Why do Asian women bully Asian men so much?

Why do Asian women bully Asian men so much?

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because people hate unattractive people

next question

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Braces are such a turn on for me it's crazy how such a minor thing makes my dick so hard. I honestly don't even know why but braces add like 3-4 points to a girls facial aesthetics imo

tfw no gf to put me in chastity

Becouse you're a pedo

>Braces are such a turn on for me it's crazy how such a minor thing makes my dick so hard. I honestly don't even know why but braces add like 3-4 points to a girls facial aesthetics imo
Fucking weirdo

Attached: 1362752513898.jpg (261x247, 9K)

I have never bullied anyone in my life

dont listen to these guys. braces are super cute on girls

>there are people who like to fuck animals, small children as eat shit but liking braces is somehow weird

>only one thing can be weird

i feel you, a girl i like uses it, so i started liking them too

>alien eyes
I wanna punch that girl in the teeth and make her cry.

r9k is aNO BULLY board


femdom gfs are extremely hard to find

Attached: Femdom football.jpg (1024x785, 690K)

2nd from the right ah pleessa

how can she look so innocent doing something ao devious?

this is pretty rare desu but i do agree asian dudes get forced into the beta image. the ones that end up working out are usually short and end up being loud and obnoxious to try and counter the quiet asian image

those girls look bored like they'd rather be staring at their phones

She's got great tits too

is that a asian man?

his penis looks too white for an asian

It's the norm, AM are sexual rejects

Looks photoshopped if you ask me


>If you wanna talk to me send me 25 amazon gift card to my email first
not gonna send her 25 bucks, i'll tell you that

I guess finding a girl that would do this is rare...
but i guarantee she would be much happier being tied up and roughly fucked, than she is caging some delta male cuck.
Thinking and jacking off to that stuff is fine, but you won't hold a girl down that way.

Nevermind I'm pretty sure she's real now..

still not paying her

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>tfw no qt asian bf
Asian men need to stop dating asian women and start going for white men tbqh


go be gay somewhere else

Chinks look like monsters

ayy lamo eyes for real

isn't that the balding hormone? why do blacks never go bald then?

That poor guy Why are women so evil?

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I would pay to have a woman do this to me

as a half asian.
I was raised around asian women.
They are the worst kinds.

get a hooker then dude they will im sure

Blacks go bald all the time but they look really cool bald unlike other races

hookers will do most things for money. I'd rather a more normal girl but finding one to do this is hard.

The bully yt too
And it's really hot

Attached: gbsaksxiQQGDltbcNmeImUtt7XPjQqsuUDTRWTXraCk.jpg (576x768, 75K)

Please dear god tell me there is more like this

These pictures are disgusting.
How low test and cucked does a man have to be to let someone do that to him.

Woah not even into that and that is hot

All women are the same my man, you're not gonna see much difference with a white,black or spanish one besides some mild cultural differences.

he looks kind of chad actually

>no gf to do this to me

>but i guarantee she would be much happier being tied up and roughly fucked, than she is caging some delta male cuck.
That's the problem in the grand scheme of things.
In a LTR a femdom will definitely cheat on you at some point or another, because she is inherently attracted to dominant men.

A chad needs the mind and personality of one too. Not with that little cock cage on.

Get those fucking uniforms off cunts
I bet those bitches would lose like 10-0 against me alone

>still not paying her
But she is definitely qt though
>dat crooked left side of her upper lip
qt as fuggg