Tfw no white femanon gf

>tfw no white femanon gf

Attached: White.jpg (711x1024, 166K)

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women with swastikas and other nazi attributes always seem mentally ill.

Pretty much, either that or they have shit lives so they feel the need to join a cause or other degenerates to feel good about themselves

She looks 12, OP.

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"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Said by a US president. This is the Republican political strategy in a nutshell - at least, it was before the racism grew into a cancerous tumor (Trump) that's killing the party from the inside out.

By and large, the lowest white man is still above the average colored man. It's not a matter of tricking anyone, it's a fucking fact.

leftists seem smarter but still mentally ill.

you could say this about the average stormfag in the youtube comments on pol as well. but there is something uniquely messed up about right wing women. there is even something off about female alt right e celebs

>the absolute Niglet cope ITT
Hilarious lmao
Seethe soibois

Also OP if you want a girl like that, be worthy of one and you can find one fairly easily by hanging around the right groups. But you need to be Jow Forums , have a decent income and be fairly well read to be accepted by them
I'm talking actual far right groups, not Nazi LARPers with no morals because their girls tend to be punkish degenerates with tattoos and piercings and shit

t. Shitskin

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Depends on what you mean by leftist.
Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the Democratic Socialists are idiots, along with anyone who "hates capitalism" or thinks there are 67 genders.
Leftists like Warren, who is stupidly hyper-partisan but actually a centrist neoliberal, are most frequently correct.
I was in the Sanders camp until I started a BA course in economics, which I think is pretty good at teaching the mathematical, objective and empirical truth. Now I'm just ready to vote for anyone who favors evidence-based policy and social liberalism (the classical kind).

>social liberalism (the classical kind).
adding the word classical to it doens't make it any less stupid.

the quads of truth
I find Lauren Southern frustrating because she's clearly intelligent and good at calling the left out on its bullshit, but now she seems to be aligning herself with far-right types who spout nothing but bullshit. The far-right stuff makes liberal people discount everything she says when some of it is perfectly reasonable.

There's a difference between respecting the Enlightenment ideal of man's right to the pursuit of happiness and the current social liberals who believe in genderfluidity and want to make it illegal to be racist, transphobic, etc.
I'm in the former camp.

Then the problem isn't really with her, its those liberal types.

Salty incel. No wonder you're stuck here.

>posts character with brown fur

What did he mean by this?

Attached: tiHsgfiamkstink.gif (600x600, 1.99M)

>evidence-based policy
what if evidence based policy will have to be racist?

>she's clearly intelligent
she just spouts what others have already said. Her actual original thinking is bottom of the barrel shit, have you actually read her book?

I'll bite. What's a racist evidence-based policy you would like to see?

Her books was marketed towards right wing and centrist libertarian faggot incels that inhabit places like Jow Forums. You don't write a book like that without marketing it to a specific audience. It was like 95 pages long and printed in large schoolastic stype font. It wasn't meant to be academic. I doubt she even wrote it and I don't even that many people who bought it actually read it. They just cucked themselves more to their favourite e-thot.

>respecting the Enlightenment ideal of man's right to the pursuit of happiness
yeah except that shit was retarded as well.

Didn't she marry a chink?

>No qt trad gf

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Them aryan legs and feet OwO

>By and large, the lowest white man is still above the average colored man. It's not a matter of tricking anyone, it's a fucking fact.
You proved him right

>a man said a thing once
>therefore it is irrefutable truth and applies to every single situation ever

Attached: retard wojak.png (862x855, 80K)

>White pride
>Working on a slavshit AK

Can't afford aryan engineering?

How do I get a Jow Forums tier gf as a black bot?

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>black bot
That's not possible

>that's not possible

you have no idea

They our women now white boi

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We got changs girl to

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Black bots cmon azn girls are trash. At least try to get a latina if you can't have white

if i ever saw a woman unironically dabble with white nationalism and nazism even if she was attracted to my brown cock i'd pull a full 180 and fuck off out of there

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you that you think a slut using literal cartoon villains as her accessory is someone you'd want to look at when you wake up and still be happy

>Black bots cmon azn girls are trash. At least try to get a latina if you can't have white

I don't like latina and white women though.

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user desu i didn't know i had fecal matter for skin
only i don't and race is a fucking spook for the most part

off yourself

Le asians are perfect

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>tfw white femanon gf

she's a turbostacy who's gathering a different market of orbiters by reciting pol nonsense.

>Le asians are perfect
prove me wrong

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I love the way Asian men make these pictures about their women not realising that the average non Asian woman looks at them and sees a face just as repulsive as they've made Asian women out to be.

Asians are unironically perfect
but kek whenever anybody unironically says prove me wrong or change my mind as if they are genuinely open to the possibility of being wrong

>Asians are perfects after makeup, plastic surgery, Photoshop, etc etc
You are correct

Attached: asian_vs_white.jpg (1198x1837, 733K)

>cherry picking
why wasn't I surprised

>Asians are perfects after makeup, plastic surgery, Photoshop
This. It's funny how every girl that they post has plastic surgery or just a lot of makeup

Google southern strategy

very nice cherries, user.

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOauWqlMzNSuf5wqf6ppO5EDtoYwInDS8HEXzw_VXnxLOMaCRa.jpg (201x251, 7K)

they both have cuties
>above pic has one coloured person
>"IMAGINEMUHSHOCKS" would have you believe it's 100% negroes

There's a lot of ugly white girls there and he's just hoping the blonde hair will distract you guys from it
In case you didn't know

>Two groups of 50+ people that are either race
>"Cherry picking"
Stay mad, yellow fever beta
>Posts a single image of a plastic model covered with makeup and filters
Oh the irony
The white ones are primarily at least somewhat pretty, with many being very attractive. Only a select few of the Asian ones are even slightly cute.

>every attractive girl is plastic

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from your cherry picked results i got quite a few pretty asians
your white girls have pretty girls too but most of them are mediocre/ugly

i forgot the picture again for fucks sake original

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That tattoo now needs to be removed with a razor knife.

these are the white girls i considered attractive

i did it again roflmao
this time it's seven

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my man what country are those white girls from i gotta go there

>And then he posted a mixed girl

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my guess is sweden or norway

Kek those girls are hideous. I think you've got an attainablility complex user

The southern strategy is a myth that has been debunked numerous times
With numerous ways of debunking it

Not surprised brainlet lefties on Jow Forums dont know this

Kek i know right It's like shitskins can't see

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Wouldnt mind a racially aware white gf, but at the same time people who are usually heavily political are mentally ill and I am attracted to some darker skinned Caucasians

Lads, can you explain to me whats wrong with black women? Why do all races equally dislike them? Even the Irish won't touch a sheboon.

>don't even try to comprehend the content of the quote
>immediately dismiss it with retarded logic

Why don't you drop some wisdom on us, user?

the people in this video are pretty average in japan i'd say and the girls look cute as fuck


Black girls are disgusting
>last on the list for sure.

>Usually smell bad
They're the worst.

>attainability complex
don't know what it is, looked it up and got nothing
>those girls are hideous
homosexual spotted

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Are there any right wing women here? I assume there are but they would never date an r9ker right?

what is wrong with (american) black women:

>they are women, have the manerism of american women
>they have the high tendency to be violent that comes with being black
>lower i.q on average
>bad genetics on average
>treat their men like garbage
>demand to be treated like a queen
>less attractive than other races of women on average
>less likely to be good parents

Some are cute and okay though. Not racist, just stating the facts.

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>best kind of girl

Attached: Screenshot_20180908-014811_Google.jpg (1080x824, 443K)

You find ugly women attractive because you're a beta that thinks of himself as ugly, and therefore sees them as "attainable." You've also likely convinced yourself not to find objectively good-looking women attractive because you don't feel worthy of them.
Those girls are nasty. You've got a complex.

yeah you gotta love those thousands of psychology graduates psycho analysing your every move

i think they're the cutest from the group.
they're not 10/10s or even 8/10s but they're still pretty cute
above average atleast

>above average atleast
Nop not even close

You might want to define "right-wing" and give some policy examples.
Each person has their own different definition of what that is.

she's doing this purely for attention
if a Qadir came up to her she'd abandon all her race ideologies in a split second

so because we disagree on how attractive they are i have a mental illness?

>Above average
They're well below average. I also noticed you only picked a handful of average-looking white girls in It's funny how you fags don't seem to realize that even the girls you've got a complex for want Chad and only Chad.

>Why don't you drop some wisdom on us, user?

Non-whites are annoying and unpleasant to be around.
This isn't because of a political strategy to secure a voting base.

>want Chad and only Chad
incel tier logic
also i do agree there's some attractive whites i might've missed like the small girl first row second to last from right and the girl left of pippi longstocking aswell as the girl in between the two cup bearers and maybe just maybe the girl in grey

Prefers being a homemaker to a career woman, is against homosexuality and transgenderism being promoted in society, is against immigrants diluting the natural homogeneous make up of where she is from etc

>incel tier logic
This is what betamales actually believe

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>all women use tinder
>tinder is evidence women behave like this outside of tinder
tinder is for hookups
also keep using buzzwords, lmao

That isn't wisdom, it's just your racist opinion.

>Non-whites are annoying and unpleasant to be around
>forgets white on white discrimination
>potato niggers etc
WEW literal brainlets with that short memory

>those tattoos
fucking yuck, i don't care about her being white if she's trash

Yes, there was conflict between different groups of whites.
However, the differences between different groups of whites are less significant than the differences between whites and non-whites.

I would define that as alt-right and traditionalist. There are lots of women with those views out there, just not very many white American women.

This is because men are more likely to seek out hookups than women
Of course that leads to lots of competition for the few women

The trashy ones are easy to sort out. When they're good, they're god tier.

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Ok there is always good looking ones in every race. But that nose shitt I would prefer to date a jew tbfh

>tfw black gf (male)

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tfw boipussy colonizer master race

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what if she has the nose of a jewess.

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>what if she has the nose of a jewess.
meant for you

Gods gift to the world. bless the white girls

Nice bait, nigger. Reality is that niggers are the least desired men, except by white roasties.

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White women are trash. They always will be trash until the collapse of civilization.

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