I am studying to become a welder

I am studying to become a welder
Is it a good robot career?

Attached: 51-4121.00.jpg (1920x1080, 720K)

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>Slowly committing suicide through fume inhalation
Very fitting for a robot, yes.

Attached: yeah.jpg (1300x1124, 68K)

You can't get hurt by fumes if you take all the proper safety precautions retard

fucking normie scum you should want to kill yourself.

i dont know user, you tell me

I took a class that was populated entirely by welding students. They were all slightly awkward normie types. They smoked a fuck load of weed and drank so many energy drinks. Like in a class of 15 there would be 10 or more monsters on tables at a time. Nice enough.

I hope you do well and get into the big $$ welding gigs.

I've noticed the affinity for energy drinks too
Welding must be a boomer career

Learn how to roll a bitchin bead become a skilled rod burner and get good with a mig as well, it works to know both, then work at a pipe line

Good pay. The only downside is it's repetitive and boring, but that's better than being jobless.

Enjoy your health issues