Do you have a sister? Do you get along with her?
Incestfags stay out of this thread.
Do you have a sister? Do you get along with her?
Incestfags stay out of this thread.
Yeah we get along pretty well and have sex on occasion
I have seven sisters, I only get along with my twin.
Nah. No women in my household.
Nah she's a bitch most of the time expecting things from me and are parents. W hen I was younger I was treated like a slave when my parents weren't home and because she is bigger than me she beat me up alot before I got puberty and I could stand on my own two feet.From there on it was pretty tame tho
I have multiple sisters and yes I get along well with both of them. Why, are you having trouble with sisters? Or are you just baiting for incest thread?
They are a bit more destructive than what I would like but that's okay because I'm the type of person to distance myself so if anything hits the fan I will remain mostly unaffected by their life choices.
One I grew up with and the other I watched grow up.
i don't talk to my sisters anymore. they're disgusted by me since i'm a failure.
details, user.
OP clearly says "incestfags stay out" yet it was the very first reply. You guys suck.
>details, user.
I'm just trying to anger OP I don't actually have a sister
How much older are you? Why don't you like your sisters?
My younger sister is around eight years younger than me.
They both have really weird emotions, I don't know if that makes sense... Like girls aren't as laid back as guys. They also seem to really like drama and starting yelling matches that end with one running off or crying. I mostly don't like it because I don't understand why they do it, not that I am necessarily inconvenienced by it.
Plus they break or get gross shit on everything they borrow so I try not to lend them stuff.
Yes. Shes 7 years older than me. We shared a bunk bed until I was like 9 or 10. She babied me until she moved out at 18 or 19.
Sure. We don't really speak much to eachother.
That's cute. Are you still in contact?
We used to be really tight growing up, but not anymore. When I was young both of parents were going through some shit(thankfully they worked it out), so she was pretty much all I had. Then she pretty much cut off the family after college (im 20, shes 26, dropped out of college 4ish years ago), now all she does is stay at her bf's house posting on twitter/tumblr and playing WoW. I love her but talking to her is fucking frustrating, she has a myriad of physical and mental issues that she refuses get help for, and instead blames them on the people around her. I can also tell she holds alot of resentment towards me, but I'm not sure why. Anytime anything positive about me gets brought up she acts so bitter and blows it off, bringing the conversation back to her.
I miss the old days, she was my role model growing up, but something happened in her early 20s and now I think she just hates me. Shit sucks, but I'm pretty much over it. Made peace a couple years ago when she literally didn't talk to me for almost a year. Wish there was something I could do, but I really don't see anyway of fixing this. We're more like acquaintances then brother-sister these days.
I'm baby sitting her tonight
Make her something yummy to eat. What are your ages? Do you get along?
>and playing WoW
can I have your sister's discord
I'm 19 shes 10 years younger. Baking reeses cookies then she wants to go see a highschool football game then we'll watch a ghilbi movie and ill read her edgar allen poe before she goes to bed. She can be annoying as fuck if she wants to be. I'm trying to discourage her from watching so much of the elsa x spiderman shit on youtube.
Yes, and we do generally. She is staying over at my place right now until she sorts out her living situation. Kinda neat to have her around, she does the dishes when she's bored and that's every day.
Stop denying that young woman her god-tier ships
Does she cook for you too?
Kinda. She's 14 and does good at school. But she's ambitionless and spends too much time on vidya. I should really talk to her about life and stuff.
>I should really talk to her about life and stuff.
The sooner, the better. Do it now and report back.
This. Tell her you love her and wanna spend your life with her, and then she'll changed her attitude to be the best sister she can be.
Yes, my imouto is turning 15 soon, and she doesn't seem to be a whore. She's actually really fun to be around. I'm very lucky.
Yes and she is fucking annoying. Don't get along with her either ever since I've heard that she got mad and wanted to punch my mother's stomach when she was pregnant [(because my mother told her that it's going to be a boy) 3 boys 1 girl in my family]. Also, we argue a lot about stupid shit and when we get along for a short time, she always somehow fucks it up. Also, I stabbed her in her leg when I was 12 (she shut the electricty in my room off when I was playing videogames). I just have enough of her.
Incestfags out.
Try to spend time with her every week and make sure she grows up right.
Being mean to her won't fix her.
She did today. She's been here 3 days so far, so we'll see how this pans out.
>not wanting to spend your life with your sister
>being this bad of a brother
I'll put more specific effort into hanging out with her. What should I get her for her birthday? What go girls that age even like?
She could've made me a fucking degenerate by hitting on my mothers stomach
>inb4 she didn't need to hit it for you to become a retard
Why forgive?
Get her an iphone. Bitches love iphones.
I don't know... It depends on the girl. Don't get her makeup or an iphone.
I didn't say forgive her but being mean or violent won't solve anything.
my sister is incredibly annoying
Youngest child of 3, 4 if you include the miscarriage (RIP baby O).
My middle sister M and I get along really well. I consider her my best friend. She and I grew up together so we're really tight. Very proud of her.
My oldest sister K is a fat fucking cunt, and lazy excuse for a vegetarian. Her husband is also a total bitch boi. Fuck you, K.
M sounds really nice. Rip baby O.
>Don't get her makeup
She probably already has make up
t. someone with a 12 year old sister who uses make up and dyes her hair
M has a very successful career and continues to impress my family every single day. Very thankful to have her in my life.
Thanks, user. Wish I could've had a third sibling, brother or sister.
Be a good brother/sister and make her stop that shit
I could tell her I love how she looks without make up and with her natural hair color I do, but I doubt she cares about my opinion.
No, I was thinking about my life and I realized my sisters are my weak spot. They probably dont love me as much as I love them, but it doesnt matter. I realized they might be the only thing im not willing to sacrifice in this life. Its kind of a weakness but at the same time the fact that I can care for someone like that feels nice. So I wanted to read other experiences.
>They probably dont love me as much as I love them
I know this feel
I'd say definitely, personally.
That's the same reason I clicked your thread OP
Tell her anyway. After hearing it enough, it'll sink in.
>Incestfags stay out of this thread.
nice try faggot
>You guys suck.
I do! I suck my sister's tits like her milk is the nectar of the gods.
It would sink in if she cared. I guess I gotta make her care first.
Damn now I feel bad for not really giving a shit about mine
Depending on your ages, it might be or not be too late to start.
I tried so hard to make her a good person.
She is starting high school soon and her personality is fixed at this point. It tears me up the way she talks about her friends and everyone behind their backs.
I don't blame her, i blame my deadbeat parents.
She's just a normie stacy now. I think we've both blotted each other out of the others minds at this point
It's not too late to reconnect...
>Do you have a sister?
Yep. She's 7 years older than me.
>Do you get along with her?
We were pretty close until she started doing heroin when she was 17, after that we kind of drifted apart. Whenever she comes over to my place I have to keep an eye on her because she's stolen a few things from me. I wish her and I were as close as we used to be, but I don't think that'll ever happen.
Y-you stopped her from doing drugs, r-right?
One younger sister. I can get along with her fine but she's a massive bitch. Very two-faced. Her voice literally drops several decibels when talking to people outside our immediate family. She's very bad at math and I get stuck tutoring her.
How would a 10 year old stop an older sibling from doing drugs? Addicts must save themselves.
I've been trying to get her to stop for about 2 and a half years. Our mother used to use but she's been sober for a year. Whenever I try and talk to her about this shit I feel like my words are going in one ear and out the other.
Good luck tutoring her. Teach her to be a good person, too.
Yeah, I get along well with my sisters, both younger than me, the oldest is making her into r9k without help and the little one it's just a spoiled brat. I love them as far as is socially acceptable but they drive me nuts, just like a family should. Btw I'm male
She's been court-ordered a couple times but once she's out she just starts using again. She's a really depressed person who's lost a lot of people to drugs. I feel like if I don't try to do something I'll be burying her in the next couple years.
Yes | Yes
Thanks and bye
Yeah I have one and want to have sex with her but I'm too much of a pussy to do anything and I don't want to potentially destroy our relationship.
How many times have you cummed in her tight pussy?
>the oldest is making her into r9k
Stop her
>She's a really depressed person who's lost a lot of people to drugs.
Makes you think
Thanks, see you
Kill yourselves
Everyone's going to shit on me for this, but fuck it: your sister needs Christ in her life
>Kill yourselves
There's nothing wrong with incest, my sister is of age
got 2, both younger
I haven't spoken to on in over a year,
and the other I see from time to time.
love both of them even if they are bitches 99%, and up there on the degeneracy scale.
I have three sisters. One is older than me by two years. Despite her having a job, living with her boyfriend, etc, I have trouble seeing her as older than me, maybe because emotionally she is very inmature. She used to make my life living hell when I was a kid but still we were always together and after knocking the shit out of her a few times I forgave her. I love her more than she loves me though, im sure.
The other two are actually half sisters. They are 9 and 7 years old. The nine yo one adores me, loves to read everything I write, etc. She will eventually realize im not that great. She is pretty charismati.
The seven year old one has zero charisma, but it reminds me a lot of myself because of how brave and selfish she is. She seems strong, though growing up can change everything about a person.
I have two, both older. The oldest everyone calls my sister-mom, the younger one i used to physically fight everyday, now we get drunk together and go to parties. We still wrestle for fun. Needless to say, I love them more than my parents atm
>Incestfags stay out of this thread.
Treat your little sisters well and help them grow up right.
>Treat your little sisters well and help them grow up right.
Sure, but I cant control everything about their lives. I try to give them some guidance about how to be strong and free, which are the things I value the most, but precisely because of that, I believe they might come to a different answer and attitude towards life. Whats important is that they can move forward on their own.
My dad and his wife are pretty cool though, so even if I wasnt there there wouldnt be any issue.
Just sex? Nothing else?
Well ideally a relationship together. I don't think that will ever work out though. I've been fantasizing about having sex with her for years.
See, even if it's explicitly stated that you're not welcome, you come in and shitpost anyway.
So what, you're waiting for her to confess to you or something? You got a large age difference? Good relationship?
It was bound to happen, incestfags dont know how to make their own threads to fantasize.
but incest isthe purest form of love, user
Tanjirou is not for this degeneracy
What is tanjirou
the male character in this image
I have one sister.
she's a heroin addict cunt who ruined my life temporarily by playing the victim card on my sympathy and asking me to move in with her so she could keep her kid.
Not even a year in and she goes back to the shit and ends up fucking it all up, forced between raising her kid and looking after myself I just walked the fuck away and never looked back.
I have two and they are 20+ years older than me. We never grew up together and we keep to ourselves, except for big holidays.
My family is splintered, though, because a lot of them are extremely mad all the time (think of Irish stereotypes). The rest of us are left to our own wits. My other siblings and I were always the ones in the crossfire and still bear scars from it.
No regrets, though. I have a saying:
>the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb
>That's cute. Are you still in contact?
Yeah we live in the same city. I see her often.