Be honest.
Has Jow Forums affected you?
How sensitive are you?
Yes, i have felt things you people would not believe.
My eyes are really sensitive to light. I need to wear sunglasses at night with my monitor on lowest brightness + a filter to make it even darker.
Jow Forums gave me thicker skin at first but recently I've started getting angry over everything
Have spent a lot of time on this board, and received a lot of good (and bad) advice about everything going on in my life. I like being able to put my feelings out there, I blogpost a lot but I also help anons with their problems.
We're all pretty lonely and sad and so it's nice to have kind of a support group where people like us can say how they feel.
Also it's super funny sometimes.
Didn't read the header. I'm pretty sensitive because of ADHD and RSD, Jow Forums helps me get past that sometimes.
yeah I used to have some normie "friends" but they only talks about normie shit so finding a place when you can talk about any shit you want (and with shit I mean real shit) without the fear of rejection has made me a bit happier as well as it made me hate people than before I used to call friends, in essence it has openned my mind
Before Jow Forums, I didn't hate anybody. I was sure that I was a regular cishet dude. Now, I can't stop saying "nigger" and "faggot." But I want to be a girl and want dick in me 24/7.
Very sensitive.
I had a period of 10 years where I felt nothing but self-loathing due to anti-depressants, but since then my feelings all came back 10x stronger minus happiness.
I've always taken everything personally, always take everything to heart.
Jow Forums hasn't really affected me for shit minus I now like trap porn.
Fuck off stupid reddit poster
Yeah. In my first couple of years, I developed an apathetic "thick skin", but it broke, and I became more sensitive, paranoid, and fogged up in my head than ever. I've been recovering, but yeah, I think I should blame my time here for that break that made me feel so threatened and constantly stressed. People don't differentiate between random banter and trying to break someone down in their most intimate feelings, enough.
I'm extremely sensitive. Hurtful comments on Jow Forums lead me to self-harm pretty often.
>I saw things no man ever did
>I felt feels no mortal ever felt
>for I became the abyss the destroyer of matter
I used to not think twice about having parents of different races. Now I hate myself and feel like I dont fit in anywhere. I didnt fit in by any means before, but now its way worse. It makes me feel like any personal growth I have attained means nothing.
I used to be pretty sensitive, but now i'm just numb to everything. I used to feel tfw no gf and feel tfw no close friends but then I realised that I had been comparing my real life to idealised fiction and media, and that women and real people will never be able to compare.
I've started call people manlet, pajeet and sandnigger in my head. I've also categorised myself as a hopeless beta male and feel jealous and bitter whenever I see couples.
Before Jow Forums: "No way would I ever have sex with a tranny."
After Jow Forums: "Hmmm, that feminine penis actually looks kinda cute..."
I probably scrutinize the behavior of women more than I would have otherwise. Probably out of some petty misplaced sense of justified reciprocation on account of the collective burden robots endure.
On the other hand, I've grown to be comfortable with being alone or even dying alone, which I would evaluate to be a strength.
However, I find myself absurdly irritated by those that cannot function without human contact or attention for any given length of time, as if their identity is so vapid and undeniably uninteresting that they can't bare to spend any time with themselves.
I am emotionally kill.
I only wish to cry at home.
Am literally about to (re)watch that movie
>never seen the workprint.
Yes it has made me hate who I am
You watching it with the voice over or naw?
At first to be real, my sadness just got worse, but now I've learned how to block the bad nonsense posted here. Now I'm pretty much fine