Mac miller is dead thoughts..
Mac miller is dead thoughts
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I literally didn't know who he was until I heard he was dead.
A symptom of a world where everyone has their 15 minutes and we're overloaded with information on a daily basis? Or am I just old?
19 yo here
No clue who the guy is, i see ariana grande in the posted pic so he is her bf and possibly some singer or something idk
Bit of both user
ex, she dumped a few months ago
probably what pushed him over the edge
lowkey kinda bummed about it. just found out after waking up from a nap on a really good day.
peep, x, and now easy mac.
>No clue who the guy is
>I literally didn't know who he was
All these underage kids on my board...
im 31 and have no clue who he is
So close to the 27 club.
I liked maybe three of his songs, old school vibe was tight but the rest didn't really gel with me
another nobody drug addict shit head rapper. no one of importance. lil peep, xxxtacion, mac miller... keep it up, God! kill these fucking dumb fags off
Literally hoo, from what I heard hes some shitty wigger rapper
I'm 22 and I just heard of him. He was what, 26? His wiki says he was only active for 10 years. In genres I don't listen to. So yeah... Kind of obscure to me.
Thank fuck he's not. Stupid fucker doesn't deserve to be up there with Kurt, Jim and Jimi
>In genres I don't listen to.
>not listening soley to hippity hop in the current decade
What a loser. You must be a k-pop fan or something
hip hop is for 13 year old fat kids
He's a bit of a faggot so who cares?
>losing Ari to this mutt
Would be enough to make anyone want to die desu
I don't understand how this happened. He's BPD too. What's his racial make-up btw?
And he's just a dope, too. She won't stay with him long either.
They're probably fighting about this, right now.
Why are roasties so heartless?
>racial make-up
man, just imagine what mac miller felt when she was on national television talking about this nigger's dick size, saying it was huge and shit. no wonder the lad offed himself
He was a cute
Hip hop is for niggers and wiggers, I prefer staying in my race's genre
I blasted his songs a few times while working out.
It's just a shame that artists like him die of drug overdose so often.
It's not like she had good taste to begin with.
She went black before Mac
>she went black
>ignoring the fact her ancestry goes back to south italians who are basically niggers
Cant go black when you are already black
good. he was a degenerate.
People tend to not know these kinds of people because their music tastes are above greasy, mediocre rappers who attract basic bitch white males.
I know about as much as this guy as I do about the female nigger that died a few weeks ago.
literally who
stfu tard, she's not white but she's definitely not black
Dont care. Rap music for the most part is degenerate low brow culture. He shouldnt have done drugs in the first place.
He had fame, money and unlimited sex from succubi. And yet the stupid faggot had to bring it all to an end with his fucking drugs!
>A symptom of a world where everyone has their 15 minutes and we're overloaded with information on a daily basis?
It's this. There's way too many meme rappers, artists, celebrities, e-celebs, and others out there now. I've stumbled upon a bunch of YouTubers with millions of subs who I literally never heard of. Everyone and their grandma is known to at least some group or demographic now.
T. Nigger italian
Take a wild fucking guess originally