I went to school with reportOftheweek

cool kid, always wore suits

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timestamp faggit

more proof please

did he ever critique the cafeteria food while in gym class?
would have been meta

fuck this board m8

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ReviewBrah - Normies

Joey - /OUR GUY/

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nah he was in class of 2015, i was in 2018. Never really talked to the kid

holy shitters

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Approximately how old is he? He seems so timeless, it's hard to guess.

Why can't you use Google desu

he's 21 or 22

>several years older than you
>the kid
nevertheless, did you know much about him?
What did people say about him, did he have many friends?

Fuck I wish your school got shot up along with this faggot.

we all thought he was gonna shoot up the school desu
never talked to him
he would walk around school with the suit and a briefcase instead of a backpack

>fuck this board m8
is this real?

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haha wow that sure was a funny joke dude, you got hiM! gamers rise up lol!

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I knew a guy who used a briefcase in high school
he too was an autistic homosexual male

Did he at least have a couple friends or people he'd hang out with?
Also how did you find your way to Jow Forums you phrase things like a complete turbonormie.

>Chad Finan

>we all thought he was gonna shoot up the school desu
>never talked to him

You sound like a typical underage faggot, kys

Did he hang out with anyone? Was he a khhv loser like everyone here? Was he bullied?

im not really active on 4chin im more of a normie than all of you but i boardsurf
i never really knew much about the kid besides that he was weird
i never talked to him

>tfw everyone around him looks more chad than him

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wow you guys work quick

I heard he used to dip his hand in sardines or tuna at lunch and then ask people to "smell my finger" then asking if it reminded them of michelle...
did you ever hear about this?

never heard of that

whoah I didn't know Jason Segel was in his year. How old is ReviewBrah?

20 or 21 he was in the class of 2015

>wore suits everyday

Damn. He really be like that.

This is honestly the best yearbook photo I have ever seen though

reviewbrah is so cute though
I would totally date him

always triggers me that Jow Forums faggots call him reviewbrah

u faggots dont even know where that name came from

Laugh at him all you want, the guy has gotten internet fame and has the charisma to record himself and chase what he believes in.

He's got a better outlook on life than a lot of robots.

bodybuilding forum, I've read through hours of his posts there it's not some secret club senpai

yeah you make a point my man

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>John Jurasek
Did you make a lot of Jurassic Park jokes?

Dubs on dubs. RING A DING A DING A DING!

this unironically originail

>we all thought he was gonna shoot up the school
I hate people like you. Just because someone keeps to themselves and differs from the norm, you assume them to be the worst thing imaginable.

I wish someone who actually knew him as a friend or something would spill the beans on the guy. I want to know what makes him tick. He is beyond fascinating to me.

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What's the appeal on this guy? I've watched a couple of videos and they weren't particularly funny or interesting.

The guy over the page is chad.

Everyone thought that about the Parkland shooter and then he killed what, 17 people?
Sometimes avoiding people is reasonable. You should read "the Gift of Fear".

I think he seems like a bro who talks to them so that is why they like him. I've never made it through an entire video of him.

his older videos where he took himself extremely seriously were much better than his new stuff, try watching some of them. he's gotten too comfortable in front of the camera now, he just cracks shitty dry humor dad jokes and goes on for too long.

>he would walk around school with the suit and a briefcase instead of a backpack
absolute legend

Did you have any interactions with him or hear any stories? If so please share.

reviewbrah is polish? huh never knew

I can't explain why I like him so much but I do know his older stuff is the best. He's become incredibly popular and while his content is objectively better now, I don't like it as much. That being said, I watch every last video he puts out.

Why is it so... white?

All right thanks, I'll give it a go. I figure there has to be something to the guy given how popular he is.

He actually looks alright in clothes that fit him

In his very first videos when he's a young teen he is happier and livelier. In his new videos he looks depressed as hell. Is it an act or has his personality changed?

Get a load of this fucking bullshit


Fitting, for a guy who's style is practically jurassic

Do you have any more rare highschool photos of him OP?

nice race bait


Isn't Jurasek polish surname ?
Jan Jurasek would fit for him

>it's reasonable to treat people like shit because you think they might kill you one day
What, do you think he'd snap and shoot his best friend for the hell of it?

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Yeah it's Polish, there's a guy in my Uni with that second name.
t. Polack living in Poland

>newfaggots can't comprehend how or why he'd be posting on a bodybuilding forum

>9 white people existing
this triggers the sjw

>tfw you realize reviewbrah was THAT kid
We had one of those too

Is he a failed newsman?

i thought the suits were a gimmick lmao. what a god

YOU are reportOftheweek,cant deceive me

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Rare pic of reviewbrah

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I know he's in west central Florida but rumor has it that he's from pasco county is this true?

holy fuck ZING

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did he ever have a gf?

we had one of those too, now he's an SJW Democratic "activist"/strategist. he seems quite active in political groups and ive seen clips of him testifying before the state legislature but he still seems like a looser with no female relationships and is still a poorfag since he went the Bernie Sanders route and never got a real job.

Shouldn't have made me giggle

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Is this the first time his full name has been revealed?

He was on Jow Forums a couple of times, and he lurks sometimes, he said we were a nice bunch

Damn we also had a briefcase/suit kid in HS but I graduated in 2004. I bet there's one in every school. He was extremely into politics and was unironically a fascist. He always talked about taking over the world etc. Bullying was extremely common when I was in HS but for some reason that kid was mostly left alone.

Include me in the screencap I guess

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go fuck yourself, i will, just so i can spite you all

You should read up on labeling theory, retard. Stop further ostracizing outcast white males.

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They might though
In which case I want to be in the screencap

Literally only saying that because you know of his youtube channel and you are subconsciously attracted to his e-celeb status, regardless of how little influence that status actually brings him.

Or you're a just a fag.

Did he have any friends? Was he liberal or conservative?

You don't need to have known him to know that what "makes him tick" is massive fucking autism.

The misc made him.

Said on his youtube channel he posts on Jow Forums. Read the thread.

He used to post on Jow Forums. He made a video a few months ago about not letting toxic communities run/ruin your life and your outlook on it.

I assume he was reviewing energy drinks for gym monkeys. Want to share the story with us?

I also stopped going to Jow Forums after the 2016 election. It went to shit after the motherfucking President of the United States namedropped us. Doesn't mean I'm any less right-wing.

origigi originalitidation

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Wow wow what a cool post!

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>class full of chads and stacies
>literally a guy named Chad in his class

dam he's legit

>see some guy who doesn't like talking to people
>bully and ostracize him for it
>make his life hell
>he snaps one day after years of torture
It takes a real fucking retard to not see the link between shooters and being bullied and assumed that they're going to become a shooter. It's not some coincidence that these people become shooters. If you kick a dog every single day, it's only a matter of time before it snaps. Instead of kicking a dog even harder to prevent it from snapping, you should maybe just not kick the fucking dog in the first place.

Holy fuck normies are retarded. Literally all you have to do is NOT bully people for being different. But they would rather label someone as a shooter and then mold them into one instead of not labeling to begin with.

Very few people are actually born a killer. Most are made into killers by years of abuse.

does anyone know when he started HRT? he's had a babyface kinda look for a while now so was he doing it already in school or what?

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this just goes to show he has always been a man who knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it

damn someone should tweet this at him

for potential r9k vid...???

This 100%

i already emailed him to let him know

Thougth the same

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