET for life
>earn around 1400 europoors a month from welfare
>400 europoors rent a month

after paying all of my bills I get about 200-300 or even 400 bucks to myself.

Comfy for sure.

Gotta say, I fucking love having a good job. Work my 40 then got plenty of cash I don't even have to make a budget. Want a $100 bottle of bourbon? Fucking no worries, just buy it. Another 8th of fine CA grown herb? Why not two?

Putting in the effort in college was so fucking worth it, even just 3 years out it was so worth everything.

Reminder to everyone in this thread who has a job...
1) These NEETs are not happy. If they were, they wouldn't make 20 of these threads a day. These are the same people in other threads whining about how they wasted their lives.
2) Stop trying to make them feel bad. They've got a mental gymnastics counter for anything that you're going to say.
3) Most importantly, these thread are literally THE only positivity they have in their lives. Stop replying to them, close and move on, and they will stop making them when they inevitably kill themselves.

>Tfw when the only thing you buy with your wage bux is pain numbing chemicals.

Oh I never said I was happy. I'm just never happy. I was so miserable at my job I almost killed myself. Same story at school to get a less shit job. And I'm still fucking miserable now. But at least now I'm miserable and comfortable.

I dread going to work every day.. it sucks every form of life out of me and i have no enery to do anything when i finally get home. Then i sleep and repeat.

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