post and discuss things that make you lose hope
Post and discuss things that make you lose hope
She's right and thristy betas allowed that and now nearly every man has to suffer.
This is all that needs to be said
Why would any male even deny this lol?
Like this fact is some kind of win lmao if anything you'll get a bunch of insecure roastbeefs denying it not men
writing something to appease our robot overlord
Above average people fuck who they want. Average people fuck who they can.
I'm that's basic biology since forever
i really hate people who marry and have children even when they don't love each other just because they are afraid to be alone. if only my parents didn't do this
What can even make me lose hope since I had None since the start.
pic related makes me confused and uneasy
The women who fucked me really wanted to? At the time, I felt like it "just happened".
Until empowered women destroy society completely and get re-subjugated by the local warlord.
Amber rose should be raped to death
How many of you agree with this?
Of course they did you obnoxious fuck
i wonder how many wagies can relate to this
If that's the case then I guess women don't need feminism any more.
Biology allowed it and there is no going back because this has been the way since we crawled down from the trees
Doesn't feminism ~empower~ women by saying they don't have to "settle" for someone?
It's true. Even complete normalfags know this.
Develop some standards, and reject women you don't like.
they don't sell these small bananas where i live anymore. tfw chad banana wins again
No more need be said
look at those disgusting fat nigger fingers
Even when you do things by the books they still dont want why even try anymore.
>Develop some standards, and reject women you don't like.
despite robots claiming to have no standards i don't believe they mean it, whether they are aware of it or not
Biology yes, but up until 60 years ago it was regulated heavilly, because women didn't have any resources so they had to rely on men, even if they were ugly. Of course, deep down they despised them.
you better be grateful you're even getting this wage, you better be grateful a female would even look at you, you are nothing, you are worthless, BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING YOU'RE GIVEN, ARE YOU SUFFERING? FUCK YOU, BE HAPPY YOU'RE SUFFERING DON'T YOU SEE HOW GOOD OF A PERSON I AM GIVING YOU THIS? I'M A FUCKING GOD YOU UNGRATEFUL PRICK
what a way to exist
>they still dont want you
i don't that his post is implying that. the opposite, really
tfw saw your image and thought $9/hour was really good
Disgusting sight isn't it? Everytime i look at a nigger monkey it ruins my day.
You simply are not wrong. Men are independent by nature, so this image is reasonable.
but feminism is constantly evolving. people can make feminism mean whatever they want it to
We have to murder the bosses and institute full neetdom.
Yes, and now women are free to do as their biology wishes. Long live freedom.
It really doesn't sound like there's a winner here then. she wants to be valued as the scraps for sexual desperation?
>getting involved with a whore roastie
lmao, these cunts will kill themselves later in life
But how long was this mythical reign of misogyny, at best? 5,000 years? 10,000 years? The Stone Age alone is many times that length. The male-led nuclear family is just as unnatural as the shemale-led postmodern family. You just don't have a memory long enough to realize that.
i wonder what Jow Forums specifically thinks of this comic
It's kind of hyperbolic because the male pic is literally a model, but I do unironically think that most foreveralone/ incel/ robot guys are either average or somewhat handsome and not uggos like many of you think.
Also, the other stuff listed too. Nerdy or at least kind of solitary hobbies and keeping yourself fairly clean/ sorted.
If you're not regularly able to be comfortable around women nothing else matters
lmao at that image. women over 30 are worth nothing
She could have said it in a factual way, because it's true, but she made reference to "fragile male egos". She was looking to sadistically hurt men with that post.
>betas allowed it
scapegoating 101
nope not always. not every woman is stacey, thus every woman does not fuck who they want. she fucks who she wants from whats available to her, same with guys.
>tfw dirt poor and no money for dates
I spoke to Jow Forums, he told me it was pretty gay.
>just describing women used to use men for resources and that's how ugly men got laid
>female screams misogyny
when are you going to learn they are manipulative to the core. this is what all women look like on the inside people.
>taking loans
ive never understood this ultra selfcucking
Non stacy women fuck all the time look at tinder for christ sake.
Kys with this shitty bait.
Looks like this cunt has never heard of rape.
i'm sure she can rape all the men she wants
Extreme intelligence and ingenuity can overcome this.
i didnt say they didnt fuck, i said that they dont fuck who they want. can you read? thanks.
it's supposed to be logical to take loans in a good economy, borrowing to make more later.
>poor kid is naturally smart and deserves to be on top of the social ladder
>uses his brain and gets good grades (in a school system that actually does its job)
>gets scholarship gibs
>gets degree
>gets good job
This comic assumes that everyone is born equal in intellect, but this claim is proven false by evolutionary biology. The solution isn't to give gibs to poor people, it's to estabilish meritocracy so that those who deserve it can triumph.
>inb4 but it's not fair for those born genetically inferior
Such is life. If the intellect of the best can better society to a point where every man can earn his daily bread through a reasonable amount of labor, being a farmer will be nothing to be ashamed of.
jesus christ women are so entitled to sex
we arent even on the same page bro, youre making no sense with your low iq.
Excuses. If you went far enough to actually have sex with another person you clearly want them.
So according to nature, who should raise the woman's child after chad dumped them?
no seriously, you're not just entitled to sex you're entitled to good sex in addition to all your regular sex. you put the most retarded incels to shame roasty.
true. but thats still picking from whats available and not who they want. its who they want to fuck from the men available. not all women are stacey, do u think top men fuck every woman?
A person has to be intelligent and actually valuable enough to succeed. SEO status affects this but only because the person has to work much harder. It is possible though.
the comic is an attack on men by making the rich person a male and the poor person female and that makes me ree. in the same circumstances the male is suffering worse than the female. poor male gets nothing and no one, rich female gets everything and literally does nothing.
nice larp, lay it on me girl.
2 qualifiers are missing from that statement
>roasty literally can't respond
Cant deny the truth. There were times and cultures where this was the other way around or even better. Both fucked whoever they want or both whoever they can.
A sad way this has gone...
youre not larping? i thought we were doing the role reversal.
When you remove the identitarian undertones, it's pretty accurate, imo.
if you were a man you'd be aware of the situation and able to form arguments so i forgive you.
first of all, thats not how fucking lie detectors work at all.
SECOND of all, lie detectors are comeplete bullshit
wow youre not larping. i just re read our convo and i understand why you would think im female.
i am a female with a huge roasty what are you talking about.
ok so you knew all along. so what was it about my initial response that got you all excited? is it my empathy?
You can't have meritocracy and hierarchy at the same time. People in power will use it to give advantages to the people they like, over the people who are the most qualified.
Meritocracy is a very nice idea, and I would like to see you develop a projection of a society where it could work.
>No gibs
Dude, sometimes inteligent people are born in poor families, and they won't have the opportunity to fully develop their skills, and become the best contributors to society they can be, if they are not given a chance.
I also think that, if society can provide a good quality of life for people, independently of who they are, then it should do so. As a person who spent his childhood and teenage years in relative poverty, I cannot stand to see it happen to others.
>admits all women get laid
>complains that they can't get laid with whoever they want
femcels are disgusting.
The same bitch will say women have it harder than men in a different post.
Don't take women seriously, don't help them, don't treat them nicely. They're not your equals. They're ridiculous overgrown children that throw temper tantrums routinely and scream when they're angry, happy, scared and pretty much every emotion you can think of.
As someone who deals with the upper strata of society I can safely say every comic like this is written by a bitter upper middle class white person who mistakenly thinks they know how rich people live and class mobility works.
ughhhh back to this
I actually match the description on the left down to the letter. Feels good I guess.
how do women do it? how do they verbally turn my cards against me ughhhhh
As someone from the lower strata of society, I would like to know more about this.
It pisses me off how everyone assumes you to be some fedora-wearing shit-smearing 400lb neckbeard whenever you say something they don't like.
>roasty still can't respond
its because i emphasized with women in my first response isnt it? even though it wasnt my intention, thats what ended up happening. now some femthot is roasting me for being a roast thott
how do women point out you accidentally admit women are entitled and are worse than incels? idk why would i, a woman, do that to you, a man.
she's restricted in who she wants. and can not be happy. hence she has to post this shit. saltyness.
everyone is entitled. the difference is who and what the genders can pull in the dating game.
How are some people capable of such sadistic behaviour? How does she get satisfaction from being mean towards men?
>roasty trying to save face
you have 100% said incels are not entitled to sex before.
This is true for modern western women.
not only do you get to roast guys with the op, now you get to roast even more guys by calling me a roasty. i didnt expect this desu.
I like to think this is the same person arguing with himself. Both are equally incoherent in their speech and arguments.
>This faggot/roastie thinks this will last long.
This already happened in the Roman Empire. We already know how it ended.
she is not a true sadist. this is defensive behavior. out of despair. still don't feel one bit sympathetic, she chose the easy road
you can't even contain your roastiness, you're probably the worst girl pretending to be a guy of all time.
>Why would any male even deny this lol?
It's not true, there are a lot of girls I could have fucked and chose no to because they're ugly
Posting this go old beauty.
Kills me on inside everytime i see this, since im 5'2ft tall.
totally real in an original sense
how am i getting roasted for being a roasty i literally cant comprehend how this is happening.
this roasty is using diversion tactics as roasts are want to do, being manipulative self serving monsters.
>Women fuck who they want
Except this only applies to the top 20% of women.
Im an ugly woman myself, and I can barely can even get an ugly guy to approach me.
Why aren't people just good to each other, user?