Incelhood is a fucking meme. Unless you have some horrific looking deformity, you can easily get laid if you just drop your standards.
Incelhood is a fucking meme. Unless you have some horrific looking deformity...
This dropping your standards shit is getting old. I still get rejected by 1/10 girls. Can you believe a blind girl rejected me, because her family said she "could do better".
Fuck off Normalfag, you'll never know the pain.
i CANNOT fuck fat ugly
my peepee just doesn't fucking work, i CAN'T
and besides it's not the lack of sex that's killing me, it's the lack of someone to make my life less lonely
What does a 1/10 look like to you? Post a pic and we'll see.
>my peepee just doesn't fucking work
Ever heard of viagra?
i'd still regret it after doing it
i don't need more self loathing in my life
It's over for me, When women like pic related avoid me.
>drop your standards
Stop encouraging this pathetic mentality. If you want good things in life, you have to git gud.
Then your celibacy is voluntary. It's okay to not want to fuck unattractive girls, just stop simultaneously calling yourselves incel.
This is false. Eighty percent of women go to the to twenty percent. Thus eighty percent of men are fighting over twenty percent of women, except within that eighty percent, the rule applies again. So eighty percent of the remaining twenty percent of women go to the top twenty percent of the bottom eighty percent of men. So on and so forth until the bottom half of the original set of men have very very bad odds.
What was the point of this thread, bring me more pain??
I've literally never seen a ligitimate source supporting the 80-20 rhetoric.
>bring me more pain
How is admitting to yourself that you have standards bringing you pain?
those standards can't be lowered
even if you trick yourself into thinking you like a fat ugly slob by downing viagra and alcohol you'd still regret it and hate yourself afterwards
It's easy to slip through the cracks when you're a man because the truth is that women don't like the vast majority of us in a romantic or sexual sense. Doesn't matter how ugly the girl is, she still has high standards so men like me are totally screwed.
I have no standards. You come here to boost your petty normie self-esteem.
>just stop simultaneously calling yourselves incel
I don't, incel is a shitty term.
>I have no standards
You would've gotten laid if this were true.
>hahaha how is virginity real hahaha just lower your standards bro
Left doesn't need to lower their standards, right does.
>Muh standards
Every fucking human has some sort of standards and there is no way getting around that so now fuck off you normal fag i think you have stroked your normal fag ego enough already
I just have intense intimacy issues. Like one time a girl asked me out and I was having a nervous break down for a whole week. I had to cancel the date.
i had a study date with a girl from uni and i didn't sleep the entire night before out of anxiety
Still a fucking virgin because women won't drop their standards.
>incelhood is a meme
>except in this case when it's not
Dumb normalfag. Do you think people with horrific deformities don't use the internet? Not everyone is average you cunt.
>except in this case when it's not
Fuck of with this bs. If you have standards, you are a volcel. Simple as that.
>Every fucking human has some sort of standards
Exactly the point, retard. NOBODY's incel unless literally no human out of the 7 billion in the world would fuck them.
>Just drop your standards bro lol
I have no standards you retarded faggot
Stop spouting the 80/20 meme, you delusional retard.
Most couples are with their looksmatch. Yes, you get the occasional looks-disparity couple but let remind you, they are in the minority; they are not representative of what the average couple is like.
This is the reality.
Exactly and I wouldn't bother for the both of us. Just cough up the money to have sex with a woman you actually find attractive.
I'm not asking you to lower your standards, I'm asking you to stop calling yourself an incel because there obviously exist people who you can fuck, but rather not.
I have a horrific mental deformity.
dude I see look disparity in the pic, and its mostly guys that look better than their girlfriends
not where I live (Eastern Europe) also being ethnic in Eastern Europe is like playing dating simulator on hard mode.
no matter how low i drop my standards i will always have to work to get laid, getting sex will never be "easy" for me. to get even the ugliest girl i will have to impress her just as much as the pretty girl being impressed. the difference is pretty girls won't give me the chance to impress them. fuck this rigged game.
its half and half, anyway they are not too far from each other in looks.
Its Not like you see a legiatmely 2/10 ugly girl with a 9/10 Chad, those rarely ever exist
a hot girl came over to me and after a while pushed her ass on my dick at this club 2 weeks ago, but I just walked away
you live in a racial homegenity country where people all around you dont look like you at all, of course youre going to have a harder time moron.
Move over to muttland
what if he doesn't want to get shot?
This thread is fucking bait, but I will bite anyway. In the world of modern dating with online apps like Tinder women do not have to be with their looksmatch. They can date/fuck several tiers above their level. If an average looking guy is a social pariah with either high levels of anxiety or some Asperger condition has the standards of his looksmatch (which is reasonable) he is likely to be left out not because of his standard but because of how the dating scene works. Also anxiety, beta/shyness, and autism are more severely detrimental to men because they have to carry the social side of a relationship.
But I can't get an erection unless I find my partner attractive
Nope it isn't. Incel = involuntary celibate. IF you rather remian celibate than to fuck certain people, you are, by definition, celibate voluntarily. It's okay to have standards, even unrealistic ones, but have some self awareness for fucks sake.
But nobody you retard, because PEOPLE HAVE STANDARDS
Get it in your thick skull you ape.
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Plenty of men "lower standards". This isn't an original concept so some loser can easily bang a 3/10 girl because she has no choice. In the world of tindr, this is obsolete. There are tons of guys who are willing to go easymodo and a girl is able to pick from among them. What are the chances you'll be the one? Remember, people are not equal. Even in a group of losers, there is a top dog. And any girl of the group is going to fuck him.
Are you saying there doesn't exist a single woman in your vicinity that'd willing to fuck you?
Obvivously. I fucke a lot fo ugly girls and I'm not proud of it, but pleasure is pleasure anyway...
I'm saying there is a greater demand for women than men, which can result in no women in vicinity being willing to fuck you because they have better options.
Have you ever tried to verify this by approaching a 1/10 woman?
What would that prove? I'm not a 1/10. Ask a 1/10 guy to do that and see how he fairs.
>What would that prove?
That you're volutarily celibate.
I never said I'm any of that sense. I'm telling you the truth that ugly/fat chicks will have tons of guys willing to fuck them because they all follow that logic. The women aren't desperate for a fuck, so the chances they'll choose a low status beta virgin like you is slim to none.