How does one stop lusting after women? How do I achieve inner peace and be done with my primal urges naturally?
How does one stop lusting after women? How do I achieve inner peace and be done with my primal urges naturally?
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don't, your instinct is your purpose in life. without it yo're a mindless puppet
>getting caught
Creeps pls, this is much easier than you all make it seem.
The only way you can achieve inner peace is by integrating your inner horny, not destroying it
Not by necessity?
Stoicism might help. Perhaps try exploring your other interests - I try to focus more of my time into art and philosophy instead of chasing after women. Of course, chasing after women isn't necessarily a bad thing - why are you interested in stopping? I'm curious.
Some frameworks like buddhism advocate for limiting our desires all together in the pursuit of peace, perhaps consider researching that.
>primal urges naturally?
>primal urges
fucking brainwashed first worlders
Women like her are lucky we have laws...
The things I would to those two blobs of jiggly flesh.
it's another white retard talking about buddhism. Whoop Dee Doo
it's disgusting how you waste your million year old supercomputer brains on actually becoming less effective as an animal. i am offended that you breathe my air. i want less of you around me and more smart people.
Become MGTOW and start looking into evolutionary psychobiology
Our mind is feeble
pls gib full length video
A buddhist fuck, and now MGTOW pseudoscience? Same thread? I'm sorry, is this Jow Forums or /gaycircus/?
What's wrong with buddhism? Sure, perhaps one should be skeptical about some of the metaphysical claims it might make, but do you find something wrong with the idea of limiting our desires to decrease suffering?
Or am I getting meme'd
This. Just be a woman hater. Know who they actually are, not who they appear to be.
Stop jerking off
Start focusing on other things and look at women as distractions and nothing good
Actively remind yourself no one else matters in this life, they are all walking corpses
Tell yourself all women are here to cheat on you and nothing more. The one you may want has had better dick cum in and on their pussy lots of times
Also that women will do so much with certain guys and not do that stuff for you because they are -over it-
Do this and more and soon enough you will be insufferable, anti social, nihilist who can get away with all kinds of shit because you do not give a fuck anymore.
Destroy your life OP, do it.
But honestly
>stop jerking it
>stop saving photos of women
>stop coming here
>take a break from the internet for a few months
Use new confidence to meet women and befriend them which will
>make you look at them as interesting people
>see them as people with feelings
>start to realize obejctifying them was bad and they did not deserve that without their consent
The second half about befriending is your choice. I do not recommend it but your life. If you do it do not forget to still be a man.
it's absurd. there's code in our brains. un-deletable code. that gives us satisfaction over basic actions. proven with a gigantic database of records of human behavior, and can be witnessed every day.
yet buddhists claim that humans get satisfied by the exact opposite. it ticks me off above and beyond. i can understand the idea of inner peace, but in no way, ever, can you claim to re-configure your massively complex body. with literal memes.
Masturbate excessively. I'm serious. You won't feel the need of a girlfriend or anything related. Don't do this shit tho . That's cuck ass retarded advice.
Evolutionary Psychobiology isn't psuedoscience.
Ha, GAYY! oregano!))))
Someone post the full video for fuck's sake.
Ignore him. I dunno if that guy is him, but Jow Forums has one particular anti-buddhist who enters every thread on meditation (and threads on psychedelics) to tip his fedora in the most fashionable shitposting imaginable.
Meditation, practiced as a skill, gives you power over your actions, allowing you to break bad habits.
Meditation, practiced as a lifestyle, will gradually change your desires, or at least how you experience those desires. I've found that after meditating consistently, some bad habits just left my life automatically without effort or a conscious decision.
Take SSRIs. Absolutely killed my libido, went from jerking off three times a day to once a week.
"yet buddhists claim that humans get satisfied by the exact opposite"
Apologies, I'm having trouble with what you mean here - could you elaborate?
Also, I agree - evolution endows us with a brain (code) that constantly craves "satisfaction over basic actions"; yes, this is completely demonstratable.
But perhaps I'm having trouble understanding with what is wrong with buddhism's advocation of limiting these desires. Do you find something wrong with attempting to limit desire?
well just look at the fucking name genius, "Evolutionary Psycho (!) Biology (!)". It claims to integrate methods from 2 sciences, and at the very least 3 different sectors of said sciences. All that without an actual experimental base. Or its own methods. Or correctly described theories.
It doesn't even claim to have theories. It pretends to be singular truth. I can't take shit like that seriously.
That girl will age like milk. So will all other white girls. Instead lust after Asians like me.
I can sympathize with a distaste towards some of aspects of buddhist framework, but surely the more secular parts (such as meditation) only serve as a helpful tool to decrease suffering.
That's good to hear that meditation has helped you! Congrats. How often do you meditate?
> ywn bury your dick between her perfect shaped and well endowed gluteous maximus
why even life
yeah. limiting desire is working in the opposite direction. what has actual use is the limit on the implementation of said desires - widely increasing sociability and intelligence. repressing the desires themselves, however, has a deprecating effect on motivation and thus, overall personal qualities and capabilities. not only that! people with low motivation and mental capabilities are easier to influence, and may end up also decreasing the general quality of life!
I learned Ascension meditation four years ago. In the beginning it was just okay. It felt nice when I did it, which was irregular. Once I started meditating consistently (a little every day), I quickly recognized that the content I had filled my life with in an attempt to make me happy, wasn't making me happy. So I quit my job, broke up with my gf and traveled to the ishaya monks on top of Mont Ral, Spain. I studied with them for six months last year and returned a transformed man. I experience pure consciousness more or less consistently throughout the day. I try to keep up at least an hour of meditation a day; any less and my experience of perpetual contentment becomes unstable.
>experience teenage love at the correct time
>drop relationship with your teenage love
>realize sex is not worth the female that it comes with
>happily live out your days without a gf
>get a gf/wife only when you are ready to make children
if you don't want children don't fuck with them. It will drain your soul and bank account
Just locate her, track her down, use w/e resources you have to get there and pound those cheeks for all she's worth user.
If you REALLY want it, then there's honestly nothing stopping you from trying to attain it.
Interesting - I am gathering that you believe that increasing desire is the aim then? Always helpful to hear other opinions.
Personally, my understanding is that desire = suffering (because the nature of "desire" is that someone wants something that they currently lack), so they should be limited.
congratulations pretentious fuck, you just decreased my quality of life by some fraction of a percent. all because you were bored out of your mind. and people wonder why i do the same.
Take estrogen and antiandrogens ;^)
Fascinating, perhaps you could tell me what "ascension meditation" involves? I've never heard of that practice. What were you "taught" while you were there? Some specific sect of buddhism or something else perhaps? It's very nice to hear you've been having good results! Admitally, I need to start meditating more myself.
bruh are these your personal videos bruh
unironically cut your balls off.
Stop hanging around people talking about how sexy and desirable women are. For a board supposedly full of misogynists, it's one of the worst boards that aren't outright porn to go on if you want 3DPD off your mind. I legitimately felt nothing for them, sexually, when a different board was my primary.
Surely we can be happy that the practice worked out for him?
"and people wonder why i do the same."
How do you mean?
heres the full video, he gets spotted at the end
i wouldn't associate desires with mental or physical suffering. for me, suffering is impossibility or just physical pain. but even if a desire is impossible, even if you consciously explore its impossibility, it is still painless and you still do not comprehend it as impossible. and thus do not despair. impossibility is not born of desire, but rather of fact. and the more intense the desire is, the less it is defined, the more it is distant from fact, the more mentally encouraging it is, and the more painless.
based creepers where can i find more like this?
i'm not happy that he encourages repression and metaphorical mental death. i like smart people.
>"and people wonder why i do the same."
i mean i'm less empathetic.
being horny for women is literally one of the most normal things to occur with men if youre not raping women or molesting kids because of how horny you get then i see nothing wrong with sexual urges idk why people keep trying to guilt us into being chaste fuck that shit
do you mean behavioral neuroscience?
I can't find any results for "evolutionary psychobiology" beyond a couple of articles
You're on Jow Forums dude, is it really a wonder why someone would not want to lust for women?
oh, trust me on this, he doesn't. his knowledge probably spans as much as a provocative, but hollow article.
>just rape her when she turns you down bro lmao the world is your oyster n shiet bro.
>implying you wouldn't do the same if you could get away with it
This unironically worked for me when I was depressed about not having a gf. but you have to be careful since there is a ton of stupid broscience in that community, in fact most of them are straight up retarded. Anyway I find a lot of them somewhat detestable now, but there's no denying that some of those ideas got me through some tough times and allowed me to become who I am today.
This sounds like some sort of advice from bleach
Oh, and it's evolutionary psychology, not whatever the fuck you said. This is exhibit A of mgtow bro-science.
She's out in public showing 80% of her ass . I don't understand.
Stop giving a shit about them but also try to understand them. I prefer to study the world around me and women, it turns out, are the dullest thing there is. They have practically zero value safe for motherhood.
What do women provide? Sex. That's it. What other things in life do you like to divulge in? Eating junk, smoking, etc. Just learn that you don't need it to be happy. The animal in you desires to be a product of nature, but sex is seriously seriously not a big deal. Especially in today's society. It only brings more problems than good.
Plus the vagina is made out of the same material as a penis. So technically you're gay if you have sex (not srs) (little srs)