Fembots, would you date an ugly/fat guy?
Fembots, would you date an ugly/fat guy?
Would you shut up and improve yourself, instead of searching for gratification on a board with 1% women and 99% LARPers, also don't call yourself ugly lol
Not OP but no, I'm sick of the mentality that guys have to improve themselves and be skinny/fit/muscular and women can be obese landwhales and still get validation and attention and love, it's bullshit.
Yes. I'm probably way uglier than you are, we can be hideous together. Except you'll be the good looking one when we stand next to each other. I'm so ugly after meeting my much prettier sister, one of my high school teachers looked at me and said "What happened?". I'm so ugly, people stare at me on public transportation.
Would I date an ugly boy? I would date a retarded guy if he was sweet enough.
Are you making this post expecting that somebody would lower themselves just to say something nice to you? Are you hoping that this random post on Jow Forums is the light in the darkness you need to find your worth as a person?
No, i wouldn't. Why would i? You describe yourself as fat and ugly. You sound like a real winner. I have had so many great options in my life, why would i settle on some gross loser who can't even get himself to look good?
>If you ARE fat and ugly
You're a gross, creepy piece of shit and there is no reason why i should waste my time on you
>If you ARENT fat and ugly
being willing to describe yourself as fat and ugly when and if you aren't is so annoying and sad. Why would someone like you when you don't even like yourself?
If that said ugly guy will date an ugly girl like me. Hopefully hes not fat though, because im a stick myself
PLEASE BE MY GF ms femanon
You're full of shit, or larping. I weigh 340lbs and there's no way even the ugliest woman in the world would date me. Quit trying to spread false hope around here.
Imagine not even giving a shit about your own physical health and whining when women don't want to care about you?
d-do you have discord? we have so much to talk about..
Keep seething, it's not getting you anywhere
what's your weight/height/bra size?
and what's your discord?
I'm only whining about the hypocrisy.
He is only with her for the disability bux and tv money.
even if true why don't girls do that even for fat guys
I wouldnt reject based off of these qualities alone. I would be glad to talk and get to know you, but hopefully you dont use these as scapegoats so you dont have to improve in other areas of life
I wouldn't date you because you're a jerk, not because of your weight.
Would some fembot date me? ;-; pic related
Uh, ever heard of betabux?
In what way are you ugly? I think if you love someone enough you will begin to desire them physically as well. Beauty does not necessarily have to be conventional. I feel like being fat is kind of bad. Its okay to be chubby, but obviously if you are a 500 lb ham beast its going to affect other aspects of your life that are not related to physical appearance, but that is fixable. However, if you just look like you got beaten with the ugly stick its probably not as bad as you think. Not OP obviously. OP is a fat ass and needs to go on a diet because he is not going to survive past his 30th birthday otherwise.
Because girls arent as desperate and thirsty as men are. If even the slightest percentage of the female population were like men in this respect, then we would see things even out
I hope this is fucking bait oh my god actually kys
they are though. for the top 20%
I would, but im below your looksmatch.
You aren't even real, so whether you'd date me or not is irrelevant. That's a great excuse though, because if I looked like Chad my attitude wouldn't narrow into it at all and I could be the biggest cunt in the world and still get pussy, because that's how dim witted women are.
h-how would you rate yourself?
Theyll match with the top 20%, but they arent going to spam clit pics until the cows come home like men will do with dick pics
Same applies to Stacy.
Stacy could be a slutty, cheating whore of a bitch but she will still get a horde of men lining up to fuck her and be her betabux.
I think its safe to say that attractive people in both genders can get away with anything because humans are biologically wired to value looks over anything else.
You go girl! Put that stinky neckbeard in his place
lmao fuck off fatso, even if a woman did want to date your ugly ass you would just push her away. conversely if a girl was honest and did say she wouldnt date a tub of lard you would throw a shitfit all the same
The guy I have feelings for is obese but he's really sweet and cool. I hope he asks me out one of these days but he's a little shy.
ugly yes, some of my exes have been considered pretty ugly, but fat no. I like that skinny lanky nerd bod.
I unironically prefer fat guys over skinny guys.
Im skinny and a nerd. Would you ever date a manlet?
Im 5 foot 9 ;_;
what do you look like? height/weight/bra size?
apparently my hot gf dated a fat ugly guy before me, and she was super embarrassed about it when we were talking about our exes
she was in a dark druggy time in her life, and regrets it immensely. all her friends were asking why she was seeing him
I guess so, in the end you fall for the personality, but if i'm honest I prefer guys that are unreasonably tall because it makes my lil midget self feel all secure and cosy and shit.
i'd defo date an unconventionally looking dude (i don't like using ugly because i was bullied to shit) but fat is where i draw the line
>you fall for the personality
>but I prefer unreasonably tall guys
>not a sentence inbetween
You know what? Fuck you, bitch
decent LARP but at least draw it out longer
>Seething incels don't know what "prefer" means
apparently not, yikes
What does that even mean? Say you date a short guy and fall for his personality. You date for awhile and an unreasonably tall guy comes along and asks you out. Youre telling me youd stay with the short guy even though you prefer tall men?
I know that youre LARPing but just quit while youre ahead
"prefer" is a nice way of saying "I'm bigoted"
Call me an incel all you want, I'm not even a virgin but I realize that socially constructed prejudices seep into sexual preferences, and the whole thing perpetuates bigotry throughout society.
He could be one or the other. I'm ugly but I'm not fat, I even like big guys to a point but I'm not sure I'd want them to also be ugly
yes I'd stay with the short guy if I was dating him what kind of question even is that lmao. Idc if a fucking model offers me his undying servitude i'm staying with my guy because that's how feelings work?
fembots!!!! fembooots! aaaawooo 911
Ugly no fat yes.
How come the same isnt said for black women?
I do say that for black women.
A man who says "I'm not racist I just don't like black women" is racist.
I am not like most people on Jow Forums.
One post you say you prefer unreasonably tall men, the next post you say you prefer committed relationships with men who have meaningful personalities. Which one is it fembot? Your biology or what society tells you is meaningful?
youre terrible at this. Leave the LARPing to the experienced fembots. Youre too new
but, her biology is the thing that makes her want to be committed, and society is the thing that tells her height is meaningful.
Really? This is a troll job at this point
>feel all secure and cosy and shit
Thats her biology making her feel safe around tall men. Society tells her that personality should trump height but it never does
keep giving me yous until the betas show up bump bump bump
Depends on how ugly. I need to be sexually attracted to them to date, since sex would be necessary at some point for pair bonding.
However, sexual attraction is pretty much a yes or no for me, so as long as he's a "yes", it doesn't matter how ugly he is; the only benefit of a more attractive guy would be increased social standing and idc about that.
I'm not sexually attracted to fat people though.
>Really? This is a troll job at this point
but it's not trolling. I'm not gonna get into this argument again today but height preference isn't innate in people.
do either of you have any contact info?
I don't think you can control racial preferences though. Even if it's due to racist conditioning, you can't choose to be attracted or not attracted to someone.
I find all races attractive, but I wouldn't date a non-white guy because I wouldn't want to deal with having mix-raced children. I'm curious if you think that's also racist.
you're really overestimating how important I think height is. I said I prefer tall guys, not that I wouldn't date a shorter guy if I fell for one. I don't date people I don't know personally as friends first, which is why the whole height thing often doesn't factor in as much as if I dated some rando I just met based on appearance alone.
Race preferences, height preferences, even things like hair preferences (although this isn't usually a dealbreaker) aren't innate, they are all caused by social conditioning. And there are ways to train yourself out of it. I don't mean to say "train yourself to find one specific person attractive" but rather, "train yourself to not be generally UNattracted to someone with x characteristic".
>I'm curious if you think that's also racist.
Yes that's racist, as well as it perpetuates lookism and colorism.
>isnt innate in people
>but it sure is innate in me
(You). Now leave this thread. The other fembot is better
>I dont date people I dont know personally as friends first
Ah, so that explains things. You have a lot of short friends so youre familiar with their personalities. You probably dont know too many tall guys, considering the fact that youre a midget.
You sound like dick bro, and you're confused about which user I am.
Oh no! Someone finds me unpleasant on the internet.
Also dont call me bro. Whether youre a guy or a girl, Im not related to you nor do I want to be part of your brotherhood
>Yes that's racist, as well as it perpetuates lookism and colorism.
I guess I'm a bit racist then. I just wouldn't want to have a kid that has to deal with white kids teasing them, worrying about getting shot by the cops, etc.
Do you have any tips on being de-conditioned?
You have the autisms.
Yeah, and youre a man pretending to be a woman.
Very poorly I might add
>I guess I'm a bit racist then. I just wouldn't want to have a kid that has to deal with white kids teasing them, worrying about getting shot by the cops, etc.
But dont you realize that the problem stems from this in the first place? White people teasing black people is racist, and then this is perpetuated in sexual preferences. The problem ends by not mocking people for their race, or any other immutable genetic characteristic, in the first place.
>Do you have any tips on being de-conditioned?
but you said you are attracted to every race, so you don't have this problem. What do you need to be de conditioned on?
Let me answer. No they would not, not even in a million years.
>But dont you realize that the problem stems from this in the first place?
Yeah I guess I'm just selfish. I wouldn't want my kids to face hate for who they are.
That makes a lot of sense, thanks for explaining!
I'm a bit ugly, I think it's important to realize where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are. As long as you can make peace with it and be happy.
It's never stopped me from getting what I wanted
You're welcome but why did you have me explain if you were just gonna say "i'm selfish lol" in the end?
We all have the power, we gotta use it ya know. May I ask what your "preferences" are in a partner?
Sorry if that came across badly, I was just expressing that I know I'm being "bad" by having a preference.
I guess my preferences would be a white guy with good genes (no genetic mental illness or other disorders). Nothing that would have a negative impact on our hypothetical kids. Everything else I don't really care about.
Can bears impregnate ants? same answer.
this doesn't seem to be a preference. It's just "white guy". idk you seem fine, but what's the difference between a normal white dude and a black one or asian one, outside of a racist society?
Obviously there is none. In the end would you really deny a guy if you liked him just because he wasn't white?
we're okay with it, we're man, we're strong
This post is toxic masculinity and perpetuates patriarchy
apparently I dated an 'ugly' guy, I still think he was pretty cute
I'm not into fat men though, I love skellys. My mum who has always been beautiful is into chubby guys though so dont lose hope
And that's a good thing
No it's fucking over, just cope nigger.
Nice larping there but you missed the mark.
the girl I like always tells me I'm sweet, is that a good thing? I always thought that sweet was like code for friendzone or beta or whatever.
describe him a bit better pls
give me some hope.
Women don't know what the fuck they mean when they say this shit. It's safe to assume you've been locked in the friendzone unless she explicitly says she's into you.
No. No fucking woman in her right mind would ever fucking date me. It is a physical impossibility. Every single girl I have found that is interested in guys of my caliber, are across the fucking world. ACROSS THE GODDAMN FUCKING PLANET. Every girl that lives within any realistic fucking distance of me ghosts me within less then a fucking week. It's like God is telling me my soul mate is out there just that I will never fucking meet them, this world sucks.
Fuck off, you're full of shit.
I liked the catgirl fingering scene
Absolutely. Every human is a hideous monkeybeast until I get to know them. After I find their personality attractive then I find parts of their body attractive. I only ask that he has an interest or hobby he's passionate about. It could be anything (especially if I have no prior experience with it). But seriously every human is grotesque so don't go around feeling like you're uniquely unattractive.
I guess the moral of my story is "Please don't disregard people who have survived sexual abuse as a partner." Particularly in child/teen years. My POV was pretty ubiquitous in group therapy. I'm not talking about the Tumblrina that brings it up early for the attention (when she really means a man kissed her while she was drunk once).
>"don't go around feeling like you're uniquely unnatractive"
So what?
Doesn't change the fact that i'm undesirable because i'm not standing at 15%bf or lower.
Out reddit.
Yes. I've met some really cool fat guys. As long as they aren't insecure or whiney about their fatness then I don't care. I would only care from a health aspect because I don't want him to die at 40 but sexually it wouldn't matter to me at all. Ugly guys can be fine with the right personality but the problem with being ugly is its hard to be ugly and not be insecure about it. I'm sure there's some really ugly guys who just embrace it and their personality carries them through life but I would bet most ugly guys are very insecure and upset about being ugly and are probably depressed and unenjoyable to be around. That's really the main point though, if you're fat or ugly but you're funny and fun and cool and we click together, then I'm not going to avoid dating you. A bad personality ruins any guy.
Newfag here. If you're desperate, you could always get an uwu discord girlfriend m8
>but if i'm honest I prefer guys that are unreasonably tall because it makes my lil midget self feel all secure and cosy and shit.
Women don't date down you retard.